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After being threatened, Faye felt paranoid. She had to protect her family.

She had to way out her option:

If she told the King of the letters he'd trace them back to Margaery, yes but he might cast her aside then be out for a new wife and with his family's influence, we all know who he'd pick.

If she confronted Margaery she could be blamed for trying to attack her. Which she probably would have.

There was always the protection the Lannisters offered but she'd need it on her family more which they may not agree to.

It was all too much for her.
She was only a 17 years.
What was she supposed to do?


"My Queen" Faye greeted.

"Lady Faye, come, sit. Have you come to a conclusion?"

"I believe so. Shall we go and see your father?" Faye was serious, it was like a dark side and she was ready to negotiate.


She sat among lions. Two of the most dangerous lions at that.

"Lady Faye. Have you come with your decision?" Lord Tywin Lannister, proud and smirking, inquired

"That and a few terms"


"Conditions if you like"

"How you aren't already a Queen" he sighed. "Go on, speak your terms"

"My family must be protected at all times from now on. Don't tell them why"

"May i ask why?" Cersei leans if the arm of a chair with her signature look of a furrowed brow and goblet of wine.

"I received a threatening letter, I believe it was from Margaery. She also tried to get me sent back the Renwall yesterday but the King refused it" Faye explained the whole thing. The box, letter, hair, Giddian and her concern.

"Good, it's begun" Tywin looks at Cersei.

"That whore of a rose won't last long with this new flower in the garden" Cersei speaks. Cleverly put actually.

"My second term; I want to be excused from Lady Margaery's daily meetings. I have to sit amongst those giggling simpletons anymore, I'll carve out my own heart"

"Done" Tywin laughed.

"I also want, access to be out at night, Sansa Stark to stop being abused and" she stopped.

"That will be easy if you do your side of the plan. Gain control over him and save your new friend. And your last term?"

"I need to be sure he won't hurt me"

"All that bravery but you're still just a gentle child under it all" Cersei smiles. "If you do become Queen, I assure you that over time that will fade if you aren't with someone who loves you. So, make him love you and he won't make a move against you"

"But how?" She sighed.

"You're doing rather well yourself" Tywin told her. "He speaks of you often"

"Lovely but what about when he's bored of me?"

"Don't let his eyes wander to others, look beautiful, act proper. When other men look at you with lust he'll be proud to say you're his"

"Everyone is his"

"He doesn't want everyone"

"Who doesn't want everyone?"

"Joffrey!" Cersei stood quickly and made her way to the boy.

"Why is she here? What have you said? Is she being sent home!?" He's yelling and pointing.

"Your Grace, Lady Faye was simply worried about a private matter" Tywin tries to cover up.

"What matter?"

"A private one" the old lion retaliates.

"I am the King! I have a right to know!" Joffrey shouts at the top of his voice.

Faye turns to Tywin and whispers; "Dealing with him is easier then you think"

"You're acting like a child" Faye smirks.

"What did you say to me?"

"I said you're acting like a child"

"I am NOT a child"

"No, but you're acting like one, act like the man you are if you wish to impress your Lady Margaery" She glides over to him and raises her eyebrow. Joffrey straightens his back and adjusts his clothes before clearing his throat. "There, she'll swoon for you" Faye smiled and places a hand on his cheek.

"Would you?" He says in a challenging tone.

"I already do" she whispers loud enough for all to.

She kisses him lightly on the cheek.
"My Lord, My Lady. Your Grace"

Faye makes her grand exit, all the while smiling to herself.

Leaving Joffrey's heart pounding heavy.

Cersei, with a shocked face but yet hopeful for the future.

And Tywin, smirking as if he'd won a war.

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