A Wedding

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Faye was sat with Cersei making wedding arrangements. She didn't even remember when she turned up.

"Now, of course your family can only pay about a quarter of what the wedding will cost but we can pay for the rest, with help from the Tyrell's as payment for Lady Margeary's... indiscretions" she tells her.

"Oh, I see" Faye says as she looks out of the window behind the Golden queen.

"Faye, my dear, you seem distracted"

"No, no I'm absolutely fine. Your grace but I have a question if you would. Did you ever love the late king? If you don't mind me asking!" Faye covers as soon as she starts.

She smirks and laughs slightly. "No, my dear, I don't. I did love Robert once. A very long time ago, before the gift of yourself and my son were even conceived, when we had just married, soon after I discovered I wasn't the one he wanted I gave up on my little love story"

"Your grace I am so-"

"Sorry? You needn't be, child. I fear only that Joffery's affections for you may-"

"Be a passing affair? Yes, as do I"

They finished each others sentences. Faye had become more confident, Cersei was definitely a big help there. 

"Faye, the world is a dangerous one to us women. If a Queen was to inherit the throne and take a husband, he would be King. If a Queen was found to have taken lovers her head would rest on a pike but a King may take any of his choosing. It is the way the world works and you have to be smart enough to decisive it. I can help you there" she takes Faye's hand.

"You must take advantage of what power you have over Joffery now but do not give yourself to him completely. Men don't want what they can have"

"I understand" Faye calmly speaks as she takes in Cersei's words.

"His majesty the King" a voice announced from the door. Faye and Cersei turned at the same time.

"Mother it has come to my attention that- Lady Faye. You've left your chambers" yes, Joffery I'm not that anti-social.

"Yes, your grace" Faye curtsies lightly.

"May we speak?"

"Of course. Thank you, Cersei, your words have lifted my spirits greatly" Faye smiled. Covering for the two of them isn't difficult, just act like she told you stories of happier time, un-corrupted by the wars started by her own bloody son.

Joffery offers his arms, which Faye takes along with a deep breath.


Once they're alone, Faye doesn't know what to expect.

"Faye. I- I struck you"

"Yes. You did" she speaks in a patronising tone.

"And for that I am sorry. When we are married you-"

"I will become yours. You will be free to do with me as you like" she looked down.

"But I won't hurt you. Ever again. He reaches out to touch her cheek but she flinches quickly. "You don't want to marry me"

She finds it safest to stay quiet.

"I wouldn't either. I know what I am"

"You don't have to be what everyone else believes you to be. You could be a benevolent ruler, a loyal husband and someday a good father. Why would you choose a path that leads you to no future? What of those around you?"

"I scare you. We're going to be married and I scare you"

"Then show me I have nothing to fear" Faye chooses this time to make a dramatic exit and she leaves abruptly.

"I will"


AN- sorry I've been soooo busy. It's nearly Christmas. That's pretty cool. I'm half-Jewish so ive only recently began to celebrate it officially.

I hope you're all well and happy!

See you in another month probs😂🙄

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