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Could she even tell her family? Would she even want to? Is she even going along with the plan?

Off she went to do her duty as one of Lady Margaery's ladies. To smile and laugh like a mindless fool.

The only thing that kept her sane there was Sansa. She always told Faye of Joffrey's cruelty. Perhaps Sansa was the only one she could tell of the plan. The Lannister's never specified if it was a secret to all.

Though Sansa and Margaery were close.

No. She shouldn't. Her deep thoughts were interrupted as soon as she entered the gardens.

"Lady Faye?"

"Lady Margaery" Faye curtsied.

"No need to curtsy. I'm not the Queen. Not yet anyway. Come, i wish to speak with you" she had a glimmer in her eye.

Oh gods.

"Now, my dearest love: His grace, has taken an obvious liking to you and I feel you may be too afraid to be in his demanding presence. Therefore I will have him come here this afternoon and perhaps tell him you are homesick and wish to return?" That was blunt.

"My lady, I am simply here for my family. The King does not frighten me. I respect his grace" she told the perhaps future Queen.

"Now, Faye. I have tried, my grandmother cannot say I haven't. You will be returning home. Like it or not. I will not a have a simple girl of a simple house here to ruin everything. Do you understand me?" Her eyes had lost the glimmer and were fixed on Faye.

"I'll let his grace decide that. My Lady" Faye stood up and smiled triumphantly.

"We will. He's coming to speak with me later. I shall request your disposal"

"Do it" Faye challenged. "I'm going nowhere"

She sat with the rest of the ladies. Sansa however, was absent.
Faye sighed as the women laughed and Margaery threw hateful looks her way. Until the golden king entered the room and all was silent.

"My ladies. What was I called here for Lady Margaery? I'm very busy" his tone inpatient. He hadn't looked at Faye once. Mainly because she was hiding behind the other ladies until her time to strike was near.

"Well, my love. I shall be to the point, I believe our Lady Faye is becoming homesick and may need a perhaps long visit back to Renwall Castle" Renwall was her home. She loved it, she missed it but her duty was here.

Margaery was persistent, Faye would give her that.

"Actually, your grace" Faye walked from behind the flock of women towards the two. His face lit up at the sight of her. "I enjoy Kings Landing and would much rather stay. My lady, I don't recall saying I wish to go home"

"I- well lady Faye, I assumed- th- I" Margaery stuttered.

"Lord Pennyworth will decide when he and his family wish to return home. Not you, My Lady. Faye seems quite well fitted to King's Landing, I don't know where you got these motions from. I do hope it isn't jealousy again.

Faye smirked and mouthed a ''thank you' to the King when he rose from his quick bow. He just caught it. It didn't miss Margaery either, quite frankly it didn't miss anyone but Joffrey acted like a child who knew a secret. He smirked.

"Good day"

"Good day, Joffrey"

"Back to Joffrey are we?"

"If that doesn't offend his grace" Faye teased. All whilst Margaery watched, fire behind the eyes.

"No no. Its absolutely perfect" he was lost in her eyes for a moment. When he curtsied he remembered where he was and his gaze was broken.


That night Faye was in her chambers. It was a warm night and she was humming to herself as she read.

A knock.



"Who goes there?"


She made her way cautiously to the door. She pulled out her dagger, stood with her back to the wall and slowly dragged open the door.

No one. All that lay there a a small golden box with beautiful engravings around it. Faye picked it up and brought it into her room.

Whist ge brushed her hair, Faye gazed down at the box longer table. She thought about opening it. Then she thought it might contain a poison or deadly creature. Faye's curiosity got the better of her. She opened the box. Inside, a note.

"I won't warn you again. Stay away. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen now would we? Be smart, Lady Faye. Make the right choice or I'll make it for you"

That wasn't the only thing in the box.
Bound by a red ribbon, a lock of curly blonde hair. There was no mistaking who's head it belonged to.


Faye stood up almost instantly and ran to the room next to her own. Giddian's chambers.

She opened the doors and ran to the bed. The child lay there. Motionless. Quiet. He was. Sleeping.

Thank the Gods.

Faye stroked his cheek softly and smiled to herself.

On the side by Giddian's bed, there was another small box. Gold again.
Inside another note.

"It is so easy for something bad to happen"

Faye felt enraged. Yet this could be her chance. She would need that protection try Lannister's had offered and pronto.

She had no time to waste.

She was in the great game now.

Win or Die.

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