Lion's Den

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SHOUTOUT - thinkpretty
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Now this was the true lion's den.

Cersei was sat to a small table, goblet in hand. Across from her, Tyrion. Faye trusted Tyrion after their exchanges at the gathering a few nights ago, she sensed he was a good man.

"Go on" Jamie encouraged Faye to enter the room. "It's alright"

"Come, my dear, I won't bite" Cersei held out her free hand. Faye walked cautiously into the beautiful room, lit by candle light. Faye took Cersei's hand and sat beside her and Tyrion on the table. The table held 5 people and once Jamie had shut the door, he too sat down.

"This must be terrifying. Sat with the the children of the most powerful house in Westeros" Tyrion smirked. "Believe me when I say, My lady, we won't hurt you"

"Thank you, My lord. Ser Jamie didn't mention why I was asked for, my Queen" Faye enquired.

"No, that is a good thing. Too many of the spider's spies that could spike personal intentions of others" Cersei spoke softly. Many said the Queen was a bitter and crude woman but she showed Faye kindness and respect.

"Can I know now?"

"Yes, Faye" Tyrion spoke before his sister had chance to. "But we have someone to wait fo- or not" After he'd stopped himself, he raised the goblet in his hand to his lips.

The door swung open.

"Lady Faye"

"Lord Tywin" Faye didn't know whether she was questioning the sudden appearance of the Lannister but here he was. He took the fifth place at the table.

"Have you told her?"

"No, father. Not yet"

"Then I shall" Oh gods. "Lady Faye, you are a smart girl, you must have picked up on the interest my grandson has taken to you"

"Lord Tywin, if you need me to return home I understand. I may be a distraction to the King's ill actions" Since she'd arrived, Joffrey hadn't had anyone tortured or killed. Many had said this was usually common. "Though I do not wish to be in the way of alliances and i don't intend to sound so vein by saying. I'm also sure Lady Margaery is not fond of me anyway"

"I wonder why" Jamie mutters sarcastically. Him and Tyrion exchange smiles, sly one's.

"You have the whole situation backwards, Faye. It isn't like that, not really" Cersei offered Faye some wine, she took a goblet. Wine was something Faye wasn't allowed often, a luxury that her parents didn't want her to be hooked on.

"I'm sure you know what Joffrey is like and I'm sure you know my daughter has little control over him or his actions" Tywin gives a disapprovingly glimpse over to Cersei.

"And many know of my personal dislike of the Tyrell girl and her whole family for that matter. To put it simply I want her gone and we need something done to give Joffrey a reason to set her aside" Cersei explained.

"My dear sister wants you to seduce my nephew" Tyrion puts the situation bluntly.

"In a way. But you must let Margaery know you're up to something which will lead her to move against you, that will anger the king, he is very fond of you. Bring disgrace to her family but we have a way keep our alliance, marry the Tyrell girl elsewhere, letting the King decide of course. Do you follow, sweet girl?"

"We need someone on our side that we can trust" Jamie told her.

"You need someone you can control"

"You really are smart girl, you're no fool, you understand the way our small world is, much like Cersei" The Queen did see herself in Faye. "Yes, we do I suppose but not malicious though it isn't any different from being married off for political benefit. Yet this will benefit all of us. This boy could become like the Mad King and burn our city to the ground if we don't get him under control." Tywin is almost shouting now.

"So you want me to make the king fall for me and get control of him, flaunt that to the future Queen causing her to take action that will possibility get me killed?"

"It won't come to that" Tywin cuts in. "Lord Varys and i have a newly formed alliance, therefore I know of all the Tyrell tricks, you'll get a guard of a sort, you'll be fine"

"The finest guard there is" Tyrion adds. "Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. Skilled and fairly loyal" Fairly? Fantastic. "He will make sure you are able to complete your task"

"And if it works?"

"You'll be Queen"

Through the Grapevineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें