Chapter 31: Working for Braga

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Nobody's POV
Over the next few days, Brian and Dom worked on their cars. An agent from the FBI came down and handed Brian a small envelop, and as he took whatever was in it, out, the agent said, "Standard issue tracking device. Boss wants to know where you are at all times." As Brian looked at the device, memories from Miami flashed back into his head. 'Here we go with this shit again' Brian thought to himself.
That night, Brian showed up at race that was organized by Braga. Brian looked around to see cars everywhere.
"Hey. What are you looking at, nutsack?" A guy with long platinum blonde hair asked as the 3 girls standing at his side snickered. His name was Dwight. Brian smirked at Dwight and simply said, "I don't know. You tell me."
"The racer wants what Dwight's got. See, but, ladies, Dwight's already on the team. You gotta be fast if you want to drive for Braga." Dwight stated, and before he could continue, Gisele walked up and asked, "Is there a problem here?"
"No." Dwight said quietly and Brian chuckled. Gisele then looked over at Brian and asked, "You one of Park's guys, blondie?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am." Brian exclaimed as he nodded with a small smile on his face from his recent event. "Follow me." Gisele said as she walked with two other men in tow.
2 years ago, Gisele just left Tokyo out of the blue. She didn't even say goodbye. Jaelene and Brandon didn't even question it as they let her do her own thing. Brandon and Gisele didn't really work out in the end. Brandon wanted more than she was putting out, and all she told him was she didn't want to lead him on, and left.
As Brian followed Gisele, Dwight whispered to Brian, "See you later, punk."

Brian's POV
Gisele Harabo rounded up about 5 other guys, including Dom, and brought us up to a room where Braga's little messenger stood, playing golf. When Dom and I made eye contact, Dom smirked and I kept a straight face, trying not to break my cool.
"You all know why you're here. Good drivers are a dime a dozen. Man, every corner's got a chingadera tuner racing for pinks. That's not what Braga has got me looking for. Braga wants someone that would sell their abuelita to be behind the wheel." Ramon Campos joked. I chuckled at the grandma joke as he countinued, "Someone that drives their 10-second cars not in a straight line, but to push it and make it through places no one else would take it. Real drivers. Entiendes?"
Dom smirked and asked, "So, what are we hauling?" I was intrigued as I listened to Campos' response, "For the money Braga's paying, you don't need to know."
"You just said you wanted real drivers. A real driver knows exactly what's in his car." Dom stated, and I thought back to when he once said that to me.
The guy sitting next to Dom, Fenix, slowly stood up and said, "Mira, real driver, nobody's forcing you to race."
"You the boss? Or am I talking to the boss?" Dom states sarcastically, causing everyone in the room to look at the two. Fenix then asked, "Do I look like a boss?" Dom just stared at him until Campos said, "Papi, my job is to find the best drivers, period. Whoever wins the race gets the info. We cool?"
Gisele then walked up to my and handed me what looked like a gps and then handed the rest to the other drivers, all while Fenix was giving Dom dirty looks like he was gonna kill him then and there, so Campos asked again, "Are we cool?"
"Yeah, we're cool." Dom said bluntly and took the gps from Gisele. A racer then started complaining as he said, "No, we ain't cool, man. Uh, who's closing these streets?"
"No one. That's the point." Campos says while chuckling.

Nobody's POV
Soon after, the racers got in their cars and waited while the GPS turned on and said, "Please wait while directions are downloaded."
Everyone was parked at the starting point and waited for the GPS to tell them to go. "Proceed to the highlighted route." The GPS then started to count down from 10 and when it got to six seconds, Dom turned to Brian and asked, "You sure you want to do this?"
...five... "A lot has changed." Brian said with a smirk. .....four...... "You're right..... Three, two, one, GO! And with that, the racers took off with Dom in the lead, of course.
"Right turn ahead. You are now five miles from your destination." The GPS spoke as the racers turned right and raced down the streets. Brian drifted too far on his turn and almost crashed, but luckily he shifted his gear just in time. For the cars in the street, well, let's just say it wasn't pretty.
The racers continued one by one swerving in different lanes trying to get I front of eachother. One of the racers got in front of another and yelled, "How's my ass look, Chia Pet?"
"Ghetto Smurf." The driver says back. Brian was in the lead until he was in between a semi and van that slowed down, so being behind the semi, Dom went into the other side of the street where cars were coming at him fast, swerving trying not to get hit. "Dead man driving." The racer stated as he saw Dom's game.
"Right turn ahead." The GPS said and the racers turned right a few seconds apart. One driver crashed and instantly died which cause the other to look back and say, "Oh Shit!" which cause him to crash, making a car flip over Brian's.
"Damn." Brian stated and then focused on racing again. "Rerouting....Rerouting....proceed straight ahead."
Brian didn't listen to the GPS as he went down an alleyway, trying his best to try and beat Dom and another racer. Coming fast, Bri almost hit innocent bi-standards on the street, but he honked his horn like a maniac, causing every single one of them to scream and freak out. "Shit."
"Just Shut Up!" Brian yelled as 'she' kept talking, "You are 2.6 miles from your destination."
Dom and the other racer were side by side when the guys bumped into Dom's side and said, "Oops, I didn't see you." Dom shook it off as he just kept driving. "You are now four and one-half miles from your destination." Brian heard as he crashed the back of his car, but kept going. He then saw over a cliff, Dom and the other racer and continued down his little path. "U-turn, if possible."
"Are you kidding me?!" Brian yelled and the GPS continued, "You are now 4.2 miles from your destination."
Seeing a building up ahead, Brian thought 'fuck it' and said aloud, "Sorry, car." and went down the hill and lands right behind Dom as the GPS rerouted itself and said, "You are now one mile away from your destination."
"Yeah, guess who's back, Dom?" Brian yelled happily. Fighting for the lead, the other racer crashed leaving Dom in first and Brian following close beside him. While drifting to the right, Dom bumped Brian which caused him to yell, "Bitch!"
"You are now one-quarter mile from you destination." Dom then pushed his NOS button which caused Brian to smirk and say, "Too early, Dom." and then a few seconds after, Brian pushed his. Brian was coming up fast and started to pass Dom.
Dom then started to panic because he's never been beaten a day in his life, so he bumped the back corner of Brian's car, causing him to lose control.
"No!" Brian yelled aggressively. Dom smirked seeing that he won and said, "Still a buster." Pulling up to the cheering crowd, Dom drifted into an invisible parking spot, with Brian parking his car a few feet behind.
"At least we know you can't beat me straight up." Brian yelled. Dom smirked and said, "I didn't know there were any rules."
Fenix then comes over speaking Spanish and then states while clapping, "Now that's what I call real driving."
"No, that's bullshit, man!" Brian yells and Fenix replies, "Go cry to your mama, eh?" Brian then walks away as Campos shakes hands with Dom and says, "You work for Braga now. When the GPS calls, you follow." Dom nodded and then Campos and his boys walked away, leaving Gisele.
"Drivers license." Gisele stated. "What drivers license?" Dom said with a smirk. Gisele then got out her phone and said, "Thumb." The phone showed a finger print and a bunch of other things to be put under Dom's info. Dom put his thumb print in and then Gisele said, "Cell phone number."
Dom then looked at Gisele confused, so to clear up the air she said, "The print in for Campos. The number is for me." Dom smirked and looked her up and down.
"Yo, nutsack! Let me tell you something, man, muscle beats import every time. You know what I'm saying? Every time!" Dwight states as Brian drives by while looking at his rearview mirror and smirked. "Ladies, let's get on back to Papa Dwight's."

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