The Move Was Made

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Olivia's P.O.V.

I am running for what seems like forever but my determination is undeterred. Not even the feeling of my lungs burning or the pounding of my heart is gonna slow me down. Keeping my eye out for Grey and them I fell into a hole. Covering my face I just fell down deeper into the hole until it dropped me a few feet and I landed on my stomach. Coughing and gasping for air I laid there to regain some of my body's strength since it was aching all over and refused to move. 
   Struggling, I managed to pull out my phone. The screen was cracked all over but at least it still worked. Well, barely. But that barely is all I needed to give out my location to Suga and them. I laid there a few minutes more just thinking about what my next move will be. Looking around I analyzed my surroundings and noticed light coming from the end of the tunnel.
    Leaving my phone behind for the others to find it I crawled to the wall and used it as support. Forcing myself to keep walking I kept repeating,
   "I have to get them. I have to get them."
   That was all I could think about as I made my way closer to the light. Ducking low I hid behind a rock. Down below I saw grey, Ace, and Clementine. I tensed as I held back the urge to just jump out and try to snap Grey's neck.
   Closing my eyes I took soft deep breaths as I leveled my mind. Once I was calmed down I looked around and thought about what I could use. Seeing a small pebble right besides me I grabbed it and rubbed it between my fingers.
Enchanting a levitation spell on the pebble I threw it to the other side so it'd make a loud bang on the wall. It distracted Ace and Clementine as they ran towards the noise. The moment Grey was left alone was when I jumped down from my hiding place and tried to strike Grey from above. I didn't scream like those typical fights in movies, manga, anime. I didn't make a single sound so, how?
That's all that ran through my mind as I watched in dismay as Grey grabbed my blade despite how it cut into his hand. Blackish blue blood dripped from the wound. Smiling evilly he looked at me with those dead gray eyes.
"Seems like you found us you clever girl."
   Gasping, I jumped back in surprise as I watched with wide eyes as he brushed the situation off. To my dismay  Ace and Clementine came speeding towards me with their swords drawn. I dodged them and managed to quickly sent a sleep spell onto her. But I Ace was too fast and our swords clashed.
    "Ngh. A-ACE! SNAP OUT OF IT!" I screamed at him as he was causing me to slide back from the force of swords together. But his eyes were dead as he smirked so coldly my insides chilled.
    Just like Grey's sneer.
    Not being able to keep it up I jumped away but Ace jumped back at me. Slamming me to the floor Ace sat on my stomach as he gripped my throats and held his sword up.
    There was a sharp pang in the back of my head as I laid there gasping for air. Instead of fighting him I dropped my weapon and reached my arms up, cupping his cheeks despite my struggling. I smiled weakly as I forced out my words,
    "This isn' Ace. Fight it. Because you are the one I married so I know you only have good"
My vision was going hazy when all of a sudden I felt his hold weaken until he fully let go. Gasping and coughing for air my chest started to burn. My heart was on fire.
Stopping abruptly I looked up and saw Ace looking back down at me with a confused look. His eyes were his again but the thing that was new was the fact that the place where his heart was there glowed a bright gold light.
"Ace. Your's glowing." I spoke out in disbelief. He chuckled and shook his head.
"Yours is too."
Before I could understand what he meant Grey screamed out in frustration as his anger became more apparent as a frost started to surround him.
"DUCK IN COVER!" the other Ace yelled as he came in and lunged towards Clementine to cover her while Ace covered me.
Grey let out a blast of cold icy air that froze the whole surrounding area within a 15 meter radius.
Quickly getting to my feet I warmed up the two Aces before Grey could get us.
"Are you ok?" I asked as I rubbed the other Ace's back.
"I am. How about you?"
"Good. But take Clem for me ok? She can't be here. So you two need to be safe."
"I will. Take care of yourself Olivia." Ace said as he ran off with Clementine. Beaming at him for a bit I ran back to Ace and grasped his hand.
"I-I don't know why my heart is glowing but, I think it's because of you." Ace told me, still shaken by the whole thing. Shaking my head I smiled softly.
"We can figure that out later but for now. We have a battle to fight. Are you ready for it?"
"Yes." He said, a look of fiery determination in his eyes. Gripping our hands tighter we faced a pissed off Grey and we knew we could win this because we are together now.

To be continued.......


Heeeeeyyy. Long time no see. Gawd this is so over due I am so sorry. I am busy with life but I haven't forgotten to write. I write whenever I have the chance haha. I am so grateful for you guys and I will see you all next time cx

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