Burning Roses

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Everyone: Where's Ella?
Me: Hai. Uh I had stuff and uh stuff.
Fo realz:p

I do love the model I chose to portray Faye because she looks like my sister and she had such a basic and modest beauty to her. I love it <3




Faye had been sat for an hour. Just lost in his eyes. He was beautiful and so pure. He was everything she could ever want in a man. Everything in the form of Loras Tyrell.

"My lady?"

She snapped out of her dream like state and noticed a confused looking knight. "My apologies, Ser Loras, I was far away for a moment there" she laughed. 'Oh Faye you twit' she told herself.

"You seem uncomfortable around me, my lady" he laughed as he gave her a sweet look.

"Quite the contrary, Ser, I enjoy your company" She saved. "Ser Loras I-" just before Faye could finish Loras was on one knee with his head bowed. But facing the opposite way.

"Your grace" Loras spoke.

Oh for f- "Ser Loras, Lady Faye"

"Your grace" Faye bowed her head, she refused to call him Joffrey. She didn't care if he was he king she had no respect for him after she'd seen the effects this boy had on Sansa. Poor Sansa.

"Ser Loras, may I have a word?" The king began. Faye turned to walk away before more could be said. "Don't go anywhere Faye" he continued. Shit. "We also have much to discuss" the king smirked. No, no we don't.

Joffrey and Loras walked away slowly, Joffrey's expression seemed bitter. As they walked, Faye looked around for someone, anyone, that could get her away from this situation she found herself in. She heard the conversation get more heated as time when on. Oh lovely, now the King's shouting like a child having a tantrum. Should she intervene?

"Is everything okay?" Faye tried to look past the guards at Joffrey and Loras.

Both men turned to face Faye simultaneously. Loras instantly smiled. Joffrey didn't.
"Everything is fine, Lady Faye" The golden boy informed as he turned away from Loras. "Remember, Ser." Joffrey began walking away and without looking at Loras, spoke. "We wouldn't want the smell of burning roses in the air, would we?" He smirked.

"No, your grace" Loras shrunk like an ashamed pup and asked to be dismissed. Joffrey granted his request.

"Lady Faye" Joffrey took and kissed Faye's hand. 'ugh' she thought.

"Your grace I re-"

"Joffrey" he tried to remind.

"No, your grace, I believe our informalities make your future Queen uncomfortable and we wouldn't want her questioning your loyalty to her, which I do not doubt you-"

"Faye" He began. Would this boy let her finish her bloody sentences? "Believe me when I tell you, I have no interest in this marriage. Not rea-

"Your grace" Ha! "You shouldn't tell me of all people such personal things! I mean, with no disrespect, I am a commoner compared to yourself"

"You aren't. You're so much more then that" He looked deep into her eyes as if this were a sort of love story. "Do you want to know what I told the Tyrell boy? To stay away from you" He didn't even give Faye a chance to answer them initial question.


"Because. He isn't good enough for you" he lied.

"You-? I have to go. Your grace." She bowed her head and began to walk away.

"No, Faye...please don't..." He started again but she kept walking, not looking back. "Stop in the name of your king!" He yelled.
She halted.

sorry, will update real soon, maybe even today, maybe;) xox

Lemme know how I'd going :D

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