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Olivia's P.O.V.
I heard it all from Suga. Everything. Everything about the Ace I have been sleeping with being a fake. The one I showed love to being fake. I am filled with many emotions. Which do I follow? I can't possibly follow all right? Hatred, anger, pity, sorrow, forgiveness, regret? So many are spilled out in the spectrum of emotions. Which do I grip on to? Can I choose more than one?
"Olivia?" Suga said carefully, breaking me out of my trance.
"Ah! Y-yea. Sorry. So. What is going to happen now?"
"Well I plan on having some of us go to where Ace is being hidden. And I want you to go with them."
"Understood. And...what about the fake Ace?"
"That is for you to decide. I won't intervene unless you need me to. Considering that Ace is still a person. Even is he is a clone he still harbors feelings for you. I heard in the background of the GoPro tape Zedd had. So Olivia, it is up to you." Suga said. I stared at him for a while before nodding to him as I left the office.
These are my problems now.

Suga's P.O.V.

I sighed out in exhaustion as I rubbed my temples with my head bowed. Thinking.
"If you keep stressing like that you're going to get grey hair you know." I heard a angelic voice say. I quickly looked up and saw Shiori smiling softly at me. She closed the door and walked over to me.
"Haha. And you're face is going to wrinkle if you smile so slyly like that a the time." I smirked at her. She gave me a, "boy stop playing like that", smiling face now as she walked to my side. I kissed her hand once she sat on the desk.
"You are listening to me afterall on going all out yet stealthy. AND making Olivia deal with the doppelgänger Ace herself. Surprise surprise." Shiori said in that usual laid back tone of hers.
"Isn't it wise for a gentleman to listen to his lady behind the scenes?" I said with a raised eyebrow as I looked at her slyly.
"Queen. Get yo facts straight." She said in a ghetto tone as she flipped her light brown hair.
"You know I queen when I got this expensive ass weave" she joked.
"Haha. Quiet now. You're more Mexasian (Mexican Asian) than ever."
"Way to burst my dream bubble Romeo." She said nonchalantly.
"Anytime Snow White~."
"You racist mother fucker."
"You wanna fight? Let's do this Judo style."
"Naaah. I just did my nails." She said, posing as she showed off her nails. We both laughed and I pulled her down by her shirt collar as I kissed her.
It then hit me how much it must hurt to get the love of your life taken away from you like with Olivia and Ace. It would just be like Shiori being taken away from and I know I would go on a killing spree just for her. I admire how Olivia handles this and Ace too. I admire them both.
I pulled away from her and smiled.
"I love you Shi."
"I love you too Su. Hey. Guess what?" she said all excited.
"You better be alive when this is all over because we both need you."
"Huh? What do you mean?" I said, quite baffled. Shiori rolled her eyes and let out a ugh,
"Silly. What I mean is that little you..."
"OI! I ain't little. Let's remember you said so yourself." I interrupted her just to piss her off. For she slapped my face with those long locks of hers as she sassily whipped her head,
"EXCOOSE MEH! Booy. You did not just say that. I am trying to be suspenseful here. Fine. I guess you will have to wait a few more months and see for yourself." She said with sass, turning around to only look back at me slightly with that cute little smile of hers.
"Wait what?" I said dumbfounded as I broke out of my trance of staring. She giggled,
"Well~ you went from home boy to baby daddy. Started from the bottom now your here." She said cheekily. I was astounded as my jaw dropped,
"No. way."
"Yes. Way." She said as she nodded with a big smile. I stood up so fast that my chair fell back as made my way to face her. Raising her high as I spinned her around. The both of us squealing and laughing like highschool girls. We then collapsed on the couch in my office, my face buried against her stomach as I smiled like a dork. I couldn't help but cuddle her as she pets my messy hair.
I was happy and relaxed. Now I feel more confident then ever because now every move I make matters in this game of Grey's. But I won't faulter. Because this is a good omen. If there is a future to be had. And if one is coming in then everyone else is gonna have new future too. For it is the birth of a new chapter in this game. And I will win it.

To be continued.....

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