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Any good music?

"You!" Fantastic. Faye had been awake for less than a hour and someone was yelling in her direction. Couldn't they wait until she'd woken up just a little?

Nevertheless she turned around to see Margeary, tears on her red cheeks and an angry, bitter glare in her eyes.

"You have accused me of falsely threatening you!" What? She was now inches away from Faye's face.

"Lady Margeary," Cersei calmly spoke as she took the same path Margeary had raged down just a second ago. "The king did what he felt necessary"

"What?" Faye just speaks. She was confused. Who could blame her, this was complete madness. At the mention of the King however, Faye knew something had happened. "What necessary decision did his grace make?"

"The King has set aside Lady Margeary due to suspension of possible treasonous plots and threatening members of court"

"He didn't-"

"Yes Lady Faye, he named you."

"I told him about the threat in confidence and he told his whole court!"

"And now I won't be Queen" Margeary mutters, crying a little more.

"Mother!" Joffrey.

"Your grace, we were having a womanly discussion"

"I hope you weren't comforting a possible traitor"

"Your grace, I have no knowledge of what my family may have done but I did not send that threat! Faye, you couldn't have been sure it was me!"

"It was only a theory, your-"


"Your grace, why would I want to harm a child like Lord Giddian, he is only a boy"

A million things were rushing to Faye's head but as soon as she'd stopped talking only one thought came to her.

"How do you know Giddian was threatened? How would you know he was involved? I only told Lord Tywin and The Queen those things"

"I-there has been-"

"It was never mentioned in court" Joffrey stepped in. "So how would you know the child had anything to do with it? Unless you had something to do with it"


"If you lie about this, Lady Margeary, what else are you and your family lying about?" Cersei bitterly spoke.

Faye stayed quiet.

"You are dishonourably set aside. My vows to you were never made" he smirked. "But I need a Queen"

Oh gods.

"My apologies. I do not feel so well. I must go." Faye turned to scurry away.

"Lady Faye. Come to court tomorrow. You may find it interesting for you"

"Joffrey. May I speak with you before I take my leave?" Faye smiled sweetly.

"Of course" he walked with her away from the other two ladies, one stood proud, the other crumbled and broke

Once they were alone Faye noticed the smirk still on his lips.



"I know what you're planning"

"Aren't you excited then?"


"But you'll be-"

"Queen? No, I won't"

"Why not?"

"I don't want to be"

"But you-"

"Please Joffrey"

There was silence for a few moments until Joffrey spoke again.

"You will be mine"

Faye shook her head and stepped back.

"Fine. Make me a Queen. But I shall not be your Queen and I certainly will not be yours" she stared, fire in her eyes. He matched her look.

"Until tomorrow, my love"

"Until then, your grace"


Sorry I've been lazy:p

Updates soon!!

Faye for Queen?

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