Just Maybe

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The Queen.

But she didn't want to be the queen.

"The Queen?" Faye repeated.

"As an ambitious girl, I knew you'd be interested" Tywin spoke as if he'd won a battle.

"No, you have it wrong, my Lord! I don't want to be Queen. I don't want to marry Joffrey. I'm sorry but-"

"Faye" Cersei began in her soft voice. "He won't hurt you if you just do as we say"

"I'm not afraid of him, my Queen" Faye protests. She wasn't, she didn't even respect him enough to fear him.

"Of course you aren't, that's very brave of you. Or perhaps it's foolish? Even I am afraid of him" Tyrion chips in with his 'oh so nobel' comment.

"I'm not afraid of him, I am however afraid of what he's capable of. If you cannot control him, his own family, then how will I?"

Jamie sniggered. "I told you she wouldn't agree, even if you did offer her a crown, she's a Pennyworth. What are your house words, girl?"

"United we Stand, Loyal we Stay" Faye replies almost instantly. (My family's real words, means they're proud of their family basically). Jamie sniggered again. "I fail to see how my family has anything to do with this, Ser" she spoke, sounding cold.

"She'll make a good Queen" Tywin smirked.

"Ha! 'She' most certainly will not" Faye stood up and stared down at Tywin.

"Careful now" Tywin began.

"Faye, sit down, please" Cersei almost sounded desperate. She was worried.

"She carries a dagger with her, you're the one who should be careful, father" Jamie smirked.

"Thank you, Kingslayer" she said sarcastically.

"Lady Faye, you can save people if you end Joffrey's cruelty, the people will love you, you will have your influence on the seven kingdoms and you're family would be set for life. You're turning this down?"

"I-I. It isn't that. I-I'll think on it"

"Please do" Tyrion's face was rather serious now.

"Ser Jamie, escort Lady Faye back to her-"

"No need, My Lord" before they could protest, she was leaving. "And i'm not promising anything".

She shut the door behind her.
Faye walked down the corridor trying to clear her head when she was interrupted by an all too familiar voice.



She hadn't decided if she was going to go along with the Lannister's plan or if she was going to continue being bitter and rejecting him.

"Your grace"

"What are you doing out at this time?"
He smirked.

"What about yourself," she laughed a bit. "Where are your guards?"

"I can protect myself, unlike you My Lady, can I escort you back to your chambers?" He offered his arm.

"I can protect myself, your grace" she smiled sweetly.

"Is that so?"

"Yes" She took out her dagger and offered it to him to inspect.

"A lady shouldn't carry a weapon"

"A lady has to protect herself"

He looked at her in awe.

She placed the dagger back and laughed at his expression.

"So, you're not planning on assassinating anyone?" He sarcastically remarked.

"Well I was on my way to assassinate you, your grace but I've been discovered" she placed her wrists together and put then out, "shackle me an execute me"

"You have the sense of humour of my uncle" he shook his head and held her wrist.

"I'll take that as a compliment" she broke from his grip and took his arm.

"Don't" he laughed. "You aren't like the other ladies"

"I don't enjoy being like those flock of hens if I'm honest"

"And why were you coming from my mother's chambers?"

"She sent for me"


Faye tapped her nose twice and sighed.

"These are my chambers"
Faye went inside of the room.
"Thank you, your grace. I was lucky you were here" she smiled genuinely.

"You're most welcome, Faye. I'll see you in court?"

"Yes. You definitely will"

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