The Lannisters

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So the beauty i am using to represent my ideas of Faye is a model named Julia Ziegenbein.
Stunning girl! <3

Shout out to: DanielleKeur1
Tysm for the support<3Much love
"Faye!" More damn knocking. "Open the door! You should be ready by now, we're leaving" she made her way to the door of her chamber. She was ready, well almost. Her ladies had done her hair.

Her dress was a dark purple with silver lining and silked sleeves.
She looked like she truly belonged in the capital.

"My dear girl" her mother mumbled almost in tears. "You look beautiful"

"Can we go? I'm starving"

"Yes, yes. Fetch Giddian would you?" She called as Faye was already halfway down the corridor.

"Ian! Its Faye" The door swung open and out waddles the tiny boy in his best clothes. Maroon and gold. "You look like a Lannister" Faye laughed.

"I look like a knight" he beamed

"To each his own" she mumbled and hurried him along to his mother, who of course made a fuss of him looking presentable. What did she expected? The lad to wear his undergarments to meet the most powerful family in Westeros!? That woman made no sense to Faye.

"Children, wife. Are you prepared?" Lord Pennyworth chirped smiling.

"Yes, dearest, shall we go?" The lady smiled. Acting again to look like a perfect, happy family. Not that they weren't, they loved one and other but there was an unreal amount of bickering almost everyday. Unusual for high-born children to quarrel with their own parents.

"Faye, walk with me, daughter" Here we go, threats and more threats. "If you embarrass me infr-"

"Yes yes, never see the light of day again. Marry the Frey boy. I know, father" she rolled her eyes.

The old man sighed and lead the family to a large room where an older man waited. Stood behind a chair.
"Lord Arthur, Lady Alisa"

"Lord Tywin. It has been a while. Almost twenty years I believe"

"Yes, quite. Lord Giddian, you do look like your Lady mother" he noted addressing the boy.

"Yes, my lord. Thank you, my lord" he spoke with his mother's hands on his shoulders.

"And Lady Faye, such beauty" he smiled and small smile.

"Thank you, my lord" she bowed her head to avoid eye contact. This became a habbit when she would hide her face from her ladies so they wouldn't know when she was lying. 'Such beauty' she wouldn't say so. Faye thought she was plain.

Just as the exchanges with Lord Tywin ended. The three Lannister children, and two 'Baratheons' arrived.

"Arthur!" Called a handsome looking man as he approached Faye's father. "After all these years" Ah so this is the kingslayer, Faye thought.

"Jamie! May I introduce my wife and children" the man kissed her mother's hand and knelt down to speak to Giddian. Faye didn't trust these people. Yet, she didn't know why?

"My, my. Look at you." Was all said by the 'kingslayer' when he stared at Faye. No. She didn't like him.

"Dearest one, you must be Faye" The golden woman from earlier greeted her. Her voice startled her and it was like she came from no where. "I am Cersei Lannister"

"My queen" Faye curtsied.

"No need, dearest one. Oh, you are a beauty" she smiled and touched Faye's chin, before sitting diagonal to Faye on the long table. This was so embarrassing.

"I'm Tommen and this is Myrcella" A different golden boy. This wasn't the king. He was shorter but still knelt to  speak to Ian. Whist Faye looked around the room, taking in the atmosphere. Alone and bored.

"You seem to be an outcast too"

What was that?

"Perhaps we should be out casts together?"

Who is-?

"Down here, love"


"Tyrion, imp" he offered a goblet

"Faye, girl" she took it and drank the wine that made it all a little bit more bearable.

"Is it tough, being female? I thought I had it hard being the size of a large dog" she smirked.

"You're expected to stay quiet. And I don't have a husband to follow and join the conversation." She explain.

"Have you met my nephew?" He asked. "Blonde, tallish, wears a crown"

"The king?" Faye laughed

"Ah yes, that little shit?" And as if it were an introduction, in he strolled with a beautiful brunette on his arm and a handsome knight behind. "Speaking of, here he is now. With the Tyrrell girl and her flowery brother" Tyrion sniggered as he downed more wine.

"She's beautiful" Faye thought out loud.

"Yes, but she's power crazed" the imp began. "Wants nothing more than to be Queen"

"Doesn't mean she'll be a bad Queen though, does it?" Faye turned her head to look at the Imp. Who gave a 'hmp'.

The dinner party began with two other families being introduced. I suppose it was a feast, in the end.

"Faye" the girl jumped at her name being called. "You look rather nice"

"Your grace" Faye curtsied.

"Joffrey, remember?" He smirked as she simply nodded. He took her hand and pulled her out of the curtsy, to her feet. "Uncle" his tone changed as he look down on the man.

"Nephew" Tyrion gritted his teeth. Some more comments were exchanged but Faye's eyes were drawn to the knight across the room who was smiling at her. His mouth made the movement of a 'hello'. To which she returned. She let out a small giggle which caught both men's attention but whist Tyrion laughed for separate reasons that only himself and a few others knew at this point, Joffrey did not laugh.

"Ahem, excuse me a moment" the king interrupted the silence as he turned and made his way over to the knight. Joffrey grabbed the man by the arm and made his way outside the room.

"What's he doing?"

"He's jealous of your eyes for Ser Loras" Tyrion smirked

"But he's got a bloody fiancée! I mean look at her!" Faye pointed

"Look in the mirror, girl! Betrothal means nothing to that boy, Lady Faye. Watch yourself" The imp warned her.

"Shit" Faye mumbled, quietly

"Shit indeed" Tyrion drank again.

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