Chapter 24: One night stand?

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Jaelene's POV
I opened my eyes, but closed them quickly because of the excruciating pain that was coming from my head. I then reopened my eyes to adjust them to the light coming from the window.
'What the hell happend last night?' I thought to myself as I tried to move, but something was holding me down. I look to my side to see Han fast asleep with his arm hanging over my waist. I then start to panic, so I instantly check to see if I had clothes on, and to my luck, atleast I had underwear on...
Closing my eyes again, I try to recall what happend last night to only get flahes of sitting at a bar with Han and drinking. I then thought 'Theres only one person that knows what happened last night.'
"Han..." I whispered gentley. He started to stir and groan while mumbling things. I giggled softly, one, not to give myself more of a headache, and two, because he was cute.
"Han, get up." I say again, and he opened his eyes and looked at me. "Hmm. Good morning sleeping beauty." Han said with a small smirk while he stretched.
I smiled and said, "Morning." My smile faded as I asked nervously, "So... What happened last night after we got drinks? Cause I cant remember a thing after that."
Han grinned as he sat up and faced me.
"Well lets see, we went on a date, we drank, you had like 6 different drinks that I can not dream to name, Brandon asked if he could have some "alone" time with Giselle, so I brought you back here where you tried to give me a strip tease and a lap dance, and one thing led to another and we did some unmentionable things..."
I just stared at Han with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, horrified that I would do something like that.
Han then bursted out in chuckles as he assured me, "Im joking! Well, it was all true up until the Brandon thing. I made up the rest."
I then sigh in relief, but then smack Han on his shoulder and say sternly, "Dont ever do that again! You really had me thinking that we had a one night stand!"
Hans smirk faded as he stated seriously, "I would never, under any circumstances, take advantage of you. Im not that type of guy."
I sat there in shock and awe. I kind of don't really know what to say right about now, so I just went with, "Thanks." Han smirked and nodded slightly and then leaned to the end of the bed and reached for a piece of clothing and handed it to me.
"Um, here's your shirt. I think your pants are on the floor somewhere." Han states nervously. I quickly snatch the shirt out of his hands and put it on, leaving me in my panties. I then take a deep breath and sigh, "I'm guessing that you've already seen me practically naked cause of last night, so I'm just gonna get up to find my pants."
Han smiled and said, "Be my guest." I threw the covers off of my legs and slowly stood up. My headache calmed down a bit, but I would still have to take some aspirin later. I searched the bed, but didn't find my pants. I just stood there and tried to think where they could be. Giving up on thinking, I started to look around the room to then see them next to the dresser.
I looked towards Han to tell him that I found them, to then catch him eyeing me up and down with this fire in his eyes. He looked up to see that I was blushing from catching him staring at me, so he cleared his throat nervously and asked, "Did you find them?"
"Uh, yeah. They're next to the dresser." I stated, turning away to look at the balled up fabric lying on the ground. I then think of a way to get Han back for lying to me, when a thought hit me.
Smirking, I bent over with my ass in the air to tease him. I felt his eyes on me as I slowly grabbed the pair of skinny jeans and slowly stood back up.
And just when he least expected it, I turned my head with a smirk and asked, "Like what you see?" Han made eye contact with me and cleared his throat once more and said, "Uhm, if I say yes, will you hurt me in anyway?"
I then giggle and say, "No. I mean it's your opinion... So... Is that a yes?" facing Han while pulling my pants up. Han smiled genuinely as he agreed, "Yeah. I did, and I still do." I blushed and smiled back as I thought 'He will be the only man I let flirt with me and get away with it.'
About 15 minutes later, Han and I got back to my place. "Even though I can't remember most of last night, I still had fun." I say as I reached the front door. Han smiled and shoved his hands into his front pockets as he said, "It was my pleasure to give you a great night, and might I add a very eventful morning!" Han and I laugh in sync and when the laugher died down after a minute or so, I leaned in to planted a kiss on Han's cheek, but he turned his head. I stood there in shock, not being able to move as we kissed for a good 5 seconds. Han pulled away with a smirk and I stood there, wide-eyed, with nothing to say until Han broke the awkward, but comforting silence.
"Wow, I wasn't expecting that. We should go on more dates from now on." I just nod as I take small steps backward and manage to get out, "Yeah, sure."
I then said thank you again, and when I went to turn around, I walked right into the door. I heard Han chuckle, so I turn around and send a small smile towards him and say goodbye one last time as I open the door and practically run inside.
I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in when I heard Han's car drive away. I then replayed the events that occurred about 2 minutes ago and squealed once I understood what happened... I, Jaelene O'Connor, just had my first real kiss!

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