Chapter 9: Mia's choice✔️

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The next day, Brian headed over to Dom's garage and met with Jesse. Jesse went over his plans for the car and how he wanted it to look. It was a real bonding moment between the two. Jess even told Brian about his attention disorder and how he got roped into the racing world.

Before Brian gave the kid a ride back to Dom's, he hung up his phone and sighed a breath he didn't know he was holding. After arriving at the Toretto family house, Brian walked in with Jesse. "Hey Mimi, where's Dom?"

"He'll be down in a minute. And Jess, you know I hate when you call me that. Don't think I didn't hear you call me that last night either." Mia smirked as she stirred a big bowl of macaroni salad. Brian smirked as Jesse put his head down and ran away like a child to the living room to wait for his friend.

"I think the nickname's adorable." Brian leaned against the wall and watched her. She shook her head and smiled. "You boys are such goofs."

Brian laughed lightly and heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs. "Jesse! Where's everyone?"

"Brian's in the kitchen and Leon said Letty and Vince were with him getting groceries." Jesse said as he followed Dom into the kitchen. Mia had started to cut up the watermelon into slices.

"There she is." Dom smiles. He kissed her head and she laughed and nudged him with her hip. "Jess, help me start the grill."

Dom and Jesse go out the back door and Brian stares at Mia. "You need help?"

Mia looked up and used the back of her hand to move the hair from her face. "I got it. Why don't you go help the boys. You can help me bring the food out later."

"Deal." Brian smirked and pushed off the wall and went outside. Mia smiled after him and went back to cutting up the watermelon and putting it all in another huge bowl.

Leon, Letty, and Vince pulled up the Toretto drive way and parked their cars. They all got out with the groceries in hand, but as soon as Vince saw Brian he immediately pushed the bags into Leon's hand. "I'm out of here."

"Come on, dog." Leon pleaded, but Vince turned back to his car. "Yo, Dom!" Leon yelled and looked at him in question, so Dom being the glue to the pack decided to intervene. "Vince, get over here and give us a hand."

"Looks like you have all the help you need, brother!" Vince yelled back. He got in his car and took off without another word.

Brian smiled inwardly and kept a straight face. He wasn't gonna make it obvious, but he didn't like the guy from the start of this whole thing. Dom shook his head and turned to the flame rising from the grill.

Brian took it upon myself and walked towards Leon and Letty. "Hey, I'll take those inside for you."

"Thanks, man." Letty said gratefully and handed the bags over. Leon mumbled a thanks and did the same. Once inside, Mia turned and asked, "Did I just hear Vince?"

"Yea. He's not too happy that I'm here and stormed off." Brian said. He handed her the bags and she nodded her head and hummed.

"I can go if you want. Just say the word. I don't wanna cause any trouble." Brian stated and pointed behind him to the door. Mia immediately looked into his eyes and replied, "No, stay. Vince is gonna have to learn that he can't chose our friends for us. He needs to grow a pair and act his age for once."

"Thanks." Brian grins as he shoves his hands in his front pockets. "Do you need help now?" Mia smirked and said, "You really are eager to help."

"I can't help it. This might make me sound sexist, but if it were up to me, you'd be relaxing, drinking a corona, and letting the guys do all the work for once." Brian admitted as he stepped closer to Mia. She giggled and shook her head. "In your dreams, Brian. If I let Jesse and Leon touch anything, this will all go to hell and there would probably be a food fight involved."

•The O'Connor Siblings• Book 1 [Process of Editing&Rewriting]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora