Chapter 12: Confessions

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Brian's POV
I woke up to sun shinning in through my open door from the shop. I stretched and reached for Mia, but the bed was empty. Her clothes were gone, but I felt a note under my shoulder. I picked it up as I yawned and read it.

I didn't want my brother to get suspicious, so I left early this morning to be back at the house before he woke up. I know this is gonna sound cheesy, but last night had to be the best night of my life. We should do it again sometime.
Love, Mia.

P.S. Dom is gonna want you at the shop around noon. Can't wait to see you...

I smirk at the note, and put it in my wallet as I stand up to get ready. I took a shower and got dressed. It was around 9, so I worked for a bit with Harry and then headed to a bodega for a breakfast sandwich before driving my truck to Dom's garage.

I noticed Mia in a squatting position, putting the sticker on the car. I smiled and stepped over Letty's legs, who was working under her car, and squatted down to wrap my arms around Mia from behind. "Looks good."

"Thank you." She smiled brightly. She leaned into me and I kissed her softly on her cheek. "You get any sleep last night?"

"No. But I like it that way." I stated and kiss her temple tenderly. She snickers as she leans into the kiss, but immediately tenses up when she noticed Dom standing there with a ratchet in his hand.

I swallowed and stood up nervously, Mia following right after. "I have to make a parts run to Seamy Valley for Harry." Dom stared at me with a blank expression as he lightly bounced the ratchet in his palm.

"Drive safe."

I nodded and squeezed Mia's folded arm. "Bye."

"Bye." She smiled and I walked out. I stood just outside the garage so I could listen to their conversation before I left to do what I actually needed to do.

"Isn't there a test or something you should be studying right now?" Dom asked sternly.

"Don't worry about it, Dom, I can handle it, I know what I got to do, okay?"

"No I am worried about it. You're not doing enough of it."

"Get off my back." Mia exclaimed harshly. Footsteps came in my direction and I panicked. I went to start up the car when I felt a hand pull me back.

I looked down at her with a smirk and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, hugging her small frame to my chest. "I'm sorry, that was my fault." I confessed. She snuggled into my chest as she wrapped her arms tightly around my waist. "No, it wasn't. He's just nosey."

"I wish I could stay with you all day, but I really gotta run."

I kiss her soft hair that smelled of strawberries and pulled back, but held her hands. "Do what you gotta do. I gotta study anyway." She groaned. I sighed. "I love you."

My eyes went wide as I realized what I'd just let slip out. Shit! Now she's really gonna hate me when the truth comes out. Her brows knitted together as she smirked. "What?"

Nervously, I rubbed the back of my neck. "I—uh—" I was cut off by those perfect soft lips crashing into mine. She pulled away with this gleam of happiness in her eyes but didn't let herself show it too much on the outside. "I love you too, Brian."

Deciding to make a joke out of it just to hear her laugh, I said, "Wow. I guess the sex really was that good last night." And just as I suspected, Mia laughed whole heartedly. "You're not kidding."

We said goodbye with a few more kisses before I got in my truck and she got in her car and we drove in different directions.

The rest of the day just went to shit. I thought we had enough evidence to put Johnny and his cousin in jail for good, but their father bailed them out after finding that the merch was purchase legally. All they had to their name was illegal weapons and some pretty serious speeding tickets.

•The O'Connor Siblings• Book 1 [Process of Editing&Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now