Chapter 25: Los Bandoleros Pt.1

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Brian's POV
It been about 6 months since Jae and I last saw each other face to face. It's been 5 months since I got back into the F.B.I. Industry. It's been almost 2 years since I've last seen Mia, 2 years that Jesse's been dead, 2 years since I let Dom escape. I can't help but think what might've been if I hadn't intervened in their family. Jesse would still be alive, Letty, Dom, and Leon would've stayed, and Mia wouldn't be alone.

Mia's POV
I laid on the couch watching the news. I would always check every day to make sure that nothing came up on my brother, and when it did, all that the news reporter said was that the cops are still on the 'look out'. I can't believe that it's been almost 2 years since my world was completely shattered. I'm mad at Dom for leaving, but I'm mostly mad at myself for not making him stay. Everyone is gone. Before Dom left, he said that Vince was ok, and to not make contact with anyone. He left me to deal with Jesse's body. I called his family and told them what happend, but they didn't seem to care, so I had a funeral for him. I was the only one there. Weeks turned into months, and still no word from Dom, until it was the night before my birthday.

I made myself a sandwich and grabbed a beer. Dom couldn't tell me otherwise since he's not here and he hasn't been home for almost a year. I sat in front of the tv and started flipping through the channels when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID to see that it was an unknown number, so I answered it.
"Hello?" I ask into the phone. I hear a soft sigh and then a familiar voice. "Mia."
"Dom?!" I ask, tears forming in my eyes. "Yeah. Look I'm sorry that I left, even when I promised that I never would. Not after what happened to Dad." Dom stated in his deep voice. Tears ran down my face as I said, "I know. It's ok. If I was in the same situation I would've left too. But this wasn't your fault Dom, it was mine. If I hadn't fallen for him, we--"
"Mia, stop... This is my mess, not yours. Look, I don't have a lot of time... Whenever I call, we can only talk for a few minutes and then I have to go. Just remember, don't call me, I'll call you... I just wanted to hear your voice." Dom states and then sighs loudly and finishes, "Happy Birthday, Mia." and hangs up the phone. I dropped my hand as more tears slid down my face.
End of flashback.

After that, I rarely heard from him. Letty calls every weekend to check up on me. I guess I can always count on her to make me feel better.

3 years later...

Jaelene's POV
It's been 5 years since I've been back in the states. Bri called every month to check up on Brandon and I, or he called when he wasn't busy with work. Han and I started off great a few years ago, but we thought it was better if we were good friends and take things slow. I haven't seen him in 2 years cause he's been traveling, and honestly, I miss him. Brandon and I finished high school with Sean and Twinkie and we've just been all about racing for the past 3 years. When I'm not working, I'm either hanging out with Giselle or were all racing. I'm glad that Bran found someone who makes him happy. That's one thing that I haven't had in a while. Happiness...

Letty's POV
After I ditched L.A. with Leon, we went our separate ways. Vince called just to tell us that he was out of the hospital, but he wasn't coming back. Not that I would care, it's his choice. I was in Mexico for the past year, but thought I'd better go searching for Dom, and before I did that, I had to make a quick stop.
I pulled up to the house I basically grew up in and parked my car in the drive way. I let out a slow breath as I got out of the car and made my way to the front door. I knocked twice, and when there was no answer, I rang the door bell.
"I'm coming, God!" Mia yelled. I smirked and thought 'she hasn't changed'. When the door opened, I heard Mia gasp as she saw me.
"Letty! Oh my god!" Mia exclaimed as she pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged her and rubbed her back in a comforting gesture. "How've you been?! Where's Leon?" Mia asked while looking over my shoulder as if Leon came with me. I shook my head and said, "I came alone, Mia. And I don't know where he is. We went our separate was as soon as we left this place."
Mia then pulls me into the house and shuts the door and asks sadly, "So you don't know where Dom is."
I look at her with a concerned look and say, "No, honey, I don't." I then grab her hands in mine and say with a warm smile, "But I promise you, I will find him, and I will bring him home." Mia smiles and asks, "When do you leave? I'm assuming that's why you came here. To check up on me before you head back on the road to find him."
I chuckle and state, "You know me so well. And I'm heading out in 30 minutes or so."
In those 30 minutes, Mia and I talked about the 5 years we missed. Her going to Med school for a year, working at the dinner for a little extra money, and coming home exhausted from her long shifts at the hospital. She does volunteer work. Mia's not into the whole 'Doctor' thing. I, on the other hand, was in Mexico for 5 years, visiting family and out of those 5 years, I spotted Dom once, but I didn't bother to tell Mia that.
Mia and I then said our goodbyes, I got in my car, and raced to the highway. There's only one place that I can think of that Dom would be...
I left my car in Mexico and hopped on a plane to Florida and then hopped on another plane to the Dominican Republic. As soon as I landed, I went to the bathroom to change clothes, and then I hopped into a cab and asked the driver if he knew who Dominic Toretto was. He said yes and rumor has it, he would be at a club tonight on a business deal. I then got out of the cab and paid my fee when I reached my destination.
I walked into the club full of dancing people and blaring music. 'If I was Dom, where would I be?' I asked myself. As I made my way to the back of the club, I spotted him with two women all over him. Dom kissed them both on their cheeks, slowly, with his arms wrapped around their shoulders. I stopped just a few feet away from him, when he suddenly looks up and notices me.
I stood their, smirking, while chewing my gum. "It ain't that hard to track you down! All I gotta do if follow the odor of skanks." I say with a smile, while rolling my eyes. Dom sat there with a growing smile as I folded my arms over my chest and smirked, waiting for him to say something after 5 years.
"Letty." Dom said Ina deep Spanish accent. "Life has a way of changing one's plans."
I giggle and ask the girls, "¿Tú oye éste? (You hear this one?) Change of plans." I then chuck my duffle bag at Dom, which he catches, and ask, "Where do we sleep?" Dom then looks at both girls and says, "Excuse me, ladies." and stands up, walking over to me. I tried to keep a straight face, but Dom kept smiling at me while he was walking up to me, so it's kinda hard to keep a straight face when I'm with him.
"That's right. All the way from Mexico, sucker. Mmhmm." I say with a smile and Dom just caresses my face a gives me a kiss. I quickly wipe my mouth as I stand up and say, "Yo no quiero la saliva de Ella. (I don't want to taste their saliva...)" causing Dom to laugh as he wrapped his arm around me and we left the club.

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