Chapter 29: Those feelings came back

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Brian's POV
"I just got off the phone with Deputy Director Lawson. If we don't make serious inroads into the Braga case in the next 72 hours, they're gonna shut us down." Agent Penning states. I sit there quietly, trying not to be a smart ass about the situation.
Agent Trinh then raised her hand and asked, "I know I'm a newbie here, but why the clock now?"
"Because it's been two years, and the last three agents we sent to infiltrate his organization have come back in body bags. He's moved more heroin across the border than Escobar did in 10 years." Penning then pulled up a map of the spots Braga did his drug deals in and pulled up the names and pictures of the agents that he's sent in but were killed.
I saw the picture of Letty and instantly felt a rush of guilt come over me.
"This guy is becoming one of our biggest national threats, and we don't even have a picture of him. We don't have prints! Not even a goddamn DOB!" Penning stated in an annoyed manner. I kept my eyes on the table that I was sitting at until Penning asked, "What's the status on David Park? Isn't he our ticket into the Braga organization?"
"We're running the name through city and county databases, sorting the possibilities. We've got over 500 already." Trinh states. And, of course, Stasiak has to say something about it. "Park's insignificant. Sounds like another jerk-off to me."
I then speak up and say, "It's not. Without Park, Braga wouldn't have drivers to move his shipments. Cross-check traffic. Illegal modifications. Street racing. This guy will defiantly have a record. We'll find him."
"We better." Penning says as he ends the conference. Trinh and I then walk out of the room and laugh.
"Well, what do you know? Your boy Toretto's red Chevelle has been spotted in his old neighborhood. I'm gonna bring his ass in." Stasiak said, trying to show off. "Not in your car, your not." I say with a straight face, causing Trinh to smirk.

Dom's POV
I drove Mia and myself to Letty's crash site. I parked the car on the side of the road and got out as Mia said, "It's straight ahead." I sighed as I looked around, eventually found myself standing in the middle of the street. I saw the tire marks all over the road and I can just picture a car slamming into Letty's side, make the car flip. I then bent down and played with some yellow goop, rubbing it in my fingers. I then heard tires screeching in the distance and then just let it all hit me at once. The way the guy crashed into Letty. The way her car flipped down the street and came to a brutal stop on its hood. The way Letty tried to pull herself out on the window. I even pictured her looking into my eyes and smile before I heard a gun shot, and everything faded.
I then look straight ahead as my jaw tightened. This should've happend. I should've stayed.

Nobody's POV
Down road from their house, Dom pulled over. Mia knew something was off, so she said, "You found something back there."
"There were burn marks on the ground." Dom started. Mia looked at him in shocked as he continued, "The kind that could only be caused by nitrometh. There's only one guy in all of L.A. That sells that."
Mia then look out the windshield and shook her head as she said, "Nothing you can do is gonna bring her back, Dom. If I were Letty, I would ask you... No, I would beg you, please, let this go. Before it's too late."
Dom then looks over at her and says softly, "It's already too late."
She give him a soft, small smile and said, "I love you." and then kissed his cheek. She opened the door without another word and walked home and Dom sped away.
Close by, Brian made a phone call on his break. After the first ring, she answered. "Hey, what's up?"
"Nothing. I just needed to hear your voice." Brian says softly as he rubs his eyes.
"What's wrong?" Jaelene asks softly, yet concerned. Brian sighs and explains the whole Braga situation and his past coming to haunt him.
"Brian, stop putting this on yourself. Letty only went because she thought it would bring Dom home. She sacrificed herself." Jae said quietly. She'd always been the type to make someone feel better on their bad days. She then finished with, "Go get something to eat. It's late in L.A. and I kind of figured that you've been working all day so get some rest. And stop stressing about this, okay? The way I see it, she died for a good cause. Her wish was for Dom to come home, and he did. This was never your wrong doing."
Brian smiled as he unwrapped his sandwich and asked, "How did I get this lucky to have an angel like you?"
Jae smiled and said, "I guess you can thank our crappy parents if we ever see them again." Brian chuckled and said, "I know, right."
There was a slight pause until Jae said, "I love you, Bri." Brian's smile faded as he nodded and said, "I love you, Jae." and the line went dead. Brian took a huge bite out of his sub as he put his phone down and started looking through some of many David Park files.
In front of her house, Mia was stopped as she was about to walk to the front door. "Miss Toretto. I'm Michael Stasiak, FBI. Let's you and I have a little chat." Mia agreed and got into the car with him and another FBI agent.

