Chapter 32: Angel & Devil

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Brian's POV
After the little run in with Dwight after the race, I drove off, smirking while thinking, 'enjoy your girls while you got 'em'. At the crack of dawn the next morning, me along with a group of FBI agents stormed into Dwight's condo with me yelling, "FBI!" as I kicked the door in, causing the women to scream.
"Hey! Yo, what are you doing? I didn't do nothing, man! Dwight didn't do nothing!" Dwight yelled as me and this other agent restrained him. The girls in his condo started to leave which caused Dwight to whine, "Hey, no! Stay, stay! Where are you going?"
"Bye, Dwight!" One woman yelled. "No, what did I do?" Dwight exclaims in pain as the agent placed Dwight in handcuffs.
"You're under arrest for distribution of meth." I say in a deeper tone so he wouldn't recognize my voice. "Meth? Dwight never touched that shit, bro!"
I then take a package of meth out of my pocket, mind you, I had my gloves on, and said, "Dwight has now." and placed the bag on the table all while the agent dragged Dwight out at he screamed, "Yo, that ain't mine! No!"
One of my co-workers then came up to me after he pushed his mask off and said, "You one that's never gonna stick, right?"
I then smirk and pull my mask down and say, "Yeah, it's not supposed to."

Nobody's POV
Dom walked into a club that night and as he reached the door, he nodded to the guard who let him in without hesitation. Looking around at all the women and party people, his eyes landed on the last person he thought would be there... His 'former friend' Mr. Brian O'Connor. Rolling his eyes, Dom walked in the opposite direction of Brian, in fact, Dom was headed straight to the bar. And looking up from his match of pool, Brian spotted Dom just as he turned away and headed towards the bar. Smirking, I followed Dom.
"Yeah, Corona." Dom says to the bartender and then looks around, being that he felt a little uncomfortable. "That's too bad about Dwight. Having the Feds raid your house the same night you make the team. So unfortunate." Bri states as he sits next to a standing Dom, acting like he had nothing to do with it, while playing with his Corona.
"I wish I could say I was surprised to see you here." Dom stated as he grab his beer from the bartender , and continued, "What's to stop someone from telling them you're a cop?"
"Probably the same thing that's keeping me from telling them that's why you're really here." Brian says non-chalantly, and out of no where, Campos grabs Bri's shoulder and pats Dom's back and asks, "What up, fellows?"
"Hey, how you doin'?" Brian asks nicely as he gives Campos a bro hug. "Great. You having a good time?" Campos asks in return and Brian replies, "Yeah, I'm a great time."
Campos then smiles at Dom and Brian and says, "Come on, let's have a better time." Dom and Brian then smirk at each other and follow Campos to the V.I.P. section. "How's your car? It too, a nasty bump." Campos asked.
"It'll be ready." Brian states quickly. "I also heard you just got out of County." stated Campos and Bri and Dom both agreed with a 'Mmm-hmm' and a 'yeah'.
"You know a guy named Jim Garcia?" Dom asks with his usual smirk and Brian with a sharing hit face states bluntly, "Nah. Big place. Lots of names, lots of faces."
Watching their every move, Campos turned to Dom and said, "And you, you're wanted by a lot of people, homes."
"Yeah, that kind of heat can't be good for buisness." Brian looked at Dom with a smirk and Dom shot back, "Yeah, well, that depends on how you look at things. I go down, I do time. I do real time. I don't know about your other drivers, but when I see flashing lights in my mirror, I don't stop."
Keeping a close eye on Dom as he spoke, Campos quickly became curious as he felt the strong tension between the two.
"Do you know each other?" Campos finally asks while pointing at the duo causing them to smile at one another until Dom spoke up and said, "He used to date my sister."
"I see." Campos smiles back and then reaches for his liquor. "You're a lucky man."
"How's that?" Brian asks calmly and Campos replies, "You're still breathing."
Dom then raises his beer up and chuckles at Campos' comment. "To the ladies we've loved and the ladies we've lost. Salute." Campos states as his toast. Dom became a little stiff as he quickly lost all happiness in his face, taking a long sip of his Corona. Brian noticed as he quickly downed his shot while thinking about Letty and how it was his fault she's gone. Changing the subject, Brian asked, "So, what's Braga about?"
"You know, he's just one of us. Came up from the streets. Down for el barrio. Now he's a shot caller. The boss of bosses. See all these cats in here? Anyone of them would die for Braga." Campos stated seriously. Brian couldn't help but ask, "Including you?" And to sell his statement about himself, Campos said, "Especially me."
A guard then walked up from behind Brian's chair and whispered something quickly into Campos' ear and then walked off. Campos then looked at both men and said, "Enjoy the party, fellows. Club's yours. Whatever you want, booze, broads, it's all good." and then walked off in the direction of the guard.
"Braga's mine. I'm taking the whole house down." Brian stated as he stood up a few minutes after Campos left. "Good luck" Dom mumbled.

Brian's POV
A few steps behind Campos, I made my way through the hallway at the back of the club. As I walk by dancing couples, I took notice in 3 girls making out. I smirked as I continued to see Campos all upstairs with a guard outside the stairwell door. Shortly after, the guard went away, leaving the door unattended, so I took that as my chance to sneak upstairs. Wondering the halls, I can across a cracked door,mans I can make out two voices. One belonged to Campos and the other belonged to a middle-aged man. The man and Campos then had a round of shots and as Campos lifted his head to look in my direction, I quickly moved to the side to avoid being seen.
I quickly made my way back down the stairs as my phone rang. "Yeah." I answer without looking at the caller I.D.
"Hey, you okay? You sound panicked." Jaelene asked. I laughed at the sound of my baby sisters voice and said, "Uh, yeah. I'm actually undercover on a job and I almost got caught."
"Oh my God, Bri! I'm so sor-" Jae started, but I stopped her as I said, "No no no, it wasn't you! Trust me. I promise it wasn't you, it's just, I'm not gonna go into much detail, but this job is tricky. I almost got caught because I was being nosey. I promise it wasn't you at all."
Jae sighed and said, "Thank God because I thought I almost cost you your life." I chuckled as I made my way into my car and drove off.
"So, what's up kiddo?" I asked, curious as to why she called. She sighed and said, "Promise you won't get mad?"
"What did you do?!?" I instantly asked, because with Jae, bad things CAN happen.
"Nothing! Jeez, give me more credit!" Jae laughed, but I stood silent, awaiting her news as I parked my car in front of my apartment. She took that as her cue as she continued, "I may or may not be in your apartment right now..."
Shocked, I quickly made my way to the front door and unlocked the door to reveal my sister sitting criss-crossed on the couch. Seeing me, Jae threw her phone down and squealed as she jumped into my arms.
"What are you doing here?!" I ask happily and I held her face in my hands. Jaelene giggled as she stated, I wanted to see my big brother!"
"Well that's good enough for me." I state as we walked over to the couch. That night, we stayed up and talked about everything we've missed. Around 2 in the morning, I fell asleep with Jae's head on my shoulder. I couldn't have asked for a better night.

Dom's POV
After Brian left, I partied with a few girls and then made my way down to the basement. I looked around and spotted a green car and stood in front of it for a minute or two until I was interrupted by a voice that asked, "Something interests you about this car?"
"Just admiring the body work." I state while smirking. Gisele made her way over to me as she asked, "Are you one of those boys who prefers cars to women?" with her arms crossed over her chest. I then looked at her up and down and said truthfully, "I'm one of those boys that appreciates a fine body, regardless of the make." I looked long enough to see her smirk at my remark, and then I turned my attention back to the car and asked, "Your car?"
"It's Fenix's car. You'll meet him at the rendezvous. He'll be leading you. So now that I know your taste in cars, tell me, what about your women?" Gisele asks as she made her way around me to sit on the hood of the car. Memories of her came flooding back into my mind, and before I knew it, it was like I was spilling my guts to a complete stranger.
"It all starts with the eyes. She's got to have those kind of eyes that can look right through the bullshit to the good in someone. 20% angel, 80% devil. Down to earth. Ain't afraid to get a little engine grease under her fingernails."
Gisele then gets up and gets close to me and says softly, "That doesn't sound anything like me."
"It ain't." I say as my final answer and walk out.

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