Meeting New people, Creating New Ties

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Olivia's P.O.V.

It's been quiet lately. Well, somewhat quiet with Ace out doing a mission for Suga and how other people are busy like usual.
But Romano and Casper have been keeping me company as we get together and talk. Then, even though I can't practice with Daisy because of my pregnancy she would still meet up with me & give me lectures. But she never stays long for Tamashii would come by and she would run off to him, holding his hand as she would leave with him. I bet they are together now. Since she they have been getting cuddly and stuff. Yet Daisy tends to not wanting to boast about it. Which I find adorable at the same time since she gets all flustered. Yet when she is with Tamashii she is a whole another person. He brings her true self out and I admire that. I ship it!
Anyway, back to the now. I can't wait until the baby is born. But the estimated due date is some day in mid to late February. Once the baby is born there is so many things I want to do with it and Ace. It will be fun to spend time together as a family.
"Hey. When you come out. I am going to warn you, I am so going to love you to death. Ok? Haha." I said as I placed a hand over my big stomach and started to rub it. Then, I felt the baby move and I smiled. It's been a pretty active baby so that is a good sign. I'm glad it seems ok so far. I want it to be healthy when it comes out. So. Right now, I am doing nothing but read for I walked around the ridiculously huge mansion.
So now, I was sitting up in bed reading a book while petting Casper's head, when Ace came into our I room. I beamed and got up, walking towards him with a hand over my stomach.
"Hey. You alright?" I asked meeting up with Ace by the door and we kissed each other very quick. He smiled as he pet my hair.
Casper saw this and shook his head, running out of the room. I was about to say something to him when Ace then shut the door as he said,
"Yup. It was a fun job. Hey, wanna go out?"
"I don't know. Something might ha..." just then a arrow was shot and it went in between Ace and I as it was wedged into the door, barely hitting me. Ace walked over to the balcony doors and shut it, sighing.
"People are still trying to kill you? What a waste of time. Especially when they keep failing. When will they give up?"
"Haaa. I don't know."
"Worst of all you are pregnant and they don't seem to give a shit. Now that is fucked up."
"Oh well. I won't let them kill me. Well. I can't die either. So yea. This is just getting annoying."
"You're telling me. Oh well. Want to go?"
"Don't worry. I'm here too. Also, wear this." Ace then pulled out a brown cloak and handed it to me. I took it and thanked him as I exited the room & put it on. Ace put on his with his mask on also just so the people are after me won't know it's us.
As we were walking out, in a corner of the hall I saw Daisy & Tamashii kissing each other & I smiled, happy that she found someone.
I caught up to Ace and followed him. We were able to leave ok but I was still nervous to how this might fail. Yet this was Ace's plan so I have faith in it.
When we left, we took the back way, Ace leading me by the hand. We hurried from the mansion to the forest. As we were walking I kept my head down while Ace kept on leading me.
"Where are we going again?" I asked Ace in a quiet voice.
"You'll see. There are some people I want you to to meet." Ace replied, a small smile on his face.
I let him keep leading me when I realized that we were lost for we were walking forever. That usually wouldn't bother me but, as anyone can clearly see, I'm pregnant so this was difficult after a while.
"Ace. When are we getting there?"
"Soon. Do you need to rest again?"
"Yea. I'm also hungry. Sadly."
"Well I..."
"My my. I see you are working that poor wife of yours." Said a female voice. We looked up and there stood a beautiful blue haired & gloden eyed woman wearing traditional Japanese attire. She smiled softly, a kind look on her face as she held a basket filled with herds & spices. She also carried a baby boy with sandy colored hair with a tint of blue in it. She carried the light blue eyed infant on her back as there was a little girl by her side, her small hand holding the woman's large & gentle thin one. The little girl had the same hair color as, what I assume, her little brother's. The girl looked at us with eyes golden like her mother's.
"Oh. Hi Asano." Ace said with a smile.
"Asano? Wait, isn't she..."
"Yea. This is Asano. My friend Mitsuda's wife."
"Ah. It's a pleasure to meet you Asano-san." I said smiling as I bowed.
"It's a pleasure to meet you too Heart-san." Asano said bowing also.
"Ah. May I ask who these two are?" I asked her smiling, curious to know the names of the children. They look so adorable.
"Oh. This is Hana, she is 5, and this is Daichi, he's 4 months."
"Yoroshiku onegaishimasu." The little girl said, bowing. I smiled and greeted her back. Then Ace said,
"We were just coming to meet up with you and Mitsuda. I thought it would be nice to have you meet you guys."
"Ah. Well that's ok. I love company. Well, you should of told Mitsuda or I that you were coming Ace."
"Hm?" Ace said, confused.
"Well, you get lost and are used to walking for long periods of time. But you have a pregnant wife and that isn't good for her to walk around the way you do. Especially in a forest."
"Haha. Sorry."
"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to your wife."
"Haha. It's ok. Really. No need to worry about me." I said with a smile.
"Well. If you insist." Asano said than looked back at Ace who looked at her innocently. Making her sigh as the children giggled.
"Oh. Where is Mitsuda?" Ace asked. Just then there was a thud and we turned, seeing a sandy haired man lying facedown on the ground. He then stood up,.dusting himself off. Hana laughed and ran towards him.
"Oto-san(daddy)!" She called out and hugging one of his legs, snuggling it. The man laughed & lifted her, putting her on his broad shoulders.
"Hey. Ah. I see we have friends over."
"Mitsuda! Hallo!" Ace said with a smile as he waved at the man. The man walked over towards us with a smile.
"Now, what's the special occasion this time?" Mitsuda asked with a playful tone of voice.
"No reason like usual. Oh. I have been meaning to introduce my wife to you. Mitsuda, this is my wife Olivia. Olivia, this is my friend Mitsuda."
"Nice to meet you." I said with a smile.
"Nice to meet ya."
"Ah. Lets go home. I will make dinner and serve tea as you wait." Asano said with a smile as she started heading into one direction as we all followed in tow.
We then reached a home that was a average home in a clearing as it rested in the middle of this forest. Yet it did have a nice garden filled with herds, fruits, & vegetables. There also seemed to be a small barn as there were also chickens walking around.
"You are sure are self sustaining aren't you? Haha." I said cheerfully as I talked to Asano.
"Haha. Yes we are I suppose. I am a healer and usually have patients come out here for special treatment so I rarely leave just in case a patient comes.So it's best to keep ourselves well kept."
"Oh, wow. That is something unique. I like it."
"Haha. Arigatou gozaimasu." Asano said with a soft smile. I looked back and saw Ace talking to Mitsuda who had Hana on his shoulders.
"Just Olivia is ok."
"Are you sure it's ok to show such formality when we just met?"
"Of course. I am used to it anyway." I said with a smile.
"Hai. Hea...I mean Olivia-san."
"Haha. Still keeping the honorific too huh? It's ok though. Habits are hard to break anyway. I know." I said with a smile. Asano smiled back as she slid open the door. I took off my shoes, entering the house.
It had a sweet & spicy smell to it, herbs & plantation all over the home on shelves or in pots on the floor.
"Wow. It's amazing in here."
"Arigatou. As a healer I love to have certain things close to me just in case a patient happens to come by. I even have one room which is filled with beds for patients and a cellar filled with medication."
"How do u keep it cold if it needs to be cold?"
"Haha. Well, I'll let your imagination go wild at that thought." Asano said with a small smile as she winked, a finger pressed against her lips.
I was a bit lost at what she means by that but brushed it off.
Mitsuda came by and took Daichi who was resting on Asano's back in the back sash that was tied tightly to Asano & that had carried Daichi.
"I'll take care of him for you while you cook ok?" Mitsuda said with a smile.
"Un. Thank you. That would be good." Asano said as they gave each other a quick kiss before they went separate ways. Mitsuda was talking to Ace as he had Daichi in his arms while Hana stood besides him. Watching & listening to their conversation. Even though it was German. But who knows, the girl might know.
I went over to Asano and saw her getting everything ready. I smiled and then said,
"Need any help?"
"Huh? Oh. Olivia-san. Yes, thank you." She said with a soft smile. I nodded and then started to help her out. It was quiet for a bit until I spoke up once we sat down at the table in the dining room that was near the kitchen.
"I see you still live a traditional life. I admire that."
"Huh? Oh. Haha, yea. It is a lovely life. I enjoy it. And I see you live a more....casual life? Is that the word?"
"Haha. It's ok. I know what you mean.
"So, when did you meet your husband?"
"Oh. Well. That is a long time ago yet I still remember like it was yesterday. It was a pleasant spring day and I was out gathering herbs. We were 18 at the time and I was still living along here as a healer. I was out on daily collecting of herbs when I heard something big fall from a nearby tree ahead of me. I rushed over to investigate. Then there he was. Mitsuda was lying on the ground. Injured as he was unconscious. I was merely following my morals and helped carry him here for treatment since he had a few broken bones, cuts, & bruises. Then, as I took care of him, who would of thought that I would of fell for him. Haha. Now look at us. I am married to my paitent and have two beautiful kids with him. I think that is a amazing outcome. It is better than my old life. Where I originally came from I had no opportunity and everyone suffered there. So, there you go. A little bit about me. Haha."
"Wow. That is wonderful."
"So, how did you and Ace meet?"
"Well. It was a while ago too. You can say it was a typical crush I guess. I first saw him at my college and we talked and yea."
"I see. That is wonderful. So it was a casual feel."
"Yea. Also, what made it more memorable was that Ace was the first one who has shown me kindness in a long time."
"You see. I am part of a family that is hated and feared. So it is only natural that it would go onto me. All those negative emotions since I was a scapegoat. Well, that is what I thought since I was always beaten, being blamed and accused for everything. But then Ace talked to me. Yet I was the one who approached him."
"Wow. You built up that courage?"
"Well, he had forgotten his assignment and I was only doing what anyone would do. I would never have had the courage to talk to him just to talk to him. I am a coward." I said with a smile as Asano sweatdropped.
"Sou ka. At least you're honest with yourself." Asano said.
"Haha. Well, I guess you can say I used to be a coward. Ever since I met Ace I believe that I've changed. And in a good way too. For I've done stuff I never thought I wad capable of doing. I've met many great people. I no longer feel lonely or useless. I also don't feel like a burden anymore and my cat seems happier. Even if there was a bit of a hiccup that had happened."
"Yet, some things have not changed. I am still hated by a whole town and there is a organization out to get me. They want me dead. Not only that, but there seems to be new enemies. Like for one there is a woman named Anntonia who has been madly in love with Ace and she wants me dead, thinking I stole him from her. Then there is a demon after me named Aku who is infatuated with me. There are many times he had tried to take me yet his plans have failed. So I am still having many struggles and that there is no moment of peace most of the time. So, I still have my fair share of worries."
"That man." Asano said in dark menacing tone. She was snarling as she looked down, a fist clenched as it rested on the table.
"Hm? Asano?"
"Oh. Nevermind me. Ah. Lets check on the food." Asano said with a smile. I nodded and got up with Asano, checking on the food.
When we saw that it was done I helped her with putting the food out. Then she said,
"I want to let you know that now, I am a friend of yours. Ok?" Asano said as she looked at me, a soft, kind expression on her face. I smiled and nodded, thanking her.

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