My Lady

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Sorry I haven't updated.
Here's a chapter!
Hope you like the picture too? Cheeky piccollage;)

"Yes, My Lady" Faye spoke, she bowed her head humbly and smiled. "I am Faye Pennyworth"

"Margaery Tyrrell, the soon to be Queen" she grinned widely and pulled Joffrey closer to show her excitement at the thought.

"I'm sure you shall make an excellent Queen, My Lady" Faye smiled more.

"So, Lady Faye, what brings you to King's Landing?"

"My mother and father wish for me to find a husband here" she continues to smile whist she cringes on the inside.

"Ah! Many fine Lords, here indeed" Margaery replied. "My love, shall we go and sit down?"

"You may, my lady, I have the other guests I should speak with" Joffrey spoke without taking his eyes off Faye.

"Well then. I hope to see you again, Faye" she said with a slight hint of bitterness in here voice.

"Actually I believe you will" The king began. "Faye, would you care to become one of Lady Margaery's ladies? You can then stay here in King's Landing with a purpose and with friendship?"

"If that is what the Lady Margaery wants, your grace, I am in no place to decline your kind offer" Faye smiles as she screams to herself.

"Very well, it is done" He smiles at Faye and then briefly towards Margaery. "Faye, Uncle" the golden haired prince then turns and strides towards the head of the table.

"Seven hells"

"What's wrong?" Tyrion asks.

"I just gave myself a reason to stay here"

"Ha. Congratulations. Well I believe Lady Margaery's group of ladies meet tomorrow. You should go and inform your mother and father"


"And Lady Faye. Don't let the 'king' deceive you. He isn't what he seems, you'll see that in time. Tyrion then hops down from the seat he's on and grabs another goblet of wine before leaving the lit room.
Sorry its short but I have a lot of revision I have to do know!
Please enjoy it though!
Might update later today.

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