Chapter 17: Forget about it, Cuz...

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Jaelene's POV
"So. Tell me what you know." Bilkins states while looking at Brian.
I was standing behind Bri and rubbed his shoulder as he says, "Well, Rome and I will be making a run for Verone. I'm not sure when and where. But he did say that he bought us a window. I'm assuming from the local cops."
"I can talk to some of the guys from the local P.D." said Agent Dunn. Bilkins thought for a moment and said, "No. No good. If Verone's got some of them on the payroll, then we can't let them know our operation."
"Exactly. In addition,Verone told us that he, himself, would be waiting at the drop." Brian stated to Bilkins. Agent Markham looked intrigued. Bilkins looked from Markham to Brian and replied, "Thats good news. If you're gonna be delivering drug money to him, then we can get him for laundering."
"Nah, there's only one problem." Roman says with food in his mouth. "And what's that?" Bilkins questioned.
I thought for a minute and knew exactly who Rom was talking about. "Fuentes-"
"Verone's tappin' her." Roman interrupted me. Bilkins was caught off guard by what Roman said and asked, "Tappin' her? Tappin' her how?"
Markham just couldn't keep his mouth shut as he states, "That's crap!"
"What you talkin' bout, homeboy? We know what we seen." Roman says firmly, but Markham ignored Rom and asked, "What do you think, O'Connor? You think she's compromised? You should know."
Roman and I looked at each other and asked in sync, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"What? You mean your old pal O'Connor didn't tell ya? He flipped on Bilkins in L.A. Gave his mark his car keys and let him disappear. That's why he's not a cop anymore. So what do you think, expert?" Markham states while staring at Bri like a know-it-all and all Bri said was, "Man, I don't know."
I easily got pissed off at Markham and instantly said, "How dare you try and sit there and pin all of this on my brother like its his fault! If he didn't tell Roman right away, it was because he wanted to do it on his own time or because he didn't think it was that important to tell!"
"Jae-" Brian tried to say warningly, but I didn't listen as I started walked quickly towards Markham and grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought his face close to mine, before anyone could stop me, and continued, "So help me if I find out that you so much as harass my best friend or my brother again, or even accuse them of something or even talk shit about them, I will hurt you so bad, your gonna wish that you kept your big mouth shut."
I then push Markham back in his seat forcefully and walked back to Brian casually with a smirk on my face. Bilkins shook his head while looking down with a small smirk on his face, but regained focus on the subject and said, "All right. We'll keep an eye on her."

Brian's POV
After Jaelene's little scene, which I was kind of grateful of, we said our goodbye's and I warned Bilkins to keep an eye on her at all costs. Rome and I then walk out of the building, and like usual, Roman couldn't let go of what Markham said about the whole thing with Dom.
"So. You let your man go, huh?" Roman asked, but I quickly replied, "Drop it. I don't wanna talk about it."
We walked down the walk way from the building to my car while Roman pushed, "Drop it, hell! I wanna hear about this, homey."
"I said forget about it, cuz." I said strictly, but at the same time, calm. "We got Fuentes in with Verone, Markham tryin' to blow our cover... and we got two wired cars that are no better than that damn ankle bracelet of mine. I'm-a tell you, brah. You let your man Markham do that shit again in front of Verone, that's gonna be our ass." Roman states quickly.
I didn't have to think of my answer as I just stood with, "I know, man. I know. It's gettin' thick real quick, and we may need a way out. We gotta come up with some exit strategy."
"Exit strategy, huh?" Roman asks while finishing the sandwich he stole from Markham. "Yeah." I say plainly.
Roman then took the biggest bite out of his sandwich and said, with a full mouth, "I like the way that sounds. What you got in mind?"
I tried to think something up real quick, but I ended up saying, "I don't know, man. But we need two more cars." as I started the car and took off.

