Last Day

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I'm back at school sooo.
Roll on A-leves:000

Let us continue


"As you all know, the Lady Margeary has been set aside. However her family are still very welcome and in no way disgraced by this issue. Lord Tyrell, your house, people and children are still very much welcome her at court, for the sake of our alliance."

His voice was irritating. Like a sharpening sword. It sickened Faye.

"I also need a Queen,"

Do something! Anything! Faye's thoughts ran through her head. She looked to Tyrion who nodded slightly, whilst Bronn frowned like a child.

"A wife, to love and rule beside me,"

Margeary was starting daggers through Faye. Like she would slit her throat in a second, though at this point Faye would slit her own throat.

"I have chosen the best choice,"

Cersei looked smug. She still though Faye was in on the Lannister's plan to marry Joffrey to her but ge had been trying to fail her mission, only to Tyrion and Bronn's knowledge"

"For myself and for the realm,"

It had started out so innocently.

"I name my Queen,"

Where did it all go wrong?

"Faye Pennyworth!"

The room was silent.

She felt as if she was falling.

Her mother gasped and her father looked from Joffrey to his daughter.

She just stared at him.
As he smugly smirked back.

Joffrey stood from his throne and made his way down the steps to Faye.

"Never have I seen such beauty, gentleness and grace yet such bravery, wit and character in one living soul,"

Compliments. 'Flattery will get you no where Joffrey, I assure you' she thought.

"Your heart is pure and good and your intelligence and charm match that of a true Queen,"

Cersei was all of these thing once. She still was beautiful, intelligent and proper but the years had turned her cold.

"If you would accept,"

Faye didn't want to be a cold Queen.

"I would love you from this day, until my last day"

Faye wanted to be Faye.

The crowd applauded when her parents answered for her.

This was the was the beginning of the rest of her life. Marrying a monster.
Marrying the monster.

Marrying him.

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