Chapter 14: Its about Brian...

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Jaelene's POV
It was about two weeks after I last spoken to my brother. And in those two weeks I also got over my flu. It was a Saturday night, so I went to sleep late. I was rudely awoken by Brandon about 3 hours after I fell asleep.
"Jae! Get up!" Brandon said frantically.
I groan into my pillow and said, "If your not dying, I don't wanna here it."
"Jae, stop! Get up, now! It's about Brian!" Brandon says.
As soon as Brandon said Brian, I shot out of bed and ask, "What? What happend?!"
"Go watch the News. It's on world wide." Brandon says frantically.
We both then ran to the T.V. like little kids would run to their presents on Christmas Day. When I looked at the screen, I see Brian's picture plastered on it and the caption said that he helped a criminal get away and he was now on the run.
"Oh my god... Why would he do this? He just gave up his career!" I shout.
Brandon shook his head and said, "I don't know. But why do I have a feeling that your gonna try and keep him out of trouble?"
I sigh and rub my forehead and say, "Because you know me so well, and you know that I know where he's gonna be hiding out at, and that I need to go and stop him from making the biggest mistake of his life."
Brandon sees how frustrated I am, so he pulls me into a hug and says, "If it's what you have to do then go. I'll be fine here."
"Are you sure? Cause I don't wanna leave if you need me to help you with some stuff. I don't want you to have to do it by yourself." I say being a good friend.
Brandon chuckles and says, "I'll be fine! Just go pack your things right now. I'll get on the computer and get your tickets for the plane."
I sigh and then kiss Brandon's cheek and say, "Thank you. You know I love you right?"
"Yeah, yeah. Love you too." Brandon says and then pushes me and says, "Go!"
I packed some clothes and the things I will need because I don't know how long I'll be in Miami. The only reason I know that Brian is going to Miami is because Brian and I think alike and we've actually talked about going to Miami if we ever got in trouble.
About an hour later, it was 4:30 am, I said goodbye to Brandon and got on the first plane out of Japan to Miami. Man, this is gonna be a long flight...

