Our Deal

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Guy honestly your support is absolutely amazing! It keeps me wanting to write!

Im so grateful for all the comments and votes<3

You guys rock, thank you<3


She hadn't seen Joffrey in almost two weeks after the incident in the hall.
She hardly left her chambers. She was mortified in a way.

He was similar. He was quieter and didn't care for any business. He would give court over to his grandfather and stay away from his family.


"My Lady" Faye's handmaiden Yerin. She was a sweet little thing. One could only stand her company for so long, however. "You have a visitor"

Faye sat on her window ledge with her head to the glass. "Who?"

"The Queen, My Lady"

"Faye" Cersei was stood in the doorway. "Joffrey says you haven't spoken. You are- Out girl!" Cersei dismisses Yerin in a viscous tone. "You are still to go ahead with our deal, I do hope"

"Your Grace. I saw him for what he truly is"

"Many have. Hence I have taken action. Our deal is-"

"It isn't a deal, Cersei. It is a danger that i am not willing to put my family and myself through" she speaks louder. Without making eye contact with the Queen.

"I understand that but I cannot let my son be lost to Margaery!" She pleaded.

"Then you must take some action!"

"What action can I take? I've tried everything!" She sat on the edge of Faye's bed.

"Break her, frame her, kill her, I don't know"

"Frame? What do you mean by that?"

"Have a wronged action committed and plant false evidence that you can use to blame her" Faye shrugged.

"What action am I to take? What evidence can I plant? Would he listen to me when I tell him of her 'deception'?" She frantically threw questions about.

"Perhaps not. But he'd listen to me"

"Indeed. That's why I need you on my side." Faye tried to ignore her pleads.

"Have your father come up with the plot. Ill go along with anything else the best I can. Once Margaery is gone. I am too. I will not be his Queen"

"Alright. Alright, I will do all I can but even I cannot stop him if he decides he wants to marry you"

"It won't come to that. I wont allow it"

"Yes. But he is the King"

"He is the king. That's what I'm worried about"


Writers block. That was shite lol.

K so I'm going on holiday for a week and may not be able to publish bit I'll have many shiny new chapters when I return next Wednesday 10th.

Much love! Hopefully I'll have WiFi and it won't effect anything but I doubt it.

See you soon lovelies<3

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