Northan Beauty

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SORRY. I've been gone ages but I'm back now! <3 Short one since I don't really feel up to a loooong chapter tonight, I'm listening to P!ATD and Melanie Martinez RN soooooo:p

Faye was just appointed a lady of Margery Tyrrell. From what she'd heard she was quite lovely but Faye had a feeling Margery didn't like her all that much.

There was a table on a large balcony with 6 laughing young girls and one who looked deep in thought. Faye thought it safe to sit by the quiet girl to avoid conversation.

Each one of these girls had beauty but non like Margery, well not counting the quiet girl with red hair. She was stunning.

"Ladies, this is Faye Pennyworth. I hope you except her and treat her with kindness" Margery spoke whist stood before all of the women who smiled at Faye and whispered amongst themselves. 'Bitches' Thought Faye, as each one of them gave her sly looks. But not the red head. Faye never was very lady-like in her own mind, she luckily was able to keep her thoughts to herself.

"Hello" Faye had decided before she could stop herself. She spoke to the quiet girl with the bright hair and rosy cheeks. She looked so sad.

"Oh hello" she mumbled making little eye contact, the girl only gave Faye a glimpse of her green eyes.

"What's your name?"


"Stark? Sansa stark? As in the northern beauty, Sansa Stark?" She couldn't stop her curiosity. Woah, the warden of the norths daughter? Ned stark's daugh- oh.

She giggled a little. "Yes, Sansa Stark" The shame in her voice was put through to Faye almost instantly.

Before Faye could say another word she heard the door swing open and Sansa's head shot down to the floor and she started shaking. Faye turned to see the King had walked in. 'Oh bloody brilliant' she thought.

"My love!" Margery spoke as she stood, followed by all of the girls, including Sansa. Each of them bowed their heads. Faye's reaction was delayed for a moment but eventually she stood.

"Margery. Ladies. I came to see how you were all getting along with Lady Faye" His irritating voice rang in Faye's ears. 'Yes yes, it's all brilliant, now get out please' her mind laughed to herself.

"Yes" Margery sounded disappointed. "Just splendid".

"Excellent" he spoke. Taking a few small steps towards Faye and smiling as he look straight at her. Faye wanted swat him away like a bug but she just forced herself to smile back.

"Faye" he greeted.

"Your grace" She spoke back. Noticing his raised eyebrow and smirk, she quickly corrected herself. "Joffrey"

He chuckled and looked around at the other ladies staring in confusion.

"I see you've met Sansa" he mocked the shaking girl. "You know, her father wa-"

"I know Sansa's backstory, your grace" She interrupted. "She need not be reminded" Faye was irritated by his slyness and cruelty. A rush of embarrassment and a hint of anger washed over his face. The ladies looked worried and a couple gasped.

"Yes, of course" he spoke softly. Now all the maidens gasped.

"Sansa, would you like to show me the gardens?" Faye turned her attention back to her new friend, who quickly nodded and smiled a little. Faye knew this would irritate Joffrey, as he offered to show her the gardens just last night, which she made up the excuse to. "Very well. My lady, Your grace" The two bowed their heads before Sansa took Faye's arm and they left the room. Not one of them stood inside had a closed mouth.

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