Chapter 13: Hijackers Hell

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Mia's POV
The car was quiet for about 15 minutes after I gave the lady on the phone my brothers number. Brian's phone then rings and he immediately answered it with a, "Yeah."
Brian was listening to what ever the lady was telling him and then hang up and he looked at me and said, "Let me see this." as he grabbed the map from my hands.
Brian studied the map for a moment and then says, "All right, I think we're about 40 miles away."
"What are you gonna do?" I ask concerned and scared at the same time. Brian then looks like he didn't wanna tell me something so I ask again, "What are you gonna do?" Brian just stays quiet as he speeds up.
It was now daylight outside. Brian kept telling me that if I was tired, that I could go to sleep, but I couldn't because I was scared for my family's life, but I was also scared of being alone with Brian. It's funny how one little lie can change your whole perspective of one person.
I was looking out the window and become surprised as I see Leon holding Letty up and smoke coming from one of there cars. I knew that something bad was gonna happen, but Dom didn't wanna listen to me.
Brian caught up to the truck to then see Dom pull over to the side of the road as his car was smoking. I then look at the truck to see Vince holding on for dear life. Brian started to hit the roof of the car, so I helped him, and when the roof finally popped off, Brian yelled to me, "Here, take the wheel."
"What do you mean, take the wheel?!" I ask frantically, but Brian yells back, "Take the wheel! Put your foot on the gas!"
I was beyond scared at this point as I yelled, "What?!"
"I'm gonna get him. Put your foot on the gas!" Brian yells to me, so I yell back, "Okay! okay!"
Brian then start to climb out of the car to help Vince as he yells, "Come on. Keep it steady."
"I got it!" I yell back trying to focus on driving.
Brian then holds onto the side of the car as he yells, "All right, hold on, Vince!"
"Hey, he's having a hard time holding on! I need you to get me a little closer!" Brian yells to me so I yell, "Alright!"
I pick up the speed a little and inch my way closer to the truck.
"Closer!" Brian yells.
"I'm moving in!" I yell back.
Brian then looks at Vince and then back to me and tells me, "Hold it right there!"
Brian didn't know what time to jump, so I help him out and yelled, "Go!"
When Brian jumped on the truck, he started to in hook Vince from the wire as he said, "Vince! You got to hang on here with me right now! We're gonna get you off this thing! Give me your arm! Vince look at me! Don't let go! Come on, Vince! Throw this arm around me! Vince, don't let go! Come on!"
I was watching Vince and Brian closely. Even though I'm highly upset at Brian right now, doesn't mean that I don't care about him, because believe me, I don't think that I'll ever get over him. The truck start to sway side to side, so Brian yelled at me, "Come on, Mia! Get closer!"
I got as close as I could without getting bumped by the truck. Brian then threw Vince into the car and then Brian jumped on top of the car as the truck driver tried to shoot at him. I was driving fine, until the truck driver bumped into the wheel of Brian's car and caused us to drive into a ditch. The car came to a halt and we quickly try to get Vince out of the car to put pressure on his wounds. About a minute later, we hear another revving engine come towards us, to then realize that it was just my brother and the rest of the gang.
"V!" I hear my brother yell. I knew that once Dom found out about Brian being a cop that he was probably gonna kill him, so I didn't say anything.
Vince started coughing loudly, so Brian then yelled, "Come on Vince! Hang in there! Come on!" as he tied a belt around Vince's arm. Dom then ran over to us, so Brian told him, "If we don't get him to an ambulance in ten minutes, he's dead."
"Hold this. Hold the pressure." Brian says.
"I got it." I say back quickly as I apply pressure to Vince's arm.
I watched my brother as he used his white shirt to apply pressure to Vince's shot wound on the side of his stomach.
"Just like that. Don't let go. Hold his arm up." Brian explains.
"Vince!" I say trying to make sure that he doesn't pass out from blood loss, but it was getting harder by the second as Vince started to gasp for air. Brian couldn't take it anymore, so he pulled out his phone and called someone.
"Yeah. Yeah, this is Officer Brian O'Connor." Brian says quickly while watching Dom.
I then immediately became scared for Brian and I saw the way that Dom was looking at him.
"I'm off-duty M.A.P.D. I need a life flight roll out right away. My twenty is, uh, Highway 86, mile marker 147. I got one trauma victim, about 24 years of age, six foot. Maybe 200 pounds. He's got real deep laceration to his right arm, with arterial bleeding. And he's got a--a shotgun wound. Close range to his left flank." Brian states loudly and shaking as he's scared that Dom might kill him. I then look at my brother as he looks at me as if asking if I knew about this, so I shook my head with tears in my eyes and mouth 'No' as I knew what Dom was thinking.
"Yeah. Yeah, and he's going into shock!" Brian yells.
About 5 minutes later, the helicopter came and lifted Vince off and took him to the hospital. Dom went back to the car  hike I was standing half way from where Brian was standing and half way feo where Leon parked the car. I look at Brian with tears in my eyes remembering everything that we've went through the past couple of months, but I then look at Leon yelling something to Dom, but I couldn't hear from all of the noise that the helicopter was making.
I then turn back around to meet Brian's eyes again, but then remembered how he lied and betrayed me, and then turn around to see Dom yelling something to me, so I ran to my brother, but looked at Brian one last time with hurt in my eyes and then get into the back seat with Letty. I start to silently cry as Dom gets in the car and Leon drives off. Letty saw that I was crying and hugged me the whole way home.

•The O'Connor Siblings• Book 1 [Process of Editing&Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now