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   Antonia's P.O.V.
    I am aware of the others outside and I am frustrated. How could they have found me. Someone must have ratted me out. No worries. I always have backups.
    Looking into my mirror I whispered a small enchantment and it connected me to the soldiers that Aku left behind for me after he was defeated. Haaa. One useful thing he did.
    Ordering them to make sure they surround the perimeter so they can ambush Olivia and her posse when they make their move.
Looking out the window I am biting my thumb as I think to myself what is going to happen.
   I turn around and then ran into someone. Ace.
   "A-Ah Ace. You're still up?"
   "Why is everyone outside? We should let them in ya know." Ace said in a happy tone. I had to think fast. I don't want him to catch on to anything.
   "Well. You see. They are here early because we have a surprise party for you. As a token of our gratitude for you. And it seems like you kinda know but please. Just go back to bed and act like you don't know anything. Because this is such a big deal." I told him. Smiling as sweetly as I could. He looked skeptical at first but I kissed him told him please. He caved in and walked away.
Perfect....I looked at my pocket mirror and saw the troops were ready and I smirked. Time to go.
Walking out of the cabin and I looked around, my hands in my skirt pocket. It was still in the night. Not even the rustle of leaves were audible. My senses on high alert. Even though I can't feel them or see the gang, I knew they were there.
What was only a few minutes felt like a eternity between this standoff. The moment I relaxed something came at me. Moving in time to only get a long cut in my side. It wasn't deep at least.
"Aaaahh~ fuck. I missed. I never miss. But next time I won't make the same mistake miss prissy feet." Daisy said with a insane look on her face. I "tch"ed as I glared back at her. I never liked the crazy bitch anyway. Daisy cocked her head to the side and gripped her red bladed katana and charged at me. I jumped out of her way but as she passing me it felt like time slowed down and I saw her insane grin.
"Fooled you~" she sang but before I could process what she meant another blade pierced my side and I screamed out in pain. My men finally came and attacked everyone but the person who had their blade in me.
Looking back, I trembled with rage as I saw HER.
Looking at me was the red bitch. Olivia.
I had my magic pull her back and I jumped some distance away to face her. Glaring at her as I had a hand over my bleeding side. Wondering why it isn't healing so fast.
"Give back my husband!" Olivia glared as she raised her blade so it is pointing at me. I laughed at her. That was a huge joke. Oh my I can't breathe properly because that is comedic. I am laughing so much. Hahaha.
"You mean MY husband. It's too late. He loves me. Hell. He even fucked me a lot already."
Olivia's face contorted with rage.
   "Haaaah~? Speechless~?" I mocked. She didn't say anything and just charged at me, slashing out at me.
   I had dodged her but barely. Because my side stung so bad, my side still bleeding. She was quicker than before and I felt my vision going hazy. This can't end now. I mustered my strength and went after her.
    I can't delay anymore than I already have. I see my men are falling like flies against this small army and I have to get back inside quickly to get to my elixirs and rejuvenate myself.
   Grabbing a branch I morphed it into a sword and went towards Olivia. Our swords clashed and sparks flew. Both of  us sneering at one another being determined to kill the other.
"Just give him up already. Can't you see you can't win this Anntonia. I don't want to kill you." Olivia said, a look of pity on her face. It infuriates me at how she tries to be so merciful. But then I heard Ace. He was screaming my name and then I smirked at Olivia. He was heading towards us with his sword drawn towards Olivia's direction.
Yes. Yes yes yes yes. This is it. This is what I want.
"This ends no...." Just then I felt a sharp pain through my stomach and my eyes widened. I looked back and saw a man with blonde hair and red eyes.
"This ends now." He growled out. I then let out a loud shriek, causing everyone to be blown away before I coughed up blood, collapsing onto my hands and knees.
No. This can't be the end. This is not what I wanted. This is not how it's supposed to end....I just wanted my happy ending.
Not being able to support myself I dropped completely as I struggled to breathe. Looking around I saw the last of my troops be slaughtered and I relaxed. Everyone started to surround me and I looked up. Then person over was my precious Ace.
Giving me a remorseful look he crouched down and caressed my cheek, a gentle smile on his face. Weakly I grabbed it and then spoke out in a strangled voice. Tears streaming down eyes as I wanted to get everything out there. To let everyone know that,
"I-I am so...ry..everyone...A-Ace...I am sorry...I love you."
Ace grasped my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it.
"I love you too Antonia my friend. Relax Ok? Everything will be fine now." Ace spoke in a gentle voice as he smiled softly at me. Ah~ such a bittersweet time. I smiled softly & contently feeling myself drift off into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Olivia's P.O.V.

Everyone looked away as they were silent to respect what was going on. I gripped my sword and looked away as I was on the verge of crying. Romano came to my side as he patted my back. But I wasn't able to take my eyes off his sword that was soaked in Antonia's blood. Causing a strong part of me to wish that it didn't have to end this way.
"We're going to get ready to leave ok? Take your time though." Romano said softly. Nodding I let him go with everyone else as I watched Ace hunched over Antonia's limp body. I sheathed my sword as I walked towards Ace. I began to rub his back as a means of consoling him, speaking to him softly.
"Hey. You ok?" Ace looked back at me and hugged me tightly. I jumped in response for I was not used being in his embrace since so long.
"I'm fine. At least now I still have you. The real you. Olivia." Ace spoke and was holding me tighter to prevent himself from shaking too much. Smiling softly I helped Ace stand up. Caressing his cheek with my dirtied and cut hand I beamed. Tears ran down my cheek, leaving streak marks on my messy face as they washed some dirt away.
"Yes. You do. I am so happy to see you again."
"Me too. Haha. You're a mess."
"Shut up. Haha." I said, pushing him just a little. Ace chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Kissing me back passionately Ace wrapped his arms around my waist. Making me just forget about all my worries and the world around me. I missed this so much. I missed Ace so much. I love him so much.
When we pulled away we smiled at each and said our,"I love you" to one another. I then heard someone call for me and started walking towards them. Now all we gotta do is defeat Grey and get back Clem.
Just then as I was walking I heard Casper scream out my name. Quickly I turned to only get pushed back by him as he fell on top of me. He cried out in pain and I panicked, seeing his arm was just cut.
"CASPER?! WHAT HAP..." Then I saw it. I saw Ace, his eyes were clouded as his sword was drawn. He looked towards me and Casper with a blank look. I widened my eyes and I knew immediately who was here. More people began to surround the clearing and I looked around. Grey was here and I saw him walking out from the woods laughing oh so sinisterly. Anger grew into burning rage as I saw him call Ace to his side with Clementine on his other. Now the real battle begins.

Grey's P.O.V.

     I am laughing, having them surrounded by my army where I lead them to the old school. Watching them and their pathetic looks. Right here. Right now is where the last move shall be made. Who will win? It will be me obviously. Since I have Ace wrapped around my fingers like a marionette. But instead of totally wiping out everyone let's just have a little more fun with our game~

To be continued......


SCREEEEEEE!!!! Hey guys just wanted to say I FINALLY FINISHED THIS CHAPTER~ WEO~!!! I am so so so so so so so sorrrryy it's taking me forever. I just have so much going on in school and I and just like, my brain can't take in all this mush. Haha. I am still going I finish this but I want to thank all you fabulous readers for your amazing support. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys. I can't wait to get more chapters out and I love you all because you are just amazing fam. Until next time~. Ja'ne 💖


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