Chapter 5: Race Wars Part I✔️

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Brian's POV
After hanging up with my sister, I walk into the garage to see Harry on the phone. I duck my head and head to my room, but he quickly hangs up the phone and follows behind me. "Brian, your messing with my business." I rinse the blood out of my mouth at the sink as Harry continues.

"When Dominic drives, he's golden. Kids come in here and want everything he has, all the performance parts, and they pay cash!" I spit the water out and ask, "What did Dominic say."

"You don't wanna know." Harry says quickly. I rinse my mouth once more and ask again. "What did Dominic say?"

"He wants you out of here." Harry shouts. I turn and looked at Harry and walked to the other side of the room to get a shirt and question him. "He wants me out of here?"

"Yes!" Harry whined. I took off my shirt and replaced it with a new one and asked, "And what did you say to Dom?" Harry looks from the wall to me and shrugs. "What do you think I said?! I told him that good help is hard to find."

I looked back to see Harry put his head in the crease of his arm and lightly tug his hair as he stressed out. "Hey, relax." A part of me New he was thinking that if this all goes to hell, he was going down too. But Harry seemed like a good business man, and I wasn't gonna let that happen.

I started to back track to the car magazine that I had left on the counter of the café and remembered wondering how Letty and her friends got their cars to go faster than normal, and then it hit me. All over this garage were clues that I never paid attention to. "NOS. I need NOS."

I walked out of my room and into the shop with Harry following close behind stating, "No." I ignored his answer and kept walking until I was standing in front of the NOS case and explained, "My car topped out at a hundred and forty miles per hour this morning."

Harry rushes to my side, grabbed my arm and looked me in the eyes as he said, "Amateurs don't use nitrous oxide! I've seen the way you drive, you've got a heavy foot. You'll blow yourself to pieces."

I looked from Harry to the NOS case and pointed at the largest tank. "I need one of these. One of the big ones." Then again, since I am an amateur racer, I'm gonna need more than one tank if I'm gonna come anywhere close to beating Toretto in a race. "Actually, no, let's make it two. And Harry, I need it by tonight."

Jaelene's POV
Today was one of those days that Oliver warned us about. We didn't get much business coming in. He explained when we first came that sales days will have their highest of highs and their lowest of lows. And sometimes, the business didn't die down for a few months.

I looked up to the slightly crowded city and saw five race cars drifting, causing city goers to part like the Red Sea.

"Woah." I stated in amazement. Brandon ran in from the back and said, "Did you just see that? That was epic!"

I furred my brows and giggled. "Calm down Bee. You're getting a little too excited over there." Brandon rolled his eyes as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the back of the garage. "I have an idea that I think you're going to love."

I started to protest about the front being unsupervised but a girl does like surprises. "I was saving this as my birthday present to you, but I think you should have it right now. This way, you can learn how to use it and we can have some fun when we're not at work." Brandon guides me in between a customers car and a car that had been covered up in the garage for weeks.

I was confused until I realized that it looked exactly like a car I had shown Brandon from a magazine that I said I liked. My eyes went wide and my hands flew up to my mouth as I walked up to the sports car and admired its beauty. "Oh my God, Brandon. Did you make this?!"

•The O'Connor Siblings• Book 1 [Process of Editing&Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now