Chapter 34: Tunnels Pt. 2

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Nobody's POV

Dom continued to smirk at Fenix and said, "I'm gonna enjoy what happens next."
With those words, Dom's car blew up and cause a huge commotion. Brian and a lot of the men flew back from the force of the explosion. Fenix dropped his gun in the process and as all of the lined up cars caught on fire, Dom and Brian sprung into action. Brian grabbed the machine gun from one of Braga's men and started shooting the men around him.
Dom then jumped over a few cars and started beating anyone who tried to stop him, but Brian missed someone to shoot, and that guy ended up shooting Dom in the back.
Dom turned around slowly as the guy tried to shoot again and found out that he had just made a big mistake. Brian then thought 'fuck it' and ran to the truck, the only car not in flames, and drove up to Dom while yelling, "Dom, get in!"
Dom punch the guy that shot him in the face and then turned back to Brian.
"GET IN! COME ON!" Brian yelled again, so Dom turned to the guy once more and decked him.
Alarms were blaring in the distance which made Brian more frantic, "Come on! Get in the fucking car! Let's go! Hurry up!"
Dom looked around and saw all the damage he's created in a matter of minutes. He ran to the car and jumped in and as soon as he got in, Brian sped away.

Brian's P.O.V.

I parked under a bridge and got out the car. My phone found its way into my hand without me realizing and when I looked at it, I stared at the name that apeared. Jaelene.
I hit the call button and walked away from the car slowly, afraid Dom would hear.
"Hello?" She answered. She must've not looked at the caller I.D.
I didn't say anything until she asked, "Brian, is it you?"
I cleared my throat and said softly, "Yeah, it's me. Just wanted to hear your voice. Things got a little rough over here and I just wanted to see how you were doing."
I heard my sister sigh and say, "Everything's fine here. Just cleaning up a bit, don't want u coming to a dirty apartment."
I chuckled and then she continued, "Where are you? I'll meet you--"
"No." I stopped Jae in mid sentence. "No, I can't risk these people seeing you and trying to hurt you. It's better if u stay where you are."
Jaelene giggled, "Are you sure? Cause I'm tougher than I look! I can kick somebody's as if you want me to!"
I laughed and disagreed, "Yes I'm sure, but no, I don't need you to come hurt anyone, especially yourself."
There was a pregnant pause and then the conversation did a whole 180.
"Look, I didn't wanna have to do this over the phone, but I'm leaving Bri. Bran called and said that he needs a lot of help and that I was the best option."
I looked up to the sky and inhaled slowly and said, "You do what you gotta do, baby girl. Just know that if you need me, I'm just a call away, and don't hesitate to call me!"
Jaelene chuckled and stated, "I know...Welp, my flight leaves at 4 a.m. and it's really late so, I gonna go. Night, Brian. Stay safe and don't get into anymore trouble than you already are! And catch me up on what happens. I don't wanna have to hear it from someone else."
"Alright. Goodnight, Jae. And don't worry about me. Take care of you self Sis." And with that I hung up the phone.

Nobody's P.O.V.

Penning asked, "What have you got, Trihn?"
"Were contacting agencies in multiple countries. Unfortunately, most of them have to manually scan their prints for us to upload."
"O'Connor's on line five. And, sir, you should see this." an employee stated to Penning and he replied, "Thank you."
The employee walked away as Penning looked over the documents in his hand while Trihn and Stosiak watched paciently. Penning then pressed the speaker button on the phone and said aloud, "Talk to me, O'Connor. Where the he'll have you been?"
"I got the shipment." Brian stated while lookin down as he stared at the street.
" ''I got the shipment,'' or ''we got the shipment'' ?" Penning stated sternly. Brian furred his eyebrows and asked, "What are you talking about?"
Penning started to walk around the desk as he said, "Traffic cams in the area picked up pictures of you and Toretto together."
Brian stopped moving and stared straight ahead and knew he had been caught.
"Listen to me, O'Conner. Bring in the shipment and bring in Toretto." Penning stated.
Brian started to get annoyed, "But I thought the point was to get Braga. We got an opportunity here."
"Brian, the clock stopped ticking. Being them in. Are we clear?" Penning sighed as he threw the papers down on the desk. Brian then looked over to Dom and then drifted down to the street. A line of blood was headed in the direction of Dom.
"O'Connor?" Brian heard distantly as he lowered his phone in fear and ended the call without another word.
He then walked around the the back of the tuck to see Dom opening the large bins. Brian causiously looked over Dom as he said in a low voice, "So this is what $60 million looks like."
Hearing a dripping sound, Bri looked down to the ground to see a small puddle of blood.
"Yeah, we go to get you to a doctor." Brian stated in a concerned manner. Dom then disregard the statement and pointed to the bins and said, "We got to find a place to hind this."
Brian and Dom looked at each other for about 5 seconds as Brian thought.
"I got a spot."

Authors note....
Don't hate me guys! I'm so sorry! I've been so focused on school and I didn't realize so much time has flown by. Now that I finally have a break I'm gonna try to get as many chapters as I can in today to make up for lost time! But on another hand, WHO'S EXCITED THAT THE FAST 8 TRAILER COMES OUT IN A FEW WEEKS?!?!?! I wanna get as much done, but I also want to space the chapters out so that give me time till fast 8 comes out so I can continue this story, or I might make another "book" on wattpad. Let me know what u guys think!
And thank you SO SO MUCH to the followers and readers! I can't believe my stories are in the thousands now!!! Have a great day, loves!

•The O'Connor Siblings• Book 1 [Process of Editing&Rewriting]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें