Chapter 23: Tokyo Drift and First Dates

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Hey guys! Sorry it took so long for me to update, I'm just tryna keep up with all of this school work. Let's just say that my high school medical classes are stressful. Anyway, I wrote this during 2nd period so sorry if this chapter is weak or stupid. Thanks for the responses! Enjoy!

Jaelene's POV

Throughout the week, Han and I talked for a bit. Brandon kept saying that we should date already, but I don't think that I was ready.

It got to the point where Bran would make it an everyday thing, for Han to come over. He would push us both into the back room or say that he needed "help" on fixing a car, but when we turn around, he'd be gone.

Don't get me wrong, I love Brandon and I appreciate what he's doing, but...sometimes, he can be a little too much.

It was Saturday afternoon and Brandon closed the shop early because he wanted to take me to a Drift race, and when we arrived, Bran introduced me to some of his newly found buddies, Sean and Twinkie.

Sean told me about his story, getting into trouble with his mom too many times for racing, and then getting shipped down here to live with his dad. Twinkie...well, he just lives here. Come to find out, Sean and Twinkie will be going to the school that Brandon and I will be attending for our senior year.

Good to know that I'll have 2 friends there. Anyway, when we were done talking about our life stories, I spot Han across the way, smirking at me. I smile and wink in his direction and then look back to Brandon and the boys.

Just then, the D.K. came and raced against Sean, and Sean lost bad. And by that, I mean, he totally trashed his car.

"Sean!? What were you thinkin' man? That was Han's car, dude!" Twinkie yelled quietly at Sean while pulling him out of the crushed car, all while Han shook his head. I don't think he even cared about the car.

"I lost control! It's my fault, I take full responsibility." Sean states quickly, patting himself down to check for any injuries. I giggled at his strong southern accent which made him only glare at me.

I then smirked as I turn my head to look for Brandon to see him standing next to Han, nod at something Han said, and headed in my direction.

I just stood there in my navy blue short-shorts, my white tank top, and white nike's as Brandon told me calmly, "I'm about to race your lover boy over there and he wanted me to tell you something."

"Ok. What is it?" I ask curiously and Brandon simply states, "He said, if he wins, you have to go out on a date with him, and if I win, your still going with him because he's not taking no for an answer."

I smirk as I look over Brandon's shoulder at Han, to see him staring back at me with a small smile. I then look towards Brandon again and nod my head.

The boys then do their thing and race. Han came in 1st, no surprise there, and to be honest, I actually do wanna go on a date with him.

Brandon and Han got out of their cars and shook hands. "Good race, man." Brandon says to Han. "And don't worry. I put in a good word for you. I think she's all in for it."

Han smirked as he saw me approach Brandon, but didn't say a word. Instead, I tapped Bran's shoulder and said, "I'm pretty sure I can speak for myself. And you sucked out there. No offense..."

Brandon turned around with a nervous look as I caught him talking about me, but then his look changed to a sarcastic one. "Gee, thanks Jae. No need to rub it in!"

I giggle as he walked away to speak with Twinkie and Sean, leaving Han and I alone.

"So, about that date-" I started, but Han interrupted me by saying, "Um, I know. Uh, you don't have to if you don't wan-" but this time, I interrupted back as said, "No! It's fine, I want to. Trust me, I won't do anything that I'm not all in for...but I'm totally looking forward to tonight. That is, if you are."

Han smirked at me as he gave in, "No, yeah, I'm in for tonight. How about I pick you up at, let's say, around 8?" I smiled back and I think I even blushed a little as I said, "Sounds good. I'll see you at 8." and walked off.

Nobody's POV

After the Drift race, everyone parted their separate ways. Brandon and Jaelene went back to their apartment to get ready for their dates. Apparently, Brandon met this girl, Gizelle, and she asked him out for a couple of drinks.

Anyway, Jae took a quick shower and changed into a pair of white ripped skinny jeans with a baby blue tank top covered with a black leather jacket.

She then walked over to the side of her bed to put on her socks and black Nike's. For her hair, she quickly towel dried it and threw a black headband on with some blue rose earrings.

Jae didn't need make up, but she did need lip gloss. It was now 7:52 pm when she was done getting ready, leaving Brandon to do whatever. He said that he had a date with a Brazilian woman named Giselle.

They met yesterday night downstairs in the garage.

Jae was cleaning up the garage when the door opened to reveal a tall brunette woman. She walked up to the desk and asked in a heavy brazilian accent, "Hello. Are you a mechanic?"

"No. But my friend in the back is. I can bring you to him if you want." Jaelene says with a smile. Giselle seems like a really nice girl.

Giselle simply nods her head, so Jae walks out from behind the counter and guides her to the back of the store, to Brandon who had been tuning up Jaelene's car.

"Bran!" Jae yelled calmly, causing Brandon to jump in surprise. She giggled as she continued, while pointing at Giselle, "This is Giselle and she said that she needs a mechanic. Giselle this is my bestfriend and mechanic, Brandon West."

Jaelene smirked as she left them to talk about whatever and returned to cleaning.

Lets just say that Jaelene O'Connor is a little match maker. Anyway, Brandon and Giselle hit it off and apparently, she likes him enough to date him. It was now 8:55, so Jae made her way downstairs to hear not only Brandon and Giselle, but Han.

"So, I'm gonna take her there and then I guess we'll see where it goes." Han tells Brandon as Jae stops on the middle of the stairs. She just stands there, continuing to listen to their conversation.

"Alright. That sounds like a plan. Giselle and I are gonna go see a movie and then go out for a late night walk, so if things start to get hot and heavy-"

And that was her que to run down the stairs and stop their conversation. "Hey guys! Giselle, its nice to see you again!" I say while slightly blushing as we hugged.

"You heard that didnt you?" Giselle whispers while smirking. Jaelene just nods and blushes a little more. Giselle nudged her side and said, "You'll be fine. Go have a great time."

'How did I get so lucky to make such wonderful friends?' Jae asked herself.

"You too. Knock him dead." Jaelene say jokingly. Brandon and Giselle then left, leaving Han and Jae alone. They both stood in awkward silence for about 5 minutes until Jaelene broke it and asked, "So... Where are you taking me?"

Quite frankly, they were both extremely nervous. "Oh, right. Um, well, I was thinking, maybe we can go to dinner, maybe see a movie or something..." Han states calmly. Although, he did have nervousness in his tone... Jae just pushed all of her thoughts aside as she states, "Yeah. That sounds great."

"Let's go then." Han says with a genuine smile as he puts his hand on Jae's lower back and guides her out of the garage. About 20 minutes of driving later, they ended up at a club.

Han and Jae got in, ordered some food, and sat at a table. It was about fifteen minutes after they both had finished eating, that they started to order drinks, and let me tell you... Jaelene had one too many.

•The O'Connor Siblings• Book 1 [Process of Editing&Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now