Chapter 42: Just like a Toretto

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Nobody's POV
Brian starred at Mia lovingly as she read a magazine. They were sitting across from each other on the train that Vince was talking about.
"What are you ready?" asked Brian with a smirk as he leaned forward on the table.
"Travel guide." Mia stated as she focused at the words she was reading.
"Yeah?" Brian asked, intrigued as to why she was so caught up in reading. Mia agreed with a "Yeah," as Brian reached for the magazine to see what she was looking at.
"Tokyo. Moscow. Goa." Brian said with a small smile as he flipped each page. Mia looked into her husband's baby blues as she said, "You want to know what all of these places have in common?"
Brian looked at his wife and asked, "Huh?"
"No extradition." Mia exclaimed. Brian smiled as he leaned over the table to give Mia a sweet, soft kiss. When they parted Mia smiled sweetly at Brian.
The captain then walked through the train door and started to greet some of the passengers.
"Here we go." Mia stated as she noticed the captain and got up. Brian followed 5 steps behind her. He then noticed to dressed up men and when be looked to what was around their necks, he saw the one thing his didn't want to see for a while. F.B.I. badges.
Mia purposely acted like she didn't see the captain and walked into him, saying 'Excuse me.' in Portuguese. The captain asked if she was ok and all the while doing that, Brian swiped the captain's ID and scanned it.
"Excuse me, buddy." Brian stated as he walked by him.
In the little spot of the train that the captain came out of, Brian swiped his card in this little hand held device and said, "Okay." Mia then took the card and swiped it in the card slot in the train wall. It beeped, letting them both know that it granted them access to pass. They ended up in a cargo area with the cars and Bri called Vince.
"Hey, we found them. Yeah, second-to-the-last freighter."
Brian hung up as he and Mia walked over to the keys that were locked in a glass container. Brian broke the glass with his hand and took all 3 sets of keys out.
Mia noticed that he was observing the keys and asked, "What is it?"
"DEA tags. These cars have been seized."
Mia and Brian didn't hesitate to remove the covers off of the cars and unattach the wheels from the train floor.
The other workers that Vince hired cut the side of the train off, revealing not only them and Vince, but the one and only Dominic Toretto.
"Look who showed up." Vince exclaimed to Mia as she rushed to her brother.
"God, I'm so happy you're okay." Mia sighed out while wrapping her arms around her brothers neck.
"I thought I told you to lay low." Dom told Brian.
"Been running on fumes. Had to make a call." Brian said. They were interrupted by one of the workers who said, "Hey! Quit talking. We only got the two-minute window."
"Lets go, Vince." Dom stated.
The worker came next to Dom as he spoke to Vince in Portuguese, "I'm taking the GT40."
Dom understood, but he wasn't gonna let that happen. As Vince got in the car and was taken out of the train, he reversed off of the helping truck and drove away from the train.
The man that was going to take the GT40 took a step, but Dom put his arm out to stop him as he said, "Ladies first."
Mia looked at Brian and then makes her way to the blue and white GT40.
The guy that was taking the shackles from off of the tire got up to go do something and Brian jumped in Front of him yelling, "Hey!"
They guy shoved Brian off of him and Brian held a finger up like he's saying I'm warning you.
"Hey! Este carro me serve melhor. (This car suits me better.)" Mia stated as she leaned on the open car door.
The dude just walked away and Mia got in the car and started it up. Brian walked by the car and knocked on the window and said, "See you, baby."
Mia smirked and put her game face on as the men hooked up the car.
"Está tudo bem ... estamos todos indo para o mesmo lugar. Bem, pegue o carro lá. (It's okay...we're all going to the same place. We'll get the car there.)" Dom heard and understood what the guys said.
Brian made eye contact with Dom and Dom opened Mia's passenger side door and told her, "Change of plans. Wait for my call."
Mia nodded at her big brother knowing that he felt a little off about this whole ordeal, too. Dom shut the door and yelled, "Let's go!"
The other guy on the truck pressed the button and the car was pulled onto the truck. Mia didn't bother to wait for the lift to go down, so she reversed off the truck and drifted the car around, going in the opposite direction of the train.
"Where is she going?" The main worker asked frantically. He then pulled out a gun and cocked it back and yelled once more, "Where is she going?!" as he pointed the gun at Dom's head.
"Hey!" Dom yelled as he smacked the gun away, making the man fire, sending the bullet into the roof of the train.
Brian then helped his brother out and started to fight the other guy.
In the train, the passengers and the DEA agents heard the gun shot and when they all turned around they saw the truck driving on the side of the train.
"We're being robbed! Whatever happens, don't stop the train!" The DEA agent yelled as he and his partner ran to the train doors.
As Brian kneed the guy in his face, the other yelled at the truck driver to go after Mia. Dom then slammed the guy Brian was fighting against the wall and Brian took the opportunity to jump out of the train and onto the truck. There were so many bumps that Brian slid down the truck ramp and was holding on by a rope for dear life.
"Access card! Get the access card!" The agent yelled.
Dom then threw the guy he had crushed against the wall out, making him hit an iron bridge. Brian finally climbed up the ramp and strangled one of the drivers as Dom delt with the "leader".
The other driver grabbed a fire torch and tried to kill Brian, but Brian killed him instead, as they crashed into one of the train cargos.
There was a sound of something spilling and when Brian looked to the side of the truck, the gas was poring out, and to make matters worse, the truck was on fire.
"Shit." Brian cursed as he tried to crawl out of the truck as fast as he could.
Dom smelled the gas, but also heard some one trying to get into his cargo area.
A spark ignited and the side of the truck went up in flames, pushing Brian from the truck. He held on tightly to the side and grew frantic as he saw what was coming up.
Dom looked out to Brian as Brian yelled, "Bridge! There is a bridge!"
Dom looked back at the last car in the train and ran towards it. He got in and Brian was struggling to climb up the side of the truck.
"Luggage car is clear." The DEA stated. Dom started the car as they bursted threw the door and yelled, "Freeze!"
They we're then dead in the 3 seconds that it took for Vince's worker to get up and shoot them. Dom then drove out of the truck, while being shot at.
Brian finally got a good hold on the train and Dom did his best to drive infront of the truck so that he can save Brian. At the last minute, Brian jumped into Dom's car. The remainder of the truck went up in flames and then was set free, only to be rolling quickly towards the car.
They were running out of road, so Dom had no other choice but to drive the car off of the cliff.
"Oh, shit!" Brian yelled, but with all of their adrenaline, he and Dom jumped from the car as it was in the air and fell into the water below.
The both coughed as they came up for air and Dom said, "You had to make a call, huh? Shitty call, O'Connor. Shitty call."
They both then hear tires screech and about 10 men jumped out of the car and cocked their guns at them...

"You two stirred up quite a bit of trouble today. 3 of my men are dead. 3 DEA agents along with them. Of course, this is buisness and sometimes things go astray. All I care about it the car. Tell me where it is, and I'll let you go."
Hanging by their hands from the ceiling, Brian breaths out from the pain shooting down his side's, "This roofing plastic says you're full of shit."
Reyes chuckles and says, "I don't know how you guys do buisness in your part of the world, but here in Rio, I like it when all parties know what they're up against."
"That's funny. Because it goes both ways." Dom states in his deep, hoarse voice.
Reyes smirks and they replies, "You know, I hear your sister is very beautiful. Wherever she hides, I will find her."
Dom and Brian gave Reyes the only death glare, and if looks could kill, Reyes would be scattered along the warehouse floor in several different ways.
Reyes only left 2 men to watch Dom and Brian. Meaning to kill them.
Let's just say it only took Brian and Dom a minute after Reyes left to kill them both.

The American fugitives killed three DEA agents during a train robbery...Police warn they are armed and extremely dangerous. Anyone with information should contact law enforcement immediately...
Mia switched between the radio stations and rolled her eyes. She quickly turned the radio off and grabbed a metal pole as she heard the door open.
She hid behind a concrete wall in the middle of the room and waited for the intruders.
"Mia?" A voice echoed and Mia smirked hearing the voice of her husband. She came out from behind the wall and hugged Brian and asked, "You okay?"
"Yeah, you alright?" Brian asked back and she blew the question off as she saw her brother and walked up to him and hugged him. As they let go of each other, Dom grabbed the pole from her small hand and chuckled, "Hey, yeah." Mia raised her brow and smiled as he said, "Just like a Toretto."
Brian snickered and smirked.
"Where's Vince?" Mia asked. Brian chimed in and said while looking towards Dom, "That's a good question."
"He'll be here." Dom told Brian as he walked around Mia.
Mia sighed and said, "Guys, we're all over the news. They're blaming us for the killing of those DEA agents on the train."
Walking next to her, over to Dom, Brian said, "Which means we just jumped to the top of the wanted list. The feds have got to show everyone their agents are off limits and they're gonna send their best guys. We gotta get out if here."
Dom walked around the car that Mia drove and said, "One thing we know for sure is that they wanted this car."
"Because somethings in it." Brian added.
"If we find out what it is, we'll know what we're up against." Dom stated.

"All right, listen up! The men were after are professional runners. They like speed and are guaranteed to go down the hardest possible way so make sure you got your fun-derwear on. We find them, we take them as a team, and we bring them back. And above all else, we don't ever, ever let them get into cars. Crime scene is 10 hours old and counting, men. Let's go hunting." ...Meet Mr. Luke Hobbs.
"Agente Hobbs! Chief of Police, João Alemeida."
Hobbs looked over his tablet to see the mission and who he wants to help him.
"Luke. Sorry to hear about the loss of your men." Agent Hobbs stated as they walked side by side.
"Is all this really necessary to apprehend two men?" Alemeida asked. Hobbs looked straight ahead as he exclaimed, "Let me tell you something about these two men. One is a former federal officer, been in deep cover for five years. He knows every way you're going to come for him. The other one is a professional criminal, escaped prison twice, spent half his life on the run avoiding folks like you."
Alemeida took in all of the info Hobbs gave him and said, "Well, if there's anything we can do to help the DSS..."
Hobbs interrupted the cop and said, "Two things. One, I need a translator."
"We have plenty in the public relations department."
"Elena Neves." Hobbs stated sternly.
Officer Alemeida asked, "A patrol officer?"
"You heard me." Hobbs stated.
"But, why? We have many more experienced people."
Hobbs rolled his eyes and quickly exclained, "I like her smile."
Avoiding the topic now, officer Alemeida asked, "What's the second thing?"
Hobbs then turned around and faced the Chief and said, "Stay the fuck out of my way."

•The O'Connor Siblings• Book 1 [Process of Editing&Rewriting]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें