Royal Pardon

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AndyDelaRosa3 Tysm for your support! Your comment yesterday made me smile:))❤

srdduke and supermegafoxyhot Tygsm for the ideas that I will be putting into these next 2 chapters! You guys really helped alot, thanks😚❤

Once Faye, Bronn and Poddrick had made their way to the Great Hall, they were met at the door by Tyrion.

"Lady Faye, good day to you. I hope our valiant knight has left a good impression" he shot a look at Bronn. Faye could tell these two had history.

"Course' I ave" he practically yelled, he was agitated. Faye found this quite amusing.

"I wasn't asking you Br-"

"No, no. He has, I definitely feel more safe already" she laughed, smiling down at Tyrion.

"Perhaps but I fear he may not be the best company." Tyrion raised an eyebrow.

"Well, then Poddrick can be my company" she turned and smiled at the shy lad. Faye didn't like people to be dismissed without giving them a chance.

"Very well. Shall we? We do not wish to keep the King waiting." And with that, the four of them entered the hall. Tyrion stopped a man about to announcing their names.

"Nephew! We've brought the lovely girl you requested!" Tyrion mocked and he walked in front on the other three.

"Your Grace. I was sent for was I not?"

"You were, my lady."

Faye raised her eyebrows waiting for him to carry on. She kept making him look a fool and she wouldn't stand down.

"So? May I ask why?"

"We haven't seen you court in so long and now my anger has cleared, I have decided to pardon you of your actions last fortnight" he smirked, slumped in his chair of swords.

"You are oh so merciful, your grace" she smiled sarcastically. She was very pissed off. He was trying to mock her, her? Of all people. She bit back.

"Though if I knew I required pardon I would have humbly asked his grace myself. Sadly I was misinformed" she looked down and smiled proudly to herself.

The King straightened in his throne.
"Yes, well-"

"I'm terribly sorry your grace. I beg your forgiveness. I do not deserve to be in your sight, I shall remove myself" she spoke dramatically. Tyrion laughed and Bronn stood looking amused and bewildered.

"No! You'll stay for court" Joffrey commands before she can turn away.

"As you wish, your grace" she made her way to the side of the hall, followed by her knight, squire and a smirking imp.

"I wasn't finished, i-"

"Your grace. Shall we begin court?" Cersei chirped before he could finish.

"I suppose I should...begin"

Joffrey's POV
I hadn't seen her in so long.
I thought things might have changed.
I don't know why I felt the need to try and humiliate her but being as witty as she is, she got the last laugh. She always did. Even if she didn't say anything. She could outsmart him with a glare.

He had to impress her. Now. Do something. Earn her trust back. Win her back. She was his and he wanted her to admit it. But she never would while she hated him. He had to prove himself.

Prove she was wrong about him.

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