My Opinions

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Sup sluts, guess who's back?

Me. It me. Hi.

I'm super sorry but happy new year!!

So ive changed the cover and model cos I wanted a change hope that's cool.


"It has to be white"

"Yes, yes definitely!"

"Or beige?"

"No, white"

"Perhaps Lady Faye should decide?"

"Ah yes, Faye?"

There was no reply from the brunette staring out the window.

"Faye! Pay attention girl!"


Faye's mother was an impatient woman. Especially with her children, though Giddian was only a young child so he got away with much, Faye on the other hand was held accountable for every breath she took.

"Your wedding dress, child, it's the biggest part of the wedding! The bride and future queen should be the center of attention, you have to look the part" her mother flailed as she spoke to the pauper.

"I'd think the actual marriage would be the most important part, mother"

"Yes, well you're the future queen-"

"Yes, you've said"

"-and with that you're bringing our family name to the throne. We will be one of the greatest houses" she boasted as if I wasn't her daughter but a rival.

"That's up to Joffery really" Faye mutters, turning away towards the window.

"You have him wrapped around your little finger!" She laughed bitterly.

"I won't use my power for personal gain!"

"This is your family name, Faye!"

"I have to do what is right, mother. I have to be a queen not his queen!"

"Lower your voice, girl" she hissed quietly.

Faye could only take so much of her mother in one day.

"Well, it's been lovely to see you mother, give my love to my dearest father who is taking up most of with Tywin Lannister instead of his family" I snap in a calm voice.

"You're father is busy securing the position he and Tywin gained you. You must stop voicing your opinions, one day they will get you into the trouble, a lady should not voice her opinions"

This angered Faye to new levels.

"I made the king fall in love with me! It was not father, nor Tywin Lannister, nor any other man you can name-" Her temper broke.

"-It was also me-" her voice quietened.

"-he fell in love with me, he respected me!-"

"-And my opinions." (A/N: 10 points if you get it)


The moon had been up for a long while, but Faye found that she could not sleep. She had looked forward to being in King's Landing, spending time in court but she never thought she'd preparing for her royal wedding.

The reality of it was terrible, although she wouldn't admit it to anyone. She spent as much time as possible beneath her blankets, hiding out from everything, from Joffrey, from her family, from anyone. If she could have, she would've hidden from herself.

The door creaked open and she started, her head snapping around to see who was disturbing her so late at night. Didn't they know she could have been sleeping? Expecting to see Giddian or her handmaiden, a million rude things sprang to her lips, but as soon as she laid eyes on Joffrey's face, they melted away to shock and curiosity. It wasn't because she didn't want to say them, but because her ingrained sense of duty and honor told her it was neither wise nor ladylike to snap at her future husband, and the prince of all Seven Kingdoms besides.

“I hope I've not disturbed you, my lady,” Joffrey said, his voice lower than a whisper. Faye had to strain to hear him, even in the thick silence of her room.

"You can't just-" she began. Joffery raised an eyebrow. Faye knew she had to go along with whatever this was. “No,” she said, her voice its normal tone, but flat and resigned. She felt older, beyond her years. Did all future queens feel this way? Alone and sad and always cold? “I'm still awake.”

“Yes, I see that.” There was a slight bit of acid in his tone when he spoke, the purring whisper faded away. She was growing used to that, had learned how to hide how anxious and uncomfortable it made her, but she hadn't learned to like it or even understand it. He seemed hateful at the best of times, but when she looked around at his family, she couldn't really blame him.

“Come,” he said, the venom mostly gone now. It was back to the purring for Joffrey.

“Come where?” she asked. She glanced at her bed, swallowed hard, and then looked back to Joffrey. A small smile played on his lips, like he had a secret and was waiting for the perfect time to let it burst free.

“You'll see.”

Faye's curiosity got the better of her. She put a silk robe over her chemise and her tiny feet in slippers and followed him into the hallway. Even their quiet shuffling echoed, and Faye was fearful that they would be caught by Janos Slynt or the Hound or Ilyn Payne.

Joffrey led her through hallways, up and down staircases, outside and inside and back again, through small doors, through tall doors, through wooden doors, through iron doors, through places so dark that he had to grab a torch from the wall before they went any farther.

He led her under the castle and around the walls of the castle, where the sentries posted didn't seem to notice or mind them running and laughing. Nobody told them to slow down or stop or go to bed. He named each place as they walked by or through, and Faye began to build a map of the castle inside her head, although she was sure everything would look different once there was sunlight streaming through the windows.

Faye's robe and chemise and slippers were coated with all manner of muck and grime from walking around beneath the castle, and Joffrey's clothes—the same ones he'd worn to court earlier in the day—were just as dirty. She laughed as Joffrey told her of a time when his Uncle Jaime had been caught playing the lute and singing a sad rendition of Hands of Gold.

“I didn't picture your Uncle Jaime as the musical sort,” she said.

“No, neither had I, but my father swears it happened.”

When Joffrey laughed, she saw a different side. It scared her almost to see he was actually human.

This is so bad.


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