Jaelene's POV
After Brian said his goodbye's, he left me with Bilkins, Markham, and Dunn. To be honest, the only special agent I like, is Bilkins. Markham can go jump off a bridge for all I care and Dunn, well let's just say he's not on the brightest side.
I then got a call from Brian, telling me that he wants me to meet him somewhere. I told Bilkins that I was going to see some friends, which wasn't entirely a lie, and he let me go. It was about 6:30 pm and it was dark in Miami. I took a cab to the address that Bri sent me and I ended up at some random street where I see my brother, Rome, and three other people I don't know. I paid the cab driver and got out the car.
"Hey baby girl! Glad to see you made it." Roman said sarcastically, so I just flipped him off and smiled sweetly towards him. Brian chuckled and pulled me in for a hug and whispered me to stop being mean to Ro, but I never listen when it comes to Roman, unless someone is going try to hurt him. Then I'll get all protective and crazy over him cause he's like a second brother to me.
Brian then pulled me over to the 3 people I have yet to meet. "Jae, this is Suki, Jimmy, and Tej. They're really good friends of mine. Jimmy, Tej, Suki, this is my baby sis Jaelene."
"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Suki Jimmy said with a smile as we shook hands. Tej, on the other hand, was a completely different story.
"Damn, O'Conner! Why didn't you tell me that you have a sister? And might I say that you, are one fine piece of ass!" Tej said while looking me up and down. Suki then snickered as she put a hand on his chest and said, "You better watch it, or bullet will beat your ass for lookin' at his sister."
Brian glared warningly at Tej as Suki said that, so Tej put his hands up in surrender while laughing. I giggled as I hugged Brian's waist to let him know that it was a joke and that I can stick up for myself. Bri released his glared from Tej and put an arm around my shoulder as we stood in a straight line next to Tej's truck.
About 5 minutes later, 2 cars were driving down the street as Tej said, "Yeah. Here they come." The two guys parked on the street, side by side, and stepped out of their cars to greet their competition.
"Fonzie and Fabio. Glad you can join us." Roman said. I was confused until I realized that Bri and Ro weren't the only ones working for Verone.
"We heard you boys wanted to get rid of those Cracker Jack toys." One guy said, but Brian shot back, "No. Actually we just figured those cars you got deserved better drivers, which is why we're gonna take 'em off your hands."
"You know, why don't we settle this now?" The same guy said trying to step in my brothers face, but his "girl" was trying to hold him back. Tej then stepped up and said, "Wait, wait. How about we settle this on the blacktop, huh? Each car does it down and back tag-team style... for slips."
"Loser walks home." Suki said to the second guy and he replied calmly, "We came to race."
Tej then smirked and said, "Well, load 'em up then." The two guys then get into their cars while their "girls" walked to the side to watch. Brian let go of me and whispered to Roman, "Come on, bro. Let's get these cars."

Nobody's POV
As Brian and Roman started walking towards their cars, Brian let Roman in on a plan. "All right, check it out. There's no way we gonna beat these guys straight up. The Hemi's puttin' out about 425... and that Yenko will snap a speed on about five seconds flat, so... We're gonna have to pull somethin' out of our ass. The only thing I can think of is save the spray for the way back, the return trip."
Roman and Brian then do their handshake as Roman says, "Done deal."
"Alright. Let's do this, bro." Brian says, and as soon as they pull away, Ro says with a smile, "I'm getting that orange one." and jumps in his car while yelling, "You ain't ready, Fabio!"
Roman and "Fonzie" bring their cars to the starting line while Tej explains the rules of the race. "All right. You each got a barrel to go around down at the end of the road here. Second wave gotta sit tight till your partner crosses this line right here. First team to go down and back twice wins the race. At which point, the losers will hand over them keys. Otherwise, you'll be eatin' breakfast through straws from now on. ¿Comprende?"
"Fonzie" then says, "I get it." Roman didn't say anything until Tej looked at him and said, "Oh, this means you too."
"I got it." Roman says in a deep voice as he stairs at "Fonzie" and revs his engine. "A'ight. Let's race." Tej says.
He then takes a few steps back while Suki yelled, "Come on, baby! You got this, Rome. Let's do it."
"Hey, you gone, homey. I got this. This is done. Hahahaha! You about to lose your car." Roman says to "Fonzie" as Suki and Jimmy continue to cheer Roman on, "Do it, Rome! Come on you got it man."
"You think I'm worried about this fool, man? Ahahaha! This is nothin'." Roman states while revving his engine, but as soon as "Fonzie" revved his, Romans smile faded and Suki said, "Aw, no. American muscle."
Jaelene then nudged Suki and said, "Relax, girl! We got this." Suki smiled and Jae and nodded, gaining back her confidence in Roman.
While in their cars, "Fonzie" states, "Your engine ain't as big as your mouth.", and Roman said to himself, "Gotta smoke 'em. Gotta smoke 'em. Gotta smoke 'em."
"All right, here we go." Tej starts, but before he could say anything else, Suki walked up to him while saying, "It's alright, baby. I'm gonna handle this."
"Handle it." Tej said while running his hands down Suki's sides while she lifted her arms up and yelled, "Ready and... Go!"
"You ain't ready. I run these streets." Roman said as he and "Fonzie" race down the street with Roman in a close second. "Romey Rome. You ain't heard of me?"

Brian's POV
Rome and that other guy took off. All you can hear is tires screeching in the distance and see the car shrinking as they go down the street. I sat there, hands gripping my steering wheel as I wait for Rome to come back. I was so focused on Rome, that I didn't notice my sister get in the passenger seat and put her seatbelt on.
"Jae, what are you doing?" Jae looked at me and said bluntly, "Chill! Bri, were in this together, ok?"
I closed my eyes and sighed as I said quickly, "If something happens-...look, I can't have any distractions, ok! We need those cars--"
"I know! Just make believe that I'm not here. I mean, you barely noticed when I came in anyway." Jae said while rolling her eyes.
I just grip the steering wheel again. Out of nowhere, "Fabio" as Ro would call him, took off as the other guy passed the line. I started to panic when I didn't see Roman anywhere.
"Come on, Rome." Jae said silently, and right when she said that, I took off as Roman passed the line. I looked over to see Jae focused on the road and looking around, most likely thinking of a plan.
"What are you thinking Jae?" I yell over the roaring of the engine. "Do you trust me?!" Jae yelled back. I didn't even have to think about my answer as I said, "Of course I do!"
"Good! Cause I need you to get into the other lane!" Jae yells as we both see that guy driving up the street. I knew she was gonna say something crazy, so I just did as she said. As both of our cars got closer by the second, "Fabio" swerved and spun out into the dirt.
"Whoo!" I yelled excitedly while Jae yelled, "YES!"
I then zoomed down the street and made it around. As I was racing back to the finish line, "Fabio" gained control of his car again and tried to race as quickly as he could back to the line as well. But, that guy is shit out of luck, cause my front bumper passed his by a few inches.

Nobody's POV
As Brian passed the line first, Roman yelled, "Got two new cars! That's all my man! Y'all ain't ready, homeboy. Get to walkin', Fabio."
Brian then brought his car back around and got out with Jae. He then ran around the car and surprised her as he picked her up and twirled her around like he did when she was a kid.
"Thank you, kiddo. I love you so much!" Bri said as he placed Jae back on her feet. She just smiled and crossed her arms as she said, "You're only saying that cause I helped you win." and Bri chuckled as he grabbed her head and kissed her quickly on her forehead as he said, "Nah, you know I mean it, sis."
Jae just giggled as he put his arm around her shoulders as they walked towards their team. 
Tej and Suki got into Brian's car and Jimmy got into Romans as Brian and Jae got into one new car and Roman got into the other new car.
They all took off as Roman yelled, "Use them bus tokens, partner!" in a southern voice and left those two guys and their girls in the street, practically stranded.

•The O'Connor Siblings• Book 1 [Process of Editing&Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now