I Love You

111 4 8

Olivia's P.O.V.

I woke up in my own room this time and saw that it was 1:36 P.M.
"I slept in again."
"Goshuujin, you awake?" Casper came into my room in his human form as he carried in a bowl of soup.
"Here. You are hungry right? Eat." He said as he placed the bowl down on the floor besides me where I lay in my futon. I smiled and then thanked Casper. Grabbing the spoon, I said "Itadakimasu" and started to eat. Afterwards I let out a content sigh and said "Gochiosama" as I put my utensils down into the now empty bowl that I picked up. As I started to wash the dishes, Casper turned back into a cat and jumped onto my shoulder, perching there. This was all the same. Everyday the usual routine.
If only everything else in my life would be normal like this. So carefree and painless.
"Casper, I have to leave to go get groceries. Want to come?"
"Yea." Casper got comfortable on my shoulders and told me we can go. I smiled and nodded as I grabbed some money and one of my apartment keys, stuffing them into my skirt pocket. I the.left my apartment and left to go to the store and there, I quickly got what I needed and left. The stares and silent bad talking about me is really starting to hurt me. I want to beg them to stop but they won't listen and then they'll take it the wrong way and hate me even more. Also, I secretly love people. Even they are harsh, I still believe there is good in them. I don't want to see them suffer. If hating and hurting me makes them happy, so be it. I don't want anyone else to suffer. So, I just look down, do what I need to do, and leave.
As I was now walking home, I carried my groceries and was listening to Casper talk quietly to me when all of a sudden I was pushed into a alleyway. I screamed slightly as I fell on my front side first. Luckily my groceries broke the fall & Casper had jumped off safely.
"She's a witch too? She has a talking cat?" the man in the middle of the group of 5 said.
"H-he can't talk and I'm not a witch." I defended.
"Ha! We saw and heard. You thought this part of town was empty? Well you thought wrong and now your secret is out." The middle one said with a smirk as the other four watched amused.
"So, Kawashima, do you know what happens to witches?They are killed before they can cause the town anymore trouble." Just then, all the men pulled out knives and I backed off terrified. Yet, as I kept going deeper into the alley way, they came closer.
To make matter worse, the end of the alleyway was a brick wall. So I was trapped. Casper made his way back onto my shoulders and hissed at the men. His fur on end. The men just laughed and kept on coming closer and once they were near, Casper jumped at the middle man and scratched his face. He scratched his left eye and both cheeks, down to his neck.
There was blood all over his face and he screamed out in agony. Casper hissed and then was kicked into the. He yeowled and was knocked out. "Nooooooo! Casper!"
"EVIL! Get her and run!" The middle guy yelled as he ran out with two people helping him and the two men into front of me rammed towards me.
I screamed out in agony as two knives dug into my arms and one in my side and left leg. The two men then ran off and after their friends yet, one yelled back at me,
"That's what you get Kawashima! Especially when that minion of yours had hurt two of our friends yesterday trying to protect your ass!" Then, they were off, leaving me there crying hysterically at the end, lying on the ground bleeding and feeling so much pain. I can't take it anymore. Casper was hurt and now Ace might be in danger. Also, this pain hurts so much. I need to run away. Get far away from society. That way, there will be no more pain and then the people I care about here can be happy.
Just then, I heard someone running towards me and calling my name.
"Olivia! Olivia!" I looked up weakly and saw Ace kneeling down in front of me. Anger
"A-Ace..." I said out weakly, pain shooting all through my body.
"Sh. Don't talk. Lets get you treated first." Ace said as he picked me up carefully. I looked down and saw Casper still knocked out. I pointed at him and said,
"C-Casper, please get Casper." I winced due to the knife in my shoulder. Ace took my arm and gently placed in down and over my chest.
"Ok. Just stop moving and talking." Ace then walked over and picked up Casper, putting him on his shoulder. He then started to run, not knowing where he was going at first but I helped him and we made it to my apartment.
He took my key from my hand and opened it. He placed me down on my futon in my room and then quickly got all the medical supplies.
"Ok. I need to pull the knives out ok? I'll try to make this hurt less." Ace reassured as he pulled out the knives carefully. I couldn't help but cry like a child.
He then cut the sleeves of my shirt off and lifted up the bottom, showing my injured shoulders and side. He worked quickly and carefully. And soon, he had patched me up.
He sat back sighed. He was covered in blood and his gloved hands were especially covered. Tears kept falling but I couldn't cry out anymore. My throat was raw. Ace went off to the bathroom to go clean up and I laid there. My mind racing.
Ace, I am sorry. Sorry you had to save me. Yet, I am grateful. Beyond happy you came to my aid. Just like the knight that you are. I love you. So, I want you to be happy and safe. If I stay here longer many more people will get hurt all because of me. Also, it hurts. Getting hurt over and over again. I can't stand anymore of this excruciating pain.
With that thought process in my mind, I came up with a resolve, I will run away tonight.
Ace came back and was now clean. He knelt down besides me. He was angry.
"Olivia. What the fuck happened? Who did this to you?" He growled out.
"Don't you dare lie to me. Now tell me the truth. Who the hell did this to you?"
"I-I don't know. All I know is that they are friends with those boys from last night. Ace...." Again, before I could say anything, Ace got up and ran out of my apartment. I sat there dumbfounded and had a outstretched arm. Then, the tears came.

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