Nearing The End

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Olivia's P.O.V.

    I shot up, my heart aching for I knew. Something happened to Ace and this time, Clem as well. I turned to the bar window in my cell and gripped the bars looking out the window and into the town. Everyone was bustling. They all seemed so happy. I gripped the bars, feeling sick to my stomach. I heard there was some difficulties with this handmade guillotine. Since the didn't want to waste their bullets and never wanted to give me a proper Japanese death. So they went with European since they see me a unworthy foreigner despite being born and raised here in Japan. So, my execution is not till tomorrow at 3 P.M. Sharp.  So it seems that my end is nearing.

Ace's P.O.V.

     I opened my eyes and then saw a beaming Leeroy stand above me as I laid in a bed.
    "Yay! You're finally awake!" He said and hugged me. I chuckled and hugged back, glad to see a familiar face is unharmed.
   "Leeroy, what happened." I asked after we pulled away.
    "Well. Ginta's gang came in and we fought. And of course we won because we're awesome like that." Leeroy said grinning with arms and fists up emphasizing his statement as he grinned. I laughed and ruffled the young man's brown hair with a smile.
    "Hey, Leeroy. Where is Suga?"
   "Oh. Sugar is in his office. Want me to get him for you?"
    "HAHA. Yea. That would be a big help." I said with a smile as I chuckled.
    "Right. Sugaaaaarrrr~!!!" Leeroy called as he ran out to get Suga. A few minutes later Leeroy and Suga came back.
    "Good to see you are well Ace." Suga said with a cheeky grin.
   "Haha yea."
   "Ah. Leeroy. Can you go help with the injured for me?" Suga asked him. Leeroy beamed and saluted,
   "Aye Aye sir." Suga chuckled and wrapped a arm around Leeroy's shoulder in a quick hug before watching him run off down the halls with a smile, watching him with the same admiration in his eyes when he watches everyone in the gang. He loves everyone in here and thinks highly of them all like a proud father. Which is why he is respected. Which is why I trust him.
    Suga then closed the door and looked back at me.
    "I bet you have many questions that you want answers to." He said. I nodded for I do have questions but not a whole lot. Just enough to help me understand what happened.
    "Yea. What happened in that other secret basement?"
    "Well. It seems that Grey broke in and took the last of his needed power. He ended up taking it and..." Suga trailed off, looking down with a upset look.
    "And?" I repeated with a raised eyebrow, confused as I waited for him to finish. He struggled a bit and then said,
    "He took your daughter." At that moment it felt as if time went still. It took me a bit to realize what his words meant but then when they did mean something. I felt numb. Anger, shock, disbelief. Making me feel numb.
I gripped the bed sheets, seeing my hands tremble. Aku took my wife and now Grey took my daughter. What the fuck is up with people?!
"Ace. Tomorrow is her execution." Ace said.
"Olivia is scheduled to die tomorrow at 3'o clock sharp. We are weak but many of us are in full heal now. Thanks to our healers. Haha. They are working up a storm."
    "What are we going to do?"
   "Well I am going to get our best men and women to fight and rescue her of course. We are strong so it should be a piece of cake against civilians. Kiba and Akira said they will take care of Aku and Grey's hoard if they are present."
   "I see. What should I do?"
   "That is up to you. You're only job is to to be the one to rescue you're wife since we are merely the back up. I have faith in you." Suga said with a grin. I grinned back and nodded as I stood up by his side facing the door while he faced my bed.
   "I owe you." I said.
   "No you don't. I am the one who owes you. Just being here and having faith in me as your leader is all that I need. I started this gang also in order to help those thrown away from society and give them that second chance at happiness." Suga replied. Nodding  I got up and stretched.

"Welp. Now is not the time to just lay around. I have to save my wife and figure out to get my daughter back. Suga."


"Let's kick some ass." I said, grinning now feeling fired up, determined to save my family. Suga smirked with approval, he too getting fired up as we were now determined to win.  I will get my family back. And with that burning desire in my empty chest; it burned where my heart should be and it glowed as bright as fire.

Grey's P.O.V.

     I smiled to myself as I held Ace's child. She was indeed strong  and  healthy. Like her parents. She will be useful and I can see her potential.  I let her sleep in my arms. I thought to myself that this was good. Now that I am the one raising this child at such a crucial age she will be easy to play. For from this moment my new pawn.

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