Welcome To King's Landing

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"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Lady Pennyworth spoke. The family was waiting to enter the throne room to meet the king. Faye's father was one of the men who taught Jamie Lannister to wield a sword so was familiar with the family in power. Though he'd never met Joffrey, as the Lannisters had never met his own children.

"I hate it already" Faye rolled her eyes. She was holding her brother, as she usually did when he was nervous or tiered. He was both. The journey was long and it wasn't helped by the rules their mother had spoken all the way there.

"You behave, do not embarrass your father" Her mother threatened, taking Giddian from her arms and standing him on this own feet before fixing his hair. "You both look lovely. Backs straight, smile and speak when spoken to" She smiled.

Suddenly the doors opened, making such noise, it could've woken the dead.
"Enter Lord Pennyworth and family!" A voice boomed.

The family walked proudly towards the chair of swords. The first thing Faye noticed was a boy with golden hair, on the throne. Next to him a tall woman with the same coloured hair and a red and gold dress. Faye's own dress flowed behind her, it was white and silk like. Her hair was free as usual, it very rarely was tied. Faye was too busy gazing around the room to notice the king's eyes on her.

"Your grace" Lord Pennyworth began "It is an honour to be in your presence, I am Lord Arthur Pennyworth, may I introduce my wife, Lady Alisa Pennyworth" He took my mother's hand and she gently drops and lowers her head.

"Your grace" she says proudly.

"Welcome to King's Landing, my Lord, my Lady" the golden king smiled slightly. He was quite handsome but he had a look in his eyes that screamed 'Hello there friends! I'm clearly insane. Enjoy your stay!'.

"My son and heir, Giddian" Completely unfair, that a six year old child comes before the eldest by eleven years, Faye thought.

"Your grace" Giddian speaks and bows deeply, Faye looks down at him with a smile, her little brother is quite the little Lord now, everyone has said how he's going to be strong, like his father.

The king merely nods at the boy. What a absolute arse, Faye frowned slightly.

"And my daughter, Faye" he says finally.

"Your grace" Faye says, hoping to be dismissed soon.

"Faye" the golden king says curiously as he leans forward in the chair from his previously slumped position. "Tell me, do you like the capital?"

Her eyes widen. Was he talking to her? "Yes, your grace, it is beautiful" She looks down to the floor modestly, unsure where else to look.

"Look at me, Faye" He speaks softly. "I wish to see your eyes" she did so, with a look of innocence and surprise on her face. He stared for a couple of seconds. "Yes, you're quite the thing to look at, aren't you?" He smirks.

"T-thank you, your grace" Faye steps back a little. He smirks more, seeing how shy she acted. In all truth, Faye wasn't shy at all, she was taken aback, yes, but not shy. Never shy. She was doing as she was told.

She felt her brother take her hand and as she looked down he smiled up at her and she smiled back. She winked at him as if to say 'well done'.

"You will be staying here in the castle, Lord Pennyworth?" The Kings asked.

"Yes your grace" her father spoke loudly and differently to how he did at home, like he was acting. Though they all were really, he was the king after all and a mad at that.

"Good" he eyes darted back to Faye who pretended not to see him.

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