Nobody's POV
In Miami, it was 10:00pm and there was a race about to go down. People were closing off the roads for the race.
"Yo, Jimmy, man, give me the status. Tell me we good."
"We got it man." Jimmy says.
"Beautiful. It's gonna be an all-timer tonight." Tej says smiling and hangs up the phone.
Tej then walks out of his friends garage and yells, "All right, all right, all right. Fire 'em up! We go live in five. It's time for ignition and straight automobile pimp. Let's do it, man. Let's go."
Cars started revving their engines, music was playing, and everyone was having a good time.
The racers were already at the starting line, except for one.
"Whoa, whoa, man. Wait a second, man. You cats are first wave, man. Where's your fourth at?" Tej asks Suki, Slap Jack, and Orange Julius.
"Yo, it was Joaquin, but he had to work graveyard shift." Jack said.
Tej made a confused face and said, "What? Graveyard shift, man?"
"Yo, why don't you just run with us, Tej?" Jack asks.
"Hell, no, I'm not runnin' with y'all, man. And I tell you what. Either you find a fourth or you don't race. How bout that huh?" Tej says honestly.
Julius then tries to be funny and says, "We should find two so we don't have to roll with skirt here. Haha. Un carro rosita. (On Rosita car.)"
The crowd then ooh's so Suki says fuck you in sign language and says, "Idiota! (Idiot!)"
Julius starts to say some stupid stuff in Spanish, so Tej decides to think about a really good racer and says aloud, "Whoa. Whoa. Wait a second. Why don't I just find y'all a fourth and we settle this on the streets, huh?"
Suki smiles at Tej and says, "Bring him on."
"Anybody I want? No matter who it is." Tej asks and Suki, Jack, and Julius all agree. Tej then gets out his phone and dials a number.
"Yeah." The man says from the other line.
"Yeah, man. You wanna race tonight?" Tej asks.
The guy was non other than mr. Brian O'Connor. "Yeah. You know I could use the money."
"You got four minutes man." Tej exclaims with a smirk.
Brian the grabs some clothes and says, "All right. I'll be there."
Tej chuckles as he knows that Brian will be out side in no time because Brian was living with Tej in the garage.
"The race starts in four minutes!" Tej says and the crowd cheers.
Jack was leaning on his car, waiting, so his girl comes up to him and asks, "You think we gonna win baby?"
"What do you think?" Jack shoots back and his girl says with an attitude, "You better. We got rent to pay."
"I know this." Jack says to his girl looking at her up and down like she's stupid.
About 2 minutes later, Brian pulls up.
"Yeah. There's our fourth right there." Tej says smiling and when Suki looks over she says, "Shit. It's Brian."
Brian then steps out of his car and greets everybody. "What's up Tej?"
"What's happenin' dude?" Tej says.
Brian and Tej bump fists as Brian says, "Thanks for the invite."
"No problem at all, man. Just, uh-- just remember me when you wax, aight?" Tej says seriously.
Brian looks back and smiles as he asks, "They got deep pockets?"
"Real deep." Tej chuckles.
The boys then turn around and Brian says, "What's up Suki?"
"What's up Bullet?" Suki says. Bullet is Brian's nick name because, like a bullet, Brian's quick.
"What do you say we kick it a nickel?" Brian ask with a smirk.
"Nobody said nothing about raising the stakes!" Julius says confused.
Brian then looks at Tej and Tej just shrugs his shoulders, so Brian walked up to Julius and says, "If that's the case, why don't you ask these nice people here to back off the line so you can go home?"
The crowd ooh's and Julius looked back at them and told them to knock it off. Tej then walks up next to Brian as if telling Julius, you better listen to him.
"Ok. Thirty-five large." Julius says. Brian then gives his money to Tej and Julius does the same.
Jack then thinks pretty hard and says, "Thrity-five large huh?"
"Either that or you can go home, brah." Tej says as he hold out his hand for the money, so Jack says, "Yeah. It's all there." As he hands Tej the money. "It better be." Tej exclaims as he looks at the money.
Tej then walks up to Suki, who was already sitting in her car and said, "Uh, damn, Suki. Uh, when you gonna pop my clutch, huh?"
"As soon as you get the right set of tools." Suki says as she plops the money into Tej's hand and Tej replies, "Yeah, aight."
As Brian gets into the driver seat of his car, he notices a girl that's been following him for a while. Brian gets nervous and then gets in his car as the girl walks through the crowd smirking.
"Alright, back up. Back up. Let's go. Let's go." Tej yells.
Brian then turns his NOS on which causes some blue flames to fly out the back and the crowd say, "Oh!"
"Yeah! Back y'all asses up. Back up. Back up. Before you turn into barbecue around here. It's not a game. This is serious. Alright, back up. Back up. Get off the street. Off the street, let's go! Everybody keep your hands real, real clear alright? 'Cause I got a surprise for y'all this evening." Tej tells the crowd.
Tej then tells the racers to go, and they all take off. Towards the end of the race Tej told Jimmy to hit a switch which cause the bridge to lift at a 45 degree angle. Brian, Jack and Suki were the only ones that made it over the bridge. Julius chickened out and went a different way and Jack crash his car. Brian came in 1st place and Suki came in 2nd.
"Tell me y'all saw that, man. Bullet and Suki sprayed the bridge, and I need to start making y'all pay to see this shit. I got over 10 stacks for my man right here, aight?" Tej tells the crowd and then tells Brian, "Thats what I'm talkin about man. Play with it."
Brian laughs and Tej says, "Smells good, don't it?"
"Yeah, I'll buy that right there." Brian says jokingly and slaps a few hundreds down into Tej's hand.
"Right. Y'all see this? Everybody take a good look. This is what you call mutual respect. Aight, let's clear out." Tej says as he puts the money in his pocket.
Suki then get out of her car to see the damage and says, "Shit!"
"Hey, uh, make sure you bring that body by the garage later, aight, so , you know, we can work on that front end of yours." Tej says as he looks Suki up and down. "Watch out. Cause maybe I will." Suki says as she steps closer to Tej and kisses him on the cheek. Tej just chuckles and says, "Yeah."
Brian the sees the girl in the crowd, so she giggles and starts to walk away, but Brian asks, "Hey, where you going?"
"It's time to get out of here." The girl says mysteriously.
"Whys that?" Brian asks, but the sirens answered his question.
Everyone then ran to their cars to get away from the cops. Brian tried to get away but he ended up getting caught as one of the officers steps out of his car and shoots Brian's car with this claw thing that makes your car malfunction, so Brian's car came to a stop.

Brian's POV
I got arrested and brought into the interrogation room.
"So, how long you been in south Florida?" An officer asked.
I looked at the table and said, "A while."
"Before that?" The officer asks. I just stay quiet until he says, "We know your Brian O'Connor, formerly of the L.A.P.D."
"You've got the wrong guy." I say quietly and the officer says, "Really..."
I nod my head until we hear a knock on the door to reveal Bilkins.
"How you doin' O'Connor?" Bilkins asks me. My cover was now blown, so I might be going to jail now.
"Let's take a walk." Bilkins tell me as he unhooks my handcuffs.

Jaelene's POV
It was around 7:30 am the next day when my plane landed in Miami. I got into a cab and asked the driver to take me to a police station where I would ask if they have my brother in custody cause on the news it said he got arrested.
"Hi, I'm Jaelene O'Connor. I was wondering if you know anything about Brian O'Connor?" I asked the front desk lady.
"I'm sorry mam, but that's classified information." The officer said so I shot back, "How the hell is that classified information? As simple yes or no answer would help!"
Just then another officer comes out from one of the desks and says, "I'm so sorry miss. She new..." and gives the lady a nasty look.
"What can I help you with?" The guy asks.
I sigh and say, "I'm looking for my brother, Brian O'Connor. Is he here?"
"Yes he's here. He's in a meeting at the moment. Would you like to see him?" The cop asks. I just nod my head and say thank you as he guides me towards the back.
"So what's the idea here? Dunn and I are supposed to be street racers?" A voice asks. I can recognize that voice from anywhere. Brian.
"Would you like to wait out here?" The cop asks.
"Yeah. I'll wait. I want it to be a surprise." I say thinking of a plan to get back at Brian.
I waited for about 5 minutes when Brian came out and walked past me, but stopped in his tracks.
"Long time no see Brian." I say casually as I turn around to face him with my arms crossed.
Brian was surprised and scared at the same time. "Jae what are you doing here?"
"I can ask you the same thing. Aren't you supposed to be in L.A. working on a case? I never would have thought that my own brother would run from his mistakes and become a criminal." I say calmly but sarcastically.
Brian then walked slowly towards me with his hands up in surrender and said, "Jaelene, I can explain..."
"Explain what Brian?! What, that you completely blew off your own sister for a fake family? Brian I haven't heard from you in a month! But then I have to find out on the news that your a criminal on the run? What the hell were you thinking Brian?! No, scratch that, because clearly, you weren't thinking at all." I yell and start to pace.
Brian then grabs my hands and says, "I'm so sorry for whatever pain I have caused you! I love you so much Jae. I would never want to hurt you deliberately."
"Oh really, you wouldn't wanna hurt me? Ok, so let's think for a minute. I would call almost everyday, and you didn't pick up half the time, even though we promised each other to talk every single day. You were to busy with your fake family, or whatever the hell you wanna call them, to even check on your baby sister. The least you could've done, Brian, was call. Then you were so caught up in running from your real life, that you didn't even wish me a happy birthday. But I called you on yours and left a message. So that hurts Brian. More than you can ever think of." I say.
"Jae--" Brian starts but I interrupt him and say, "I will always be there for you in a heart beat. So, answer me this Brian. What changed? Because you used to do the same for me. But now it seems like we've drifted apart."
Brian didn't bother to say anything. He just pulled me into a hug and didn't say a word. I relaxed, but started to cry.
"Don't ever do that again Brian, because so help me if you do, I will kill you personally."
Brian chuckled and kissed my head and said, "I hope not. But I'm sorry baby. I should have called more often, I was just caught up in the case and figuring out who was the criminal. How can I repay you?"
I smirked and wiped my tears and say, "New car and a shopping spree?.."
"You got it baby girl. Come on. And then tomorrow we can see an old friend." Brian says as he puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk out the station.

•The O'Connor Siblings• Book 1 [Process of Editing&Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now