Chapter 38: My Girl?

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Han's POV
After getting our keys, Jaelene and I tell Brandon that we're going out for the night.
"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Jae asks as I speed down some streets. I then looked over and smirked, "Look now."
We were both at a street race. Jae giggled and shook her head. "Men and their cars and ego's."
"Well Bran told me that you've never actually been in a race, so I thought I could race and you can feel what it's like." I stated as I pulled up to the dealer and paid my dues.
Including my car, there were 3 others lined up. We all revved our engines. The windows were down and the dude in the car next to us lowered his down and said to Jaelene, "Hey baby. Wanna come over here and ride my stick?" I looked over at him as Jae looked at me and asked quietly, "Is he talking to me?" I clenched my jaw as I nodded my head and Jae slowly turned towards the guy, as the girl came in front of the cars to start the race, and said, "Sorry! I almost mistook you for a girl, hearing that your voice is annoyingly high! And plus... just by looking at you, there's no stick to ride!"
And with the end of her sentence, every car but the guy who was trying to hit on my girl sped down the street. Wait...did I just say my girl? Well, she may not be my girl for long, because I still haven't told her that I'm leaving.

Nobody's POV
"Sir, players are onsite. Holding positions at the perimeter." One of the co-workers stated in a metal crate. Brian and Dom were standing just outside those crates.
"All right. Listen up. Everybody stay frosty. We don't move a muscle until O'Connor gives the signal. When he gets the money, you know what to do." Stasiak spoke into his earpiece, to the swat team while they were watching the warehouse cameras very closely.
Brian and Dom waited patiently. "Well, the good news is, when we get this guy, you walk out of here a free man."
Dom smirked and asked, "Is that what they told you?"
"Yeah, that's the deal." Brian said confidently. Dom smiled and asked, "You still put milk and cookies out for Santa Claus?"
Brian chuckled and quietly said, "Yeah." 1, as a joke, but 2, because he knew that they weren't gonna let Dom go just like that. Brian knew that there would always be a catch no matter what he did.
Just then, Campos and his guys come in multiple cars. "Here. In case things go shitty." Brian stated as he handed Dom a single car key.
Reaching for it, Dom smiled and questioned, "Just like old times?"
"Yeah." Brian said in a soft voice, getting a little anxious as he sees Fenix get out of his car, with his gun in hand, rushing over towards them.
"Oye. You dropped something. That's what you wanted, right? ¡Toma!" Fenix asks with a smug and cocky look on his face.
"Dom..." Brian starts, out of fear, but to their luck, Campos jumped in front of Fenix and said, "Calmaté."
"¡Toma! ¡Vamo!" Fenix yelled again, with arms held outwards while Campos tried again, "Calma."
Fenix finally gave up and Campos made his way over to Brian and Dom.
"He's harmless. Don't worry about him." Campos started as Dom and Fenix had what looked like a staring contest.
"And he's really sorry about Letty." Those words grabbed Dom's attention.
"Where's our stuff?" Campos asked. Brian gave him a little glare and then walked over to a huge black brief case and asked, "You mean the stuff that used to be in here, right?"
Brian opened the case to reveal not a single penny. Campos started to smirk as Brian continued, "Well, you'll see it when we see Braga. That was the deal." Brian then slammed the case shut and walked back over to Dom.
"No worries. Braga keeps his word." Campos exclaims while turning around and giving a little hand gesture to one of the cars. The door opens up and a man what looked like to be in his mid 50's stepped out in a gray suit. Brian and Dom stared at everyone in the room extremely carefully.

Back at the station, Trinh's data search started beeping.

"$2 million. You get the rest when I get my property." Braga states sternly.

Inside the crate, Stasiak's phone rings and he answers.
"We got a match. The fingerprints Braga's 100%. Just waiting on facial confirmation via fax." Trinh rushes out. Stasiak then leans down and watches the man in the gray suit while Brian says, "I got a question for you. You wearing pink when you were clawing your way out of the El barrio?"

"Order all agents to move in. We got confirmation. Primary suspect wearing gray suit. Let's move." Stasiak states after he hangs up with Trinh.
The co-worker then yells out, "Sir, O'Connor hasn't given us the signal yet."
"What part of that didn't you understand? We just got confirmatiom. Do it!" Stasiak states sternly. No wanting to get in trouble by their boss, the agent gives in and states, "Secure primary suspect in gray suit. Repeat! Secure primary suspect in gray suit."
The swat team then make their way out of their crate.

Trinh is at the office, anxiously waiting for the identification to come through the fax machine.

Braga then starts to get nervous and antsy, looking from Dom to Brian. Dom then looks over at Gisele and she give him a look like 'You know.'
"You're thinking what I'm thinking, right?" Brian asks Dom, seeing that Braga is figiting. Dom then simply says with a tight, glaring face, "He ain't Braga."

Trinh then gets the paper through and holds it up to see the name 'Arturo Braga' and as soon as she looks at the picture underneath...
"Oh shit."

"Drop your weapons, FBI!" The men in the swat team yell as they come charging out from behind the crates.
"Get down!" Brian yells to the imposter and Dom as Braga's men and the swat team start a cross fire.
"Get out of here! Get out of here, Dom!" Brian grunts frantically, scared for his life and his friends.
Dom, slouched down while standing, looks up to see braga get in the car with Fenix.
"Run him down." Braga states and Fenix revved his engine and hit some of his "crew".
"Go! Campos is Braga!" Brian yelled to Dom. Dom took off running in Gisele's direction. She was trying to get out when she froze in front of Fenix's car like a deer in headlights. Dom tackled her on top of Brian's car. They both slid off with Dom on top of Gisele, and he quickly said, "Come on." and they both got into the car and sped off.
After the shoot out was over, the swat leader said, "Approaching primary target. Primary suspect is secure."
As the swat leader places the imposter in cuffs, Brian stands up, out of breathe, no believing what just went down.

"He was under your nose the whole time. Now Braga's escaped. Toretto's heading south, probably long across the border by now. Do you have any idea the kind of trouble you're in, O'Connor?" The investigator questions. Brian, sitting in an office chair said plainly, "I was doing my job."
"He ain't the first bad guy you helped escape the law's grasp." The first investigator stated. The second investigator chimed in and stated, "As of now, you're being taken off active duty, until this house can mount a formal inquiry."
As the investigators stood up from their seats, Brian asked, "What about Braga?"
The second investigator turned his head before walking out the door and said snarkly, "That's no longer your concern."
After the two men walked out, there was a moment of awkward silence. Penning sighed annoyingly and Trinh look down, in fear of getting yelled at. Stasiak had a cocky look as if the whole situation wasn't his fault, when in fact it was and Brian was to blame.
"We now know where Braga is, right?" Brian asked and Trinh spoke up, "Customs tracked him via satellite to his home base in Tecali, Mexico."
"Mexico is out of our jurisdiction. The fact is, the brass will be so busy holding press conferences over the seizure, we'll skate under the radar." Penning sat down as he explained. Brian got ticked off as he spoke loudly, "I thought we signed on to do the right thing."
Penning looked at his hands as he hung his head low like a dog who was being punished.

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