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Olivia's P.O.V.
   "Olivia~, long time no see. How are doing~? I see you took care of Antonia and Aku already. I am very impressed you know. Because because you even somehow kept Aku's power inside you to keep your immortality even though at this point you could just simply choose to disregard it whenever you like since you have grown."
   "Since I have grown big enough to disregard things can I just disregard you then?"
  "HA! BURRRRN!" Daisy yelled from the background. Grey just gave a straight face at the comments and I got a bit worried. What could he be thinking? With a straight face on him how can I predict his thoughts and what he could be thinking?
"Well. Joking aside how about we all just go home and relax. Maybe have a cup of te..."
"NO! GIVE BACK MY FAMILY THEN!" I yelled at him. My body was quivering with so much fear and rage that I didn't know what to do with. WHAT IS THAT MAN THINKING!! HOW CAN HE BE SO CALM AS HE STANDS IN FRONT OF ME WITH MY HUSBAND AND DAUGHTER BY HIS SIDE?! Gaaahhhh something isn't right. Something about him today isn't right today because he is too calm and straight. I shouldn't be so anxious about this either but my instincts are going crazy.
    .....Wait....he is...smirking now. Ansjsjjsnssb now I am angry! Come on!
"Hahahahahaha. I see now. You're just frustrated. Ahh~ but don't worry. You won't feel that way soon. I have plans for you Olivia."
    "What do you mea..." I couldn't finish my sentence because with a flick of his wrist he sent his forces after us in a large wave. I was stunned and couldn't move for a second until Daisy pushed me back. She had her blood red sword disperse into liquid that flowed in the air around her.
With a flick of the wrist Daisy had the blood wipe out the first wave of people with such great velocity and power. I watched in amazement as the smallest drop had became a powerful weapon as it came in and out of the person rapidly. I heard Daisy mention this before in the fact that her sword is made out of the blood of her people which gives her the ability to control it, as it did things like puncture all vital organs once it melt inside.

The soldiers finally collapsed within the minute of receiving Daisy's blood and I let out a sigh of relief. The attack gave us a extra minute for every one to be back and to the front lines. A Minute was all that needed for me to gain my composure too and I glared at Grey since I am ready now. I gripped my katana as I began to speed walk towards him with my eyes lighting up with rage. He just stood there with smug look on his face and it pissed me off even more. As I was about to charge at him someone pulled me back and I was about to beat the crap out of then when I was stunned as I looked up at the person holding me back.


     "Ginta is my real name thank you very much. Don't get the wrong idea I am just making up to my brother."

    "Haha Yup~ we made up after our last fight with each other in secret . Now our gangs are allies. Isn't Ginta just the cutest~?" Suga said as he popped up out of nowhere from behind him. He had a dumb look on his face as a means of being smug which clearly ticked Ginta off but ignored Suga as he turned back to my attention.

   "Not yet. We have to get rid of as many of his people as we can. He has a lot but not unlimited. And remember that these people are no longer human because they are people that were thrown away during their life time." Ginta explained as he kept shooting at whoever was getting too close to us.

   "O-ok?" I said while I wondered if he really is on our side or not but of course I am not going to fight him and take up on his advice. Pulling away I thanked him and began to fight against whoever came into my personal area.

     What felt like eternity might have been only few minutes maybe hours. I could see we made some progress because the amount of bodies on the ground increased and I shifted my focus on Grey where he had Ace and Clementine by his. Just as I was about to go after them a group of his henchmen came at me. I struggled a bit, but somehow managed to break through the men as I saw Grey and my family walk back into the forest. I screamed out to them as a fruitless attempt to get their attention. I can't loose them anymore. This is going to be the end. This is the last time I am going to loose them ever again.

    They went into the forest and I ran after them ignoring the calls of my friends to attempt to stop and wait for them but I had no time. I HAVE to get my family back and I have to stop Grey. 
    I am running with all the strength I have while adrenaline gave me the extra boost I needed. Getting closer to them I had hope that I could actually do this. But soon I was cut off from their view when I saw the sudden flash of scarlet flow cross my vision. I knew all too well who that hair belonged to and I began to feel my knees go weak as they buckled under me.
    Looking up in disbelief tears filled my eyes so they fell in streams.
    "Ha. Too overwhelmed to see me are we? So weak that you have to be on your hands and knees thought is pathetic. Looks like you haven't changed since the last I saw you. Shame." The beautiful red haired and ruby eyed woman said in front of me. She had a sly smile on her face as she licked her lips, a fist against her cheek.
    My mouth was opened as I tried to speak but the only thing that came out of my mouth was one word,

To be continued....

Heeeyyyyyyy. Long time no see~ just wanted to say that I am off for the rest of the week for spring break which is a relief. Oh my gosh. So I just wanted to say that hopefully I will get more chapters done and I am super excited. Thank you for your support and patience as I the story is almost to a close. Five more chapters I believe is what I have planned. Wow. This has been a long journey haha. I am just so happy for all you faithful readers and I am excited. I hope it comes out good. Anyway~ enough of my ranting. Haha. Just wanted to say I love you all and I can't wait to get to the end. And I'll see all again next time XD Ja'ne

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