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Ace's P.O.V.

After I left Olivia in that room, I followed the sound of the battle to the front. Bodies were everywhere. The house was broken while it was stained crimson. The smell of blood was sickening yet I was unfazed. This is all so painfully familiar. I saw some younger members struggling in their battle. I got on the railing & jumped down towards the young boy and girl. I killed the people they were up against.
"You two go get help. You're injured." I told them with a smile. The girl nodded and helped her friend up, leading him to the route where the safe route is. I had no time to look around for right away I was attacked by lizard people.
I was moved by adrenaline as I kept on fighting. Helping friends out. I even caught a glimpse of Suga fighting his brother. Yet I kept my focus on the battle. Waiting for any openings.
We were being overwhelmed for there were just too many of them. Yet we kept fighting. Not stopping. Until the tengu finally came. Along with Kitsune. The help has come at last. To help the others.
Then, I heard it. They found Olivia. They never said her name yet the, "her", is all I needed.
Forcing my way through, I ran as fast as I could. For I had to catch up with them. Olivia is defenseless with Clementine. I know she is.
I was right. I saw her. Olivia was at a cliff edge, surrounded by the large lynch mod. They were insulting her and closing in on her. My blood boiled with rage and I charged at them. Impailing a man I then threw him aside and attacked others. Blood spurted everywhere. The sound of screams, slicing of flesh, spurting of slit veins resounding all throughout the area.
Seeing Olivia and Clementine watch me, hope in their eyes, it encouraged me to keep fighting. Wanting to reach my family even more. I was still surrounded yet I kept my eyes on Olivia and Clementine. Not caring that I was stained in blood.
Then, it happened. Something that I never wanted to see and would've for sure made my heart stop for second if I had one. The ground broke under Olivia and Clementine. Her redbrown eyes were filled with fright as it was like time went slow, purposefully making watch scene by scene as disappeared. Clementine's crying fading as they went farther and farther away from me.
Pure rage filled me as killed who held me back. I sheathed my sword quickly and jumped in after them.
Asano was there and she caught Clementine. Thank god. But Olivia was still falling and falling. Then, the waves of the ocean swallowed her.
When I too was swallowed by the ocean I could barley see her. But her red hair helped. I swam quickly towards her. The place where my heart should be was glowing. Yet I paid no mind to it. It just made my surrounding brighter, giving me the chance to see Olivia. My mind only thinking one thing, I had to get her before it was too late.
Grabbing her outstretched hand I held her close to me as I swam upwards.
When I resurfaced, I took deep breathes. Looking down at Olivia and I tapped her cheek.
"Olivia. Wake up. Olivia. Fuck." I cursed. Looking around, I tried to find the nearest land. When I did, I swam to it without hesitation.
I was panting as I stood up and brought Olivia to the shore. Placing her down I took off my coat for it was too heavy. Then, I unbuttoned her shirt. Wasting no time, I performed CPR. I will not let her leave like this. She can't!
I know she is supposed dead. But I refused to believe she is. So I kept going. She can't die anyway. Which means she can't drown either. Right?
Finally, she started coughing, water coming out of her mouth as she shot up. Rubbing her back, I let her cough it out. I was smiling. Relieved she was alright.
"Ace?" Olivia said in a weak, raspy voice. I smiled even brighter.
"I-I..." She never got to finish for she then hugged me tightly and cried. Letting all the fear she had, out. I wrapped my arms around her, petting her hair to calm her down. I was watching the water drip from our hair. My mind wandering again.
"Ace." She called out my name, bringing me back to reality. I smiled as she took my hand, placing it against her cheek. Her eyes were closed for a bit before she looked up at me.
"Ace. How is everyone?"
"I don't know. But I bet they're ok now. The tengu and kitsune came before I left. So they're probably kicking a bunch of ass." I said lightheartedly with a smile and chuckle. Olivia laughed softly and then panicked,
"Clementine! Where is she?!"
"Right here." A female voice said from behind. There was Asano, hovering behind us, her giant wings flapping without a sound. She smiled and held Clementine who was squirming in her arms.
Olivia stood up immediately and ran over to Asano once she landed. Smiling with tears in her eyes, she took Clementine and caressed her cheek.
"Thank the god you're ok." She said. I jogged over to them & hugged them. I smiled. They're ok. I held Clementine this time, comforting her.
She smiled as she looked up at me with her big red eyes as she clung to me.
"Haha. She was worried about her daddy." Olivia said, resting her head on my shoulder. I beamed and nodded as I then said,
"Don't worry. It's takes a lot for anyone to hurt your daddy." I said with a chuckle. Which made Clem bubble up with laughter.
"Thank you so much for being their Asano." Olivia thanked as she looked at Asano who stood there quietly with a soft smile and hands folded.
"Yea. Thanks." I too thanked her. Asano nodded.
"Of course. Oh. The charm. Do you want it back?" Asano asked a arm outstretched, holding a little batdoll. Olivia smiled and was about take it when I sensed something.
Grabbing Olivia and clutching to our daughter I brought us to the side just in time to see a bullet fly by and hitting Asano in her neck.
She stumbled a bit and was bleeding. Yet she didn't collapse. She just stood there and glared at the direction of the bullet.
Then, a group of lizard man's and the bastard's henchmen came out from the thick forest.
Asano growled and I handed Clementine over to Olivia, drawing my sword. Ready to fight again. Just then, Anntonia came out from them. She held a beaten & bloody Casper on a leash as she smirked. I knew, this is going to be bad.
"CASPER!" Olivia screamed, tears brimming her eyes. I held a arm out in front of her to block her from running towards them.
"Ace. Darling. It's been a while. I missed you~." Anntonia said with a sweet smile. I kept a straight face aa I watched her. Wanting nothing to do with her. All she has done has harmed people.
"Well I haven't missed you." I said with a smile, which made her scoff, causing me to chuckle.
"It's because of HER! Isn't it?!" Anntonia said with pure hatred. Her face scrunched up in a crazed look. She looked like she was going to burst. I kept my body tense with anticipation. Waiting for one of them to come at us.
"It's not fair! Not fair not fair not fair not fair NOT FAIR!!!! How come she is the one you love?!!!! I have loved you longer!!!! How come she is the one you married?!!!! How come she is the one you had a child with?!!!!" She screeched, pulling her hair as she moved around in strange movements. Before I could say anything she screamed again,
"Get her!!!" She pointed at Olivia, causing the henchmen to.come at us. Asano and I went at them. Fighting and fighting. We kept on fighting. Yet, due to how greatly outnumbered we are, even with Asano's help, some escaped and went towards Olivia. I tried to go after her but was held back.
"OLIVIA!!!!!" I screamed out her name. She ran towards the water, clutching Clementine.
Asano flew towards them but it was too late. They had surrounded her. I heard Olivia screaming and Clementine cry. It was sickening.
I then saw one of the lizard men come and hold Clementine. Then Anntonia demanded as she stood on a rock with a broken looking Casper,
"Kill the child!"
"Noooo!!!" I screamed as I shoved some henchmen off me, killing them.
Just as the man was about to kill my daughter, Asano came to the save, grabbing her before the man could do anything.
"ASANO! TAKE CLEMENTINE BACK TO EVERYONE! I CAN HANDLE IT FROM HERE!!!" I yelled as a cut down three men. Asano nodded and flew off. I smiled, relieved that Clem is going to alright. So now, I can focus on trying to save Olivia. Who then emerged from the bodies, anger visible in her eyes as she started to fight.
Who knows how long it was, but I kept fighting. Slicing, panting, sweating, bleeding. More and more men kept coming. I watched as Olivia too fought. Now able to move freely for Clementine was safe. She apparently had knives under her skirt, so she used those.
"HURRY UP AND GET HER!!" Anntonia screamed, agitated. I was smiling as fought. I was amused. So very amused now. Because of Anntonia. It brought my spirits up as I fought. I am just going to keep kicking ass.
The gleeful time ended once Olivia reached her limit. She collapsed when a lizard guy came up from behind her, slicing her back.
I screamed. Again filled with rage. I haven't felt this much anger. It made my blood boil. It made me keep fighting despite the fact that my body was giving in. It kept me going.
Just then, Olivia was piled onto once more. This time, she didn't get up. I then too was pinned by multiple men. Yet I couldn't fight them off this time. My body had become fatigued.
"Lets go now. Don't worry Ace. I'll be back for you when this thing is disposed of." Anntonia said in loving voice, coming up to then bend down and kiss me goodbye. I didn't return it.
I watched as they ran off with Olivia who was unconscious. Limp and bloody. Until they were gone, the people who pinned me ran off too.
I stuck my sword into the ground and used it to help prop myself up. I glared at where they ran off. Pissed by how Olivia had been captured by those sons of bitches.

To be continued....

Sorry if this chapter sucked. I am tired and I did this early in the morning and whenever I had free time during a speech tournament I had. Well. I hope you guys like my story so far. I love all u fabulous people. XD

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