Brian's POV
The next morning, I walk out of the elevator, and look to my side to see Stasiak and Mia. I looked over there a couple of times before I reached Trinh's desk and used her phone. I needed Stasiak to get away from her.
"Hi. This is Forsynthe in Evidence. I need Stasiak down here right away to sign some greenies. Thanks." I said as I hung up the phone. I then said hi to Trinh and she said, "Hey."
"Okay, so I narrowed it down to 50 or so David Parks. What I'd like you to do is run the make and model on each one of them. All right?" I ask and Trinh says, "Okay. All right."
"Thank you." I say as I hear the door buzz and see Stasiak walk out from questioning Mia. I then make my way to the room and as soon as I walk in, I say, "Hey, Tyler, we got a transfer." I then make my way to Mia, and smile softly as I ask, "You wanna come with me?"
Mia just stared at me and grabbed her bag and followed me out.

Mia's POV
"I'm almost done." I said as I stared at my cup. Brian brought me to a dinner in downtown L.A. There was a part of me that will always love him, but there's another part that hates him or is just annoyed with him.
"Why don't you tell me why you dragged me here, Brian?" I ask calmly. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for an answer, but the first thing I got was his amazingly beautiful baby blue eyes stared back into my brown one.
"You know they're gonna capture Dom. Maybe worse." Brian says to me. I just look out the window and nod my head as he continues, "I don't want you getting tangled up in this. So stay away from him."
I close my eyes for a second and smile while I think how unbelievable he is and say sarcastically, "That's what you have to say to me after five years?" I continue to smile as I say, "All of a sudden, you care what happens to me."
I watch Brian closely, seeing that he was shaking his head and said, "What I did to you was wrong. I'm sorry. It was... It was the hardest this I've ever had to do."
I wanted so bad to believe, but I just couldn't. "I'm sorry, too, Brian. I'm so sorry that you had to come into my home and pretend to love me. I'm so sorry that you ripped my family apart. I'm very sorry that that was hard for you."
I was pissed now as I remember all of those horrible this that happened as a result of loving him.
"I lied to you. I lied to Dom. I lied to everybody. That's what I do best. It's why the Feds recruited me." Brian stated. I just nodded, and said softly, "Maybe you're lying to yourself."
Brian sighs as I continue, "Maybe you're not the good guy pretending to be a bad guy. Maybe your the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. You ever think about that?"
"Everyday." Brian says. All I could do was grab my bag and get up from the booth, and as I started to walk away, a thought nagged at my brain, so I turned back around and said, "I always wondered, why'd you let my brother go that day?"
Brian looked at me and simply said, "I don't know." I didn't know what else to say so I just gave him a small smile and walked out of the dinner.

Nobody's POV
Brian watched as Mia left, when something was nagging at his brain.
"Shit." Brian mumbled as he realized that he was still in love with her, and nobody else. Brian paid the waitress and went back to work.
"Brian!" Trinh yelled as she caught up with him with a cup and some paper work in her hands, "I got the cross-checks on David Park back and have a list of possibles."
Brian smirked and asked, "What do you got?"
"All right. A 45-year-old male in a '06 Scion with three reckless driving tickets." Trinh starts, and Brian simply says, "No."
"An '01 Chevy Tahoe." Trinh goes on and Brian again says, "No."
"Two Mini Coopers, a '06 and a '07, a Toyota hybrid."
"Hell, no." Brian said. "A '98 Saturn, a '95 Sebring. A '98 Nissan 240 with an illegal mod.--"
"Wait. That's it." Brian stops Trihn and she asks, "What?" So Brian continues, "The 240 with the illegal mod."
Trinh looks from the paper to Brian and asks, "How do you know?"
"'Cause that's something I'd drive." Brian states without hesitation.

•The O'Connor Siblings• Book 1 [Process of Editing&Rewriting]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora