Small talk big impact

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Olivia's P.O.V.

It has been a few days since I last saw Ace and I was actually worried. What if he got lost? He did look like he had no sense of direcrion. Or what if something bad happened?
Just as I thought these things Ace came back and walked in looking bored. I wanted to call out to him yet then it would draw attention to me and I already get enough unwanted attention.
He sat down a few rows in.front of me since I was in the last row high above everyone else while he was in the middle, not caring about anything at the moment is seemed. Just then, he turned and saw me.
He got up and then made his way up to me, sitting on my left, oblivious to all the whispering and dirty and looks from the other students.
"Hey. You seemed lonely so I decided I'd keep you company." Ace whispered with that same smile that made my heart melt.
"Arigatou gozaimasu." I whispered back and smiled softly. Then the lesson started and I started to take notes while Ace seemed to be off in his own world.
When the lecture was over I got my stuff together and got up when I realized that Ace wasn't coming.
"Ace. Are you coming?"
"Huh? Oh, yea. Hehe, sorry I was thinking again." He said as he got up and followed me.
"I see. If you need my notes I can lend them to you to copy." I offered.
"Thank you and no thank you. I'll be fine."
"Ok. Hey, you seem to get lost a lot. Are you new here?"
"Oh." So I was right. He must have a bad sense of direction.
"Yea. So what about you? Are you new here?"
"No. I have lived here all my