The Truth About The Voice That Was so Cold

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Olivia's P.O.V.

I was sitting besides Ace who was being looked over by some nurses right after we got home from the battle. What happened? Who was that? What is his plans?
My thoughts were then disrupted.
"Olivia." I heard Kiba from behind me. I turned around and looked up at him with tired eyes and I smiled weakly. I was exhausted, both emotionally and physically.
"Come with me. I need to tell you what I know in private."
"Hai." I said as I got up feeling uneasy about leaving Ace.
We then entered a empty bed room. Kiba locked the door and leaned against it as I sat on the foot of the bed and looked back at him with my tired and puffy red eyes. Yet, I smiled weakly.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked with a raspy voice for my throat was already raw.
"You want to know what happened to Ace right?"
"Hai(yes)!!" I bursted out, yet, I winced and held my throat as it still ached. Kiba nodded and then continued.
"The one who took control of Ace was Grey. He is a god. A fallen one though. Many many many years ago, Grey and I; along with other gods had fought against him.
He wanted to control the whole world and create it to make it his own. He even had his younger brother Aku, on his side. Aku is also a very powerful and he is demon. Together, they were the embodiment of evil and destruction.
It was a long battle and eventually we won. Aku was forced back down to the underworld while we then went after Grey. Then, Grey had escaped but he was severely weakened. Our hopes was that he would never try anything rash again yet. We were fools and now, Grey is out for revenge. It also seems that he is even planning on something worse than he did back then. "
"Is there more?"
"Well, currently it's said that he resides in Antarctica. Cold place for the coldest Person. That is all I have for now. Also, he is ruthless and he will do whatever he thinks is best in getting what he wants. He is clever too. So, when you make your moves, be careful and think. Try to outsmart him even, if you can.
"Well. How about we ask Ace what is going on?"
"We can't. If Ace talks about him then Grey WILL kill him. And none of us here wants that.So we are on our own and have to figure this out on our own." Kiba said with a sigh. I looked down, feeling a bit discouraged.
Yet, I also feel other emotions, Anger, sadness, hate, & even determination. I am now determined to get to the bottom of this and end it once and for all.
"Kiba. Do you know what these people look like?"
"Yes. Grey has gray hair and gray eyes. Well, eye. Hey lost one eye during the battle. So, keep that in mind too. Then Aku has white hair and red eyes. Beware of him. The lizard man is after you too."
"Lizard man?"
"It's what he is nicknamed as. Since he has a fondness for reptiles. Anyway, he is also bad too. Just like his brother." Kiba said with spite.
"I see."
"You are lucky. Despite having a cruel beginning, it has made you into a strong woman." "Huh? What do you mean?" "What I mean is that you are a strong woman even though you are weak."
"Physically you are weak. Yet, mentally, you are strong. Not many humans are able to handle these kind of situations. Also, your loyalty to Ace is also another trait that is admirable. You two need each other anyway. Haha." Kiba said kindly. I smiled, feeling a bit better.
"Kiba, Arigatou." I said, grateful. Kiba is such a nice friend. Like everyone else here. I am lucky. Lucky to be here with everyone. To be with Ace. That is more the reason to why I must fight. So, I will get stronger. I must get stronger. I am not saying this just to say it; or sound cool like a anime/manga character; I am saying this because I know I NEED to get stronger and this time, protect the ones I love. I have suffered enough. So have my friends. Yet, unlike me, they are strong and fight. They even sacrifice themselves for the ones they love. This time, I will join them and fight myself.
"Kiba. Is that all?" I asked politely.
"That is all. You can go now. Now, go back to Ace's side." Kiba with a smile as he moved away. I smiled and nodded as I left the room.
When I made it back to our room, I saw Ace on the bed; sleeping still. I pulled knelt down on the floor besides Ace and looked down at him sadly as I saw all the scratches and bandages on his body.
I saw his hand lying next to him and I then held it as I rested my head by his shoulder. I looked down at our hands and thought to myself how I much I loved Ace. I love him so much. If this sounds so cheesy, so be it. As long as it reminds this damn universe that my feelings are real. Because, I know, that if I ever were to be reborn again, then I would find Ace and fall in love with him over and over again. Ace is the only one that I love and the only one that ever will love. So, please god, help me get stronger and let me keep this man. Let me keep Ace. I love him so much.
As thought that, I wrapped a my arm around his, hugging it gently; my forehead pressed against his shoulder gingerly; falling asleep as I will never leave his side no matter what life throws at me. For fate has already had our souls linked as it had tied a red thread around our pinkies, connecting us.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading. I am grateful for all your support. And I want to thank all my friends,
FrostedFilms, Lawleys-girl,SuperAwesomeGreen, @

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