Here's the Deal...

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Aku's P.O.V.

The time. It shall be soon. The time in which I will achieve my goal. Olivia Kawashima. But for now, my brother has told me to stay with him. He said he has something in mind.
I was sitting in the small conference room at my brother's home. Anntonia with me. For she too has a brilliant plan.
"Thank you for coming." Grey said in that usual calm, cold voice of his.
"Yea. What do you need? I was organizing my human followers for my plan."
"Yes. I am well aware of that. But I am telling you. You're moving on impulse. Impulse doesn't win the game brother." Grey said.
"What?" I said, a bit ticked off.
"You are moving on impulse and you will lose the game. You need to plan more. Don't rush things."
"What do you know?" I snapped at Grey, hissing.
"Everything actually." Grey said, a smirk on his face. My eye twitched, agitated.
"Are you getting smart with me?"
"No. I am just smarter than you."
"Why you..."
"Can we just get on with this?" Anntonia asked, annoyed as she tapped her fingers on the table.
"Yea. Lets get on with this. Aku, behave yourself." Grey said withal sly smile as he leaned forward, propping his elbows on the table, his chin resting on his hands.
"What?!" I blurted out, standing up as I slammed my hands down at the table, leaning across it.
"Leader! Ochitsuke(Calm down)!" Anntonia ordered. I grunted as sat back down, highly agitated by how cocky my brother is.
Grey chuckled as sat back in his chair, getting comfortable with his hands folded on his crossed legs. I scoffed and then got comfortable myself, ready to hear what bullshit my older brother has to say.
"Well, let us begin. First off, you are rushing this. You are constantly after them. So the Suga's gang are already prepared. Especially that woman."
"Tch. What are you trying to say?"
"What I am saying is to try to either wait, or spice things up."
"Pfft. You make me laugh."
"Do I? You are the one who has been failing while losing your temper. Not me. I am actually thinking about my moves while I wait. Letting them think they have scared me off. So they can't predict my next move. I like to surprise them. Also, I like to work in the shadows." Grey said, a smile smile on his face as he pulled out a pipe, having a servant light it for him.
"Tch. Or maybe you are a coward."
"No. I am just the cautious and thorough type." Grey said, puffing smoke at my face, missing me off.
"Men! Enough! Haaa. Now, Grey-sama, what is it that you are proposing here?" Anntonia said in a formal, business like tone.
"Yea. My proposal. Well, I won't tell you all the details yet but, just keep doing what you are doing and I will provide support. Yet at the same time I expect you to do stuff for me at the same time."
"What may that be?"
"I want you to make sure that you wait a bit and let that child grow. Because raising a baby is not my thing. So you have to let that child grow up with it's mother."
"Why are you obsessed with that child? Are you a pedophile or something?"
"No. She is my future tool. She is the key to opening up something. Also, I want her."
"The mother."
"No. Her mother."
"Oh. My slave? Why?"
"She is going to be useful."
"What are you planning?"
"Just a simple family reunion."
"Haaa. Is that it?"
"Yes. That is it for now."
"Alright. Now, what will you do.for me?"
"When you make your move I'll let you have some troops of mine & etc."
"Haha. Fine. That is a fair trade." I said with a smirk.
"Oh. Also, Anntonia. Right?" Grey said to Anntonia.
"Yes sir?"
"I plan on helping you as well."
"I have a plan to use one of my pawns that will be useful for your purpose. I even already made them move." Grey said, a small smile on his face as he looked at Anntonia. Anntonia smiled and said with appreciation,
"Arigatou gozaimasu."
"My, look at the time. I have some important business to attend to." Grey said, standing up.
"Wait. You are just leaving us here?!"
"I believe you got here just fine. So you can leave the same way." With that, my brother left, leaving Anntonia and I.
"Well. You heard him. Lets go." I said. Anntonia nodded and held my hand as I teleported us back to headquarters.
"Things will go as promised right?"
"Why of course. And you have your own slave too right? That love-struck kitty."
"Casper? Yes. I do have him wrapped around my finger. Again, Olivia is his weakness and all I have to do is threaten him about his master. Which I have been able to do to other people as experiments. So, I can cause a few "accidents" that are able to threaten Olivia and her baby's life. Yet, I knew that if I did that there will be consequences. I am patient though. Because I know I will get what I want. Also, originally he was not supposed to know that he is my spy but this way it is fun. Watching them run around, fear engulfing them as they try to "protect" the ones they love."
"Haha. Good. Well, tell me more about it later ok? I need to update my followers." I said. Anntonia nodded and then I left, meeting up with the many followers I have who want to kill my bride. I smiled, having them wrapped around my fingers.

To be continued...

Thank u for reading. I hope to.see you next time. Ja'ne.


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