Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up three hours later, it was around 8:38.

I took a shower, and brushed my teeth with my tooth brush that was here.

I put underwear that I had still here and threw on my sweats again along with my hoody.

That shit was comfortable , and I wasn't Finna leave it here so my mum could send it to Haiti.

I walked in to my mum room and seen eddy ole bum ass had replace my mum in her spot.

" Where my car keys?" I said shaking him.

I remember him waking me up again to ask for my car keys to move it so my mum could leave.

"No." He said and I rolled my eyes at his lack of paying attention to the words I was saying.

The first thing he ever said when someone tried to wake him up was "No."

He swear people always needed a favour from him while he slept.

"Bitch ! Where my keys?" I yelled.

He opened his eyes and looked at me for a moment then pointed to my mum's Vanity.

I saw the keys and took them.

" Bye Eddy." I know I wasn't finna get a reply.

I took my old key off the hook and left the house locking the door behind me.

I got in my car that was now parked in my mums spot. I blasted some Fat Trel as I drove home.

Before I left my mums block, I stopped three houses down by my aunts house.

My Godfather was walking out the house and I stopped and waved.

I looked to where he was going , and it was the abandi next to this house.

A couple of my homeboys was there just chilling.

" Hey Ralph, Twins, Toney and Ant. Y'all up to early." I screamed out the window.

"Wassup Kim." Toney shouted

"Yo." The twins yelled.

"Real nigga!" Ralph Said throwing his hands up when he saw me.

"Kim! Where you going?" Ant questioned me.

He's the only one who didn't know I moved, but he met Noah.

Doesn't condone of me in a relationship, he act way over protective of me, like my brothers.

He was a succeeding Rapper, so he's been gone for like three month.

"Home.Bye! " I said zooming off not wanting to explain, I'll let one of my homeboys explain.

I got home and parked, turning off the engine.

"I'm a Father ! " I heard yelling when I got out the car.

I looked to my neighbours house and some black man was looking happy as hell.

"Yes, your gonna be a dad." A short black woman said smiling up at him.

"Congrats !" I yelled over to them and the lady smiled.

"Thank You ! You're the first to say that." She said rubbing her none existent baby !

God gave them a Baby, and thank him I may that he ain't give me one.

"Wish you the best !" I said pulling out my keys.

"Thank you ! "The man yelled, picking up his girl and kissing her.

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