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Olivia's P.O.V.

It's been about a few weeks since I started to live with Ace and things are semi calm I'd like to say. The thing is, I have been having a bit of a disagreement with Antonnia. She keeps on trying to get close to Ace and it just makes me so jealous. She is especially mean to me.
Like, when ever Ace goes out to do his own thing Antonnia would do mean things and make it seem like mistakes. Like one time she "accidentally" tripped and had hot coffee spill on me. Luckily there were no burn marks or anything serious. In other words, she is trying to sabotage me and ruin my relationship with Ace.
Yet, it's going better than ever. So she needs to stop acting up. Ace loves me and I love Ace. There is nothing that will break that.
I stood out on the balcony and look out at the beautiful and large garden that they had out back in the mansion. It was midday and there was barely anyone home for they were all doing their assignments that Suga had given them. So it was pretty quiet with just the sound of the children that live here playing in the garden and the maids and butlers doing work. Along with a few scoldings from the gardeners because one of the children had misbehaved.
It's surprising to find children living with the mafia yet, it's sweet too. Because most of the children here are orphans that have been saved. Such as Kylee's daughters Lin and Ren who were saved from the streets. Apparently they have special powers too. Lin has the power to control fire while Ren has the power to control water. Which is cool, elemental powers.
Everyone here has a special gift and I find that amazing. It just makes me wonder, what exactly do I have other than my fast healing. Hm. Maybe it's my skill in using weaponry or maybe my photographic memory. I wonder, where do I fit in all this.
As I was deep in thought, I was tackled from behind as someone held me in their big & warm.embrace.
"Kya!" I screamed startled, as I lost my balance and thought I was going to die. I held onto the arms tightly and squeezed my eyes shut. The assailant pulled me back into the room then laughed. When I heard the familiar laugh & knew who it was immediatly.
"Ace?" I asked and looked up at him, since he was a good head and shoulders taller than me, I only reach up to his chest. Yea, I wish I was a bit taller.
Ace laughed and beamed down at me.
"Scared you didn't I?" Ace teased.
"W-well, yea. Anyone would be startled if they were tackled out of no where from behind." I argued with a blush, embarrassed. I looked down and pouted, my cheeks puffed out. Ace laughed and then placed a gloved hand om my cheek and ran it down to under my chin, lifting it up so I can look at him. He smirked and moved his head down closer to my face.
"I'm sorry. Don't be mad." He said in a sexy voice again. I felt shivers run up and my body. I don't know why but I was being stubborn and looked away.
"Fuck you." I said. A bit agitated.
"Ok. The bed is right behind us. Wanna go now?" He asked, clearly mocking me. But not in a bad way.
"Haha. Stop it, you're so bad."
"Hehe, I love you."
"I love me too." Ace joked, making me laugh. I placed a hand on his cheek and helped pull him down closer to me so I could kiss him. Then, smirked and let me kiss him as he kissed me back.
Then the moment was broken when we heard someone come in. Ace and I pulled away from the kiss when we saw Casper come in and he has a smug look on his face.
"Hooo? Do I smell something beautiful going to happen?"
"Go away cat. I was busy." Ace said bored.
"Hai hai(yea yea). Shitsureishimashita(excuse my interrupting)." Casper said as he snickered, closing the door behind him. And I swore I heard him talking to himself about cameras. I think I shouldstart to worry about his obsession and consult a psychiatrist for him.
"Well, that happened." Ace sighed out and released me. Which was a bit sad. I was enjoying it. Casper is so going to pay for this.
Ace took off his coat and placed it on a coat rack and sat down on his desk as he pulled out his chair that spins around and started to write something. Curiosity got the better of me and I walked over towards him and hugged him from behind, wrapping my arms gently around his neck.
"What are you writing about?"
"Reports for Suga. Why?."
"Oh. I was just curious." I said and pulled away. I then plopped down on the bed and grabbed my book from the night stand.
"Oh. Olivia. Did you there is going to be a party tomorrow?" Ace said as he dropped his pencil and turned to face me.
"There is? No. What for?"
"Suga's wedding shower."
"Suga is getting married?!"
"Yea. To Shiori Kisaragi. She is actually the whole reason to why Suga started the gang. Apparently the loved each other since they were kids. She was a rich girl and he was a orphan barely alive on the streets of a city. But I forgot what city. Anyway, she was the one who had helped keep him alive until one day she had left to live here in this town. They were reunited two years ago and they stick to each other like glue whenever the other is around. So he proposed to her and she said yes. Yet, they also consider this as a ball so I guess we have to dress formally. I don't know. Yet, I wonder how you would look like in a dress" Ace said as he looked up thinking. Then I sent a book flying at him. He laughed and ducked it before it could hit him.
"Hooo? Nice throw. But why? I wasn't thinking anything dirty. I'm not like your cat." Ace pouted. I blushed and look away, pouting with my cheeks puffed out. Ace chuckled as he crossed a leg and rested a hand under his chin, watching me with a smile,
"This side of you is kinda cute and funny. Maybe I should tease you more often."
"Eeeeh?! Don't do that!" I blurted out blushing a deep red. Ace kept of laughing his butt off and then he got up and walked over to me, getting on top of me. He then held my hands, pinning then. He smirked and then kissed me.
"Haha, I am making you look like a red tomatoe." Ace said as he buried his face into my neck. I giggle as it tickled and moved my head to the side as I kept giggling. Ace saw this and then started to tickle my sides and I bursted out laughing. I tried to push him off but he was clearly amused as he chuckled and smirked. He then asked,
"Since when were you ticklish? Haha."
"S-since,ahahaha, forever. A-Ace, Hahaha, s-stop, that tickles. Hahahahaha." I said in between laughs. My sides were hurting as it was starting to get hard to breathe.
"Hehe. Nope. This is fun." Ace said as he kept tickling my sides. I tried to push Ace off again as I begged him to stop between laughter. Yet he too just laughed and kept on tickling me.
All of a sudden there was a knock on the door and Ace stopped and gave whoever it was permission to enter. I was still trying so hard to stop laughing and catch my breath. The door opened and Kylee came in.
"Shitsu...." Kylee looked up at Ace and I then blushed a deep red.
"Sh-shitsureishimashita(excuse my interrupting)." Kylee stuttered as she slowly started to back out.
"What is with all these interruptions today?" Ace asked a bit agitated.
"I don't know. But Kylee came by. I want to see what she wants." I said, finally catching my breath, my face still red.
"Awwwwww. I wasn't done with my fun yet." Ace whined disappointed as he pouted. This time being the cute one. I giggled and then placed my hands on his cheeks and pulled him down, kissing him.
"Maybe next time ok?" I reassured him with a smiled. He smiled back and got off me.
"Ok. Now go see what Kylee wants." Ace said. I got up and nodded. I kissed him once more goodbye and left.
I ran down the long corridor and saw Kylee walking away.
"Kyleeeeee-chaaaan! Matte yo(wait for me)!" I called out. Kylee turned and smiled as she stopped and waited for me. When I caught up to her we started to walk again.
"So what is it that you needed?" I asked.
"Oh, I came by to see if you knew about the party tomorrow." Kylee answered.
"I knew about it. Ace told me about it today."
"Oh. That's good. I am glad you guys are happy together."
"Haha. Same."
"Olivia, do you have anything to wear?"
"Hmmm. No, not really. Like, if you are talking about dresses. I don't have any. Sadly. I guess.I never thought I would need one."
"Sou ka(I see). Well, why don't you come with me. I have quiet a few dresses myself. You can try some on if you like."
"Hontoni(really)?! A-arigatou gozaimasu." I thanked her and bowed. Kylee laughed softly as she smiled.
"Ie ie(no no), daijoubu daiyou(it's alright). We're friends right? It's the least I can do. You have been extremely nice to everyone & everyone loves you." Kylee said so kindly. My eyes went wide for a second my heart did a back flip. I smiled & looked down, tears threatening to fall.
"Arigatou. That means alot to me." I said. Kylee then hugged me and hugged her back.
"We're friends and even family now. So lets support each other. Ikuo(lets go)." Kylee then took my hand and led me down the stairs to the first floor and some corridors until we reached a room. It was just like all the others except the layout was different and it was full of Kylee's belongings and it was decorated to her liking. But otherwise the same room.
"Now, lets find the dress you are going to wear for tomorrow. Now, lets find you a dress that will wow Ace." Kylee smiled and winked at me as she laughed.
"Haha. Yea, that would be nice." I said. Kylee nodded and opened up her closet and started to look inside pulling out many beautiful ball gowns that were in many different colors.
"Sugoi(amazing). They're so pretty Kylee."
"Haha. Arigatou. They're just hand me downs anyway. But I've done my best to keep them in good condition. Hey, if there is one that you like and it fits, then you can wear it for the party and keep it."
"Huh?! D-demo(but)..."
"No buts, you are keeping it. It's a gift from me to you. Also, I already have so many and I don't even wear them that much. Only on special occasions. Now, will you please accept my offer?" Kylee asked with a smile. I smiled back at her and nodded. Then, I tried on a few and found the one I wanted. It was a sweet heart black ball gown that was sleeveless and it had a giant red heart on the side. I also liked how the skirt puffed out, making it look like a tea cup in a way. Kylee tied the black strings on the back making it look like a bow. She then placed me in front of a full body mirror and I beamed at my reflection.
"See. You look beautiful. Wait here." Kylee said excitedly as she went to go look inside a drawer. As I looked at my reflection I started to wonder what Ace would think of me when he sees me. I hope he will think I look pretty. I love hearing his praise. Everytime he praises me I feel extremely happy and it makes my heart flutter. I smiled as I held my heart that was already beating fast just thinking about Ace.
"Found them. Olivia, give me your hands." Kylee said with a smile.
"Hm? Ok." I let gave her my hands and she then slipped on black gloves that went up a bit past my elbows. I looked again and I thought it was a beautiful touch and I beamed.
"Kylee, Arigatou. I love it!" I said as I held her hands and beamed.
"Haha. You're welcome. Come to me tomorrow and I will help you get ready. I'll hold on to the dress to. Lets surprise Ace. So don't tell him ok? This is our secret until tomorrow. " Kylee said with sly smile.
"Haha. I like your thinking. Thank you Kylee. I will do just that." I said as I changed back into my normal clothes.
"Olivia. Can I ask you something?"
"Yes. You can ask me anything."
"Is Antonnia bothering you? I know she loves Ace and all. So I am worried for you."
"Haha. It's ok. I can deal with it. Hey, do you know more about her?"
"Yes I do. She was someone Ace had saved."
"Hai. You know just as well as me that Ace is knight and he plays that role very well. When he sees someone in danger he would immediately jump in, not caring what might become of him and save that person."
"Yea, that sounds like Ace. Another quality of his that I love. Haha. I love everything about him, and I just keep loving him more and more everyday."
"Haha. Kawaii. Anyway, Antonnia was a runaway from a gang and she was attacked one day by some of those gang members who wanted her back 2 years ago. She said Ace helped her and he killed those people who attacked her. She had a broken leg and Ace brought her here where she was treated by our doctors. She stayed with us saying she liked it here. And, she said she fell in love with Ace at first sight. How many times had she confessed to him. Yet, Ace was clueless. But somehow, he knew when you confessed to him. I don't know how you did it, but you did. You made Ace fall in love. Which is something Antonnia couldn't do for two years. Yet she is stubborn one & she won't give up easily. So watch out. Also, she is witch too, be careful."
"Haha. Don't worry, I think I can handle her."
"Good. If there is anything you need come tell me or Suga right away ok? We're here for you." Kylee beamed.
"Haha. Yea, I will."
I finally had bid Kylee goodnight after I stayed a bit to talk with her a bit and went back to my room. Ace wasn't there and then I remembered how Ace always leaves for something. Something for someone. Yet he won't tell me. Explain to me why he wears a mask. Why He wears a cloak and why everytime he comes back he is covered in blood afterwards. Why can't he tell me I wonder.
I walked out to the balcony again and looked out at the garden. It looked beautiful at night as there were lights and that lit up the garden. Especially the fountain that was in the center that was especially pretty. Even if it looks just like a normal fountain but it's still beautiful.
"Mistress? You ok?" Casper asked as he jumped on my shoulder.
"Oh, hehe, hello there. Yea, I'm fine, just looking out at the garden and the forest I guess." I said as I looked at the forest and saw it rise up since it was on a mountain. Then, I smelled the salty air and looked to left and I could barely see the ocean. It was absolutely beautiful out here. I am glad to be here.
"Casper, don't you love it here?" I asked in a whimsical tone.
"Yea. I do. Also, now I don't have to worry about you 24/7 Hehe." Casper said.
"Yea. Well, I am going to bed. You coming too?" I asked.
"Yea." Casper said as he jumped down and landed on the floor to jump up on the bed.
I quickly changed into a night gown and got into bed as Casper snuggled up into my neck where he fell asleep immediately. I smiled and started to pet his soft white fur and then I too doze off to sleep.

Lost Hearts Linked Souls(COMPLETE) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora