Protection Arrives

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Almost 4 months ago, Faye Pennyworth was brought to King's Landing, the home of the protector of the realm and his family.

This high-born girl of the northern borders has caught the eye of the King, Joffrey Baratheon. Though he did not know her well, he found himself falling for the girl's wit and charm.

When the King's family hatch a plot so the King can set aside his current betrothed, the High Garden lady, Margaery Tyrell. Who is already unpopular with the Queen, Joffrey's mother and her family is a danger and not so easy for Tywin Lannister, the hand of the King, to control. Faye is at the centre of this plot. As if the King was to set aside Lady Margaery, he would need a new wife and Queen.


She was still in her room. It was colder then most days this morning. She had a bad feeling today, she could feel something was to happen. And she was right. She'd have to see him again.

Yerin was at the door. Knocking frantically.

"Yes, it's open"

She carried on knocking.

"Yerin! Its open!"

She burst through the door.

"M'Lady, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater" she held the door open. A scruffy looking knight stood at her door. Behind him, a smaller, younger boy perhaps a squire.

"My Lady" he sounded Northern.

"Ser," she stood and walked over to him. "Lord Tyrion has told me of you"

"He's spoken good things I hope"

"Oh, yes. He said you were perhaps the best knight and an excellent fighter"

"Aye. That I am, and I'm here to protect you. This is Poddrick, A squire, he's a loyal lad. Aren't you Pod?" He spoke to the boy behind him.

"Yes Ser. It's nice to meet you, My Lady" he was shy and spoke quite quietly. He backed away as the more confident man in the doorway gave him a strange look.

"And you Poddrick" she nodded and smiled at the boy. "Are you aware of why you are protecting me, Ser?"

"I am. The King wants you, doesn't he? I don't blame him, you are a pretty one" he smirks.

"Thank you, Ser but when have you come to me today?" She brushes off the compliment quickly, she knew couldn't afford that sort of thing anymore.

"Well that's my next order of business. The King has sent for you and Lord Tyrion thought it would be a good time to introduce you to me, given your little scrap you have the last time you two spoke, so to avoid any problems he sent me, your sworn shield." He bowed, Faye wasn't sure if he was mocking but he was alike Tyrion in may ways.

"Well then, we mustn't keep his grace waiting" she walked out of the door, followed by her new acquaintances.

"Do you like the King, My Lady? If I can ask that"

"No. I can't say I do and yourself?"

"Aye, the lads a cunt isn-i apologise for my language, My Lady."

"Dont worry about it" she laughed.

"You're more relaxed then most high-born women. Shame to waste such a girl and some golden berk"

"Ser, I am loyal to my King, just as you are"

"Of course, my apologies"

"It's alright, I always wish for you to speak your mind around me but I fear it. We don't know who's around"

"Aye. I've also been told of that little love note you were past. We'll have non of that I assure you, my Lady" he said cockily.

"Please, Faye is enough"

"Are you s-"

"Very sure. Same goes to for ,Pod" she spoke a little louder to assure the boy walking behind herself and Bronn could hear her. He simply nods and continues to try and keep up with the two of them.

"If I may say," Bronn began again. "In the hall that day, you said you didn't fear death? Is that so?"

"If I did I wouldn't stand up to the King the way I did but I don't need to worry about that now, do I?" She smirked.

"Well, if the King does happen to order something to-"

"If he does so be it. I am not afraid"

"Would you become his Queen?"

"I would become The Queen. I would never be his"


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