Chapter 18: Clubs Trap

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Nobody's POV
The next night, Brian and Roman arrived at a club that Verone called them to.
"Hey. How you doin'" Brian asks a security guard out side of the club. The guard replied with, "Good. What you need?"
"We're guests of Mr. Verone's." Brian states and the guards instantly let Roman and Brian in.
Inside the club, there was loud music, girls dressed in white dancing around the poles, people dancing, and much more.
"It's a "hoasis" in here, brah." Roman said with a smirk as he looks around the club at all the girls. "Yeah. Lots of potential." Brian says doing the same.
Roman starts chuckling until he sees a mixed girl walk by and says to Bri, "Damn. You got a pen? Phew it's about to get serious, brah." Brian just laughed in reply.
"Look at that girl on the swing right there." Roman starts, but Monica interrupts him by saying, "Hey. You guys did something right. Verone never socializes with hired help."
"Then what's that make you?" Roman asked sarcastically, but Monica didn't answer him. She just started at him until Brian asked, "Where's he at?"
"He's on his way." Monica states with a smile. "You and Verone don't go everywhere together?" Roman asks and Monica, a little confused, asks Roman, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothin'" Roman states flatly. Monica then looked towards Brian and sighed in disbelief, and since Roman knew that it would get awkward real fast if he stood with Bri and Monica, he states bluntly, "Huh. I'm-a go take a piss."
"You go do that." Monica shoots back as soon as the words left his mouth. Roman then walked into the crowd as Brian's gaze followed him.

Brian's POV
"What is his deal?" Monica asks me. I smile and say, "He doesn't trust people that carry badges."
"So you talk like you know." Monica says to me as we start walking around the club.
"Yeah. I'd been a cop about two months...when Roman was busted in a garage raid. He had eight sets of wheels in his possession, each and every on of them hot." I explained in a secretive tone. "So you busted him?" Monica asks, so I continued. "No. I didn't even know what was goin' down. But, uh, that doesn't really matter to him. Basically, once I became a cop, Roman started seeing me as a friend that became the enemy."
Out of nowhere, Monica started to wipe something off my chest and started saying, "You have a little--" but stopped in mid sentence as she stopped and sat down at a table.
I sat down with her and rested my hand on the table, when she started to play with the bracelet I was wearing.
"Oh, yeah. I was admiring this. Yeah I was looking at it earlier." Monica says. I started smiling as the memory came up of Jae. "Yeah. My little sister made this for me when she was seven years old. I've kept it ever since."
Monica started laughing as she said, "Awe, that's cute!"
"Well, I wasn't about to give it to you." I says while chuckling, but then stop as Roman came up to us so I asked, "What's up?"
"He's here, man." Roman says in a low voice. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Monica's smile fade as she turns her head to look in the V.I.P. section.
"Where's he at?" I ask and Roman replies, "He's over there. Don't look."
Of course, someone's gonna look in the direction that you tell them to not look in, so that's exactly what Monica, Roman and I did. We were then interrupted by a woman who said, "Excuse me. Mr. Verone would like for you to join him."
"Let's do it." Monica states immediately and starts walking in Verone's direction. "See what I'm talkin' about?" Roman whispers to me, but I ignore him as we both followed Monica to the back.
"It's alright. Let 'em in." Verone says to his body guards, so they let Roman and I in the section. Verone then tells Roman to go sit down and that he'll be with him in a second.
"How ya doin'?" I ask politely and Verone says, "Good. You enjoying your night?"
"Yeah. I'm ha in' a good time." I say calmly as Verone steps in a little to close for comfort as he says, "Good, good."
Then out of thin air, Verone asks, "She's beautiful, isn't she?" I just stare at him, not knowing what to say until he questions, "Hmm?"
"Yeah. She's gorgeous." I say with a small smile. Verone stood quiet for a good 10 seconds and then he started smiling as he said, "You got balls, kid. I can appreciate that. Women are a very powerful force. You see the blond siting with the gentlemen right there? Five minutes of her time, and she can get anything she wants from him. Watch."
Verone, Roman, Monica, and watch a fat guy with curly hair getting hit on by a petite blonde haired women. The girl then gets up and drags the guy somewhere.
"I wonder where they're going. Sit down." Verone tells me, so I obey. He then walks around the coffee table to take a seat next to Monica as he asks Roman, "So, you, uh, lit my man's car on fire. Is that right?"
"Yeah. I did. You see, I got a problem with authority." Roman explains.
"Hmm. I have that same problem. For me, it's cops in particular." Verone says while looking back and forth between Rome and I, but then chuckles as he says, "Let's take a walk. Come on."
"We just got here." Monica states. Verone then states back in a stern voice, "Now we're leaving." He then helped Monica up and then told Roman and I, "Let's go." as he put his cigar cutter and lighter in his jacket pocket. I think he had a hunch that Roman would try to take something, which he actually tried to do again, and said, "Hey. Come on."

Nobody's POV
Verone took Roman, Brian and Monica to one of the back rooms. When Brian and Roman walked in, they saw a blow torch, a tin can with a cloth covering it, and a mitten.
"What's all that?" Roman asks Verone in a small, quiet voice. Verone popped open a bottle of champagne as he said, "We're gonna have a little fun." and poured himself and Monica a glass. Bri and Rome then see the man from the club walk in with the blonde haired women.
"Hey, Carter." the man said. Verone chuckled as he said to Brian and Roman, "Meet, uh, Detective Whitworth. One of Miami's finest."
"Thank you, sweetheart." Verone states to the women as she walked out of the room. Verone then asked, "Are you enjoying yourself, Dectective?"
"Yeah. I was. I mean, you know me." Whitworth states and Verone replies, "Yeah, I do know you. You been on my payroll a long time."
"Verone, that ain't right." Whitworth pleads, but Verone interrupts him as he says, "Shut up. I got one last job for you, Detective. You hear me?"
"Look, we've been all through this." Whitworth states, getting jittery as Verone questioned, "Yeah?" Whitworth then replied, "Yeah. I said I can't do it."
"Hmm. That's the wrong answer. The table." Verone says quickly as his henchmen grab Whitworth and pin him down to the coffee table and tie him down as Bri, Ro, and Monica watch.
"I'm a detective, Verone! You do anything to me, the whole force is gonna be on your ass in a minute." Detective Whitworth states as he struggles to break free. Verone the cuts open the Detectives button up shirt down the middle as he says, "Shut your mouth! You fat piece of shit."
"You can stop right now." Whitworth exclaims, but that's the thing, Verone wasn't gonna stop until he got what he wanted. Instead, Verone uncovered the tin can and to a Roman, Brian, and Monica's surprise, it was a rat that Verone has pulled out by its tail.
Whitworth looked at Verone, wide-eyed and asked, "What the hell--What the hell is that?" Verone ignored him as he said, "Sit down." to Brian and Roman and they obeyed.
"You're gonna regret this. Just stop right now!" Whitworth states his fright. "Once the bucket gets hot enough, Detective, the rat is gonna want out." Verone explains as he holds the rat over Whitworth's face and continues, "And the only direction it can go is south."
Verone then places the rat on Whitworth's stomach and seals the rat in with the can over it, with nowhere to go. "Get it off me! I'll forget it ever happend." Whitworth pleaded. "Shut up." Verone states bluntly as he turns on the blow torch and holds next to the can to get it hot for the rat to freak out.
"Did you know that your average rat...can chew through a steel drain pipe? You see, you have nothing to worry about when he's screaming, Detective. It's when he goes quiet that he goes to work." Verone says dryly as he took around the room at his girl and the boys who started working for him while Whitworth yelled, "Stop it, stop it, stop it! Don't be stupid. Stop it now."
"You're in charge of the units that are watching my properties, huh?" Verone asks as he turns off the blow torch and continues, "What I want is, I want a 15-minute window...where everybody--I mean everybody--disappears. You hear me?"
"I can't do it! Stop it. I can't do it. Help!" Whitworth yells while moaning. "Okay. Monica, come here." Verone states.
"Help. Help!" Whitworth cries out as Verone tells her, "Shut him up. Shut him up." Monic then steps around Verone as he starts up the blow torch again, and holds his mouth shut as best as she could, but you could still here the muffled groaning and screams. "He's biting me! Help! Help!" Whitworth tries to yell.
"What. You got somethin' you wanna say?" Verone asks as Monica uncovered Whitworth's mouth and he cried out, "He bit me! Yes, I'll do it!"
"You'll do what? Say it." Verone pushes as Whitworth cried, "I'll do it. I'll give you your window. Just get it off me! Get it off!"
Verone then turned off the blow torch and states in a very stern tone, "You betray me, and my rat gonna visit you wife, Lynn--" Whitworth then lifted his head quickly in shock that Verone would do such a thing, but listened as Verone continued, "--yeah, your son Clay, and your daughter, Lexi. Do you hear me? You understand me? Huh?"
Whitworth didn't answer, so Verone grabbed his face and yelled, "DO YOU HEAR ME?!" and turned on the blow torch again as he said, "I'll burn your...eyes out! I'll burn 'em out!"
Whitworth just kept whispering, "Get it off."
"Good. Now you can go. Get rid of him. Let's go." Verone informs his men and the detective.
As Verone's men took care of Whitworth, he laughed as he finished his glass of Champagne and asked Brian and Roman, "Mm. You boys enjoy the show?"
But Bri and Rom said nothing, so, like usual, Verone took this time to speak his mind.
"Fifteen minutes, and then every cop in Florida is gonna be on you. Be at Versailles Café, 6:00 a.m., day after tomorrow, ready to drive. You understand?"
"Yeah." Brian states quietly, not wanting to tick Verone off by questioning him about Whitworth.
"Don't play games with me, or you'll be next. All right? Help yourself to a little champagne." Verone states to Roman and Brian. Verone then dragged Monica out of the room and left Brian and Roman to themselves.
"That was a damn rat, man." Roman states.
In the hallway, Verone pushes Monica up against the wall, grabs her face, and starts to kiss her, but then says with his hand on her neck, "You ever...touch another man again, and I'll kill you. You hear me? Look at me. You hear me?"
Monica didn't say a word as he pushes away from Verone and walks away with Verone in tow.

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