The Game Of Thrones

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Faye pov

"What do you mean he struck you?"
Tyrion whisper-yells.

Normally I'm not one to run from an issue but this is one I cannot overlook. This is the rest of my life I'm talking about here.

"Exactly what I say" I smile slightly.

I'd gone to Tyrion. I trusted him. Bronn also, of course.

"I'll cut his balls off!" Bronn stood up and walked quickly to the window. He put his hand in the back of his neck and sighed loudly. I could understand his frustration. We'd become friends over time and he was quite protective and always there if I needed him. Better then my own father even.

"I want you to take no action. I just needed to tell someone" I tell them.
"It's fine"

"No it isn't, M'lady!" Poddrick speaks up. He instantly looks back down as everyone's eyes avert to him.
"I'm sorry for speaking out of line"
I smile at him and shake my head, I'd told him and Bronn I speak their minds around me after all.

"My Lady, I could have a word with my nephew" Tyrion sort of offered though I know pushing over that domino would lead to many more being knocked down. That would only lead to a life time of misery.

"I appreciate your concern, My Lord but I cannot risk it. If the only good thing to come out of me marrying Joffrey is that I can save this kingdom then i will. Whether I love him or even like him isn't a concern to me anymore, I will do what I promised your sister and father. I will be the Queen this kingdom needs"

"You believe you need to save kingdom? Is it in peril? How so?" He stares at me.

"Because it doesn't have the king it needs"


"So we'll give it a Queen"

"You plan to go behind the King's back in all of this?" He smirks up at me. Bronn turns around from the window as he listens.

"I plan to rule. He may have the title but your father has the power and he won't be around forever. Though I have the next best thing" I begin to smirk myself.

"And what is that?"


There is a pause for a while whist Tyrion tries to run through his head what I've said. "How so?"

"You're as clever as your father if not more so. You have wit, knowledge and my trust. I need you by my side if I am to save the realm" Tyrion looks down for a moment. His takes my hand in his own and covers it with his other.

"My Lady. Faye, I will do all I can to serve, advise and help you. You have my word"

"Aye. You've got mine aswell" Bronn tells me, his back against the wall.

"And mine" Poddrick speaks almost confidently. I smile at him. Bronn rolls his eyes and clips the boy around the ear.

"I believe that's all I need"

I don't know what I'm getting myself into but it can't be good.

I just have to be civil with Joffrey and keep on Cersei and Tywin's good sides.

The thing that worries me most is my wedding night. I'll grit my teeth and bare it.

I had Tyrion by my side, I trust him implicitly.

I'd be able to give Giddian a bright future. The Queen's brother should marry a highborn lady after all.

My house will become well known and strong again. My mother and father would be proud.

I could stop the torture of innocents, including Sansa.

Everything would fall into place.
All I had to do was spend the rest of these days with him.

When did I start playing the
Game of thrones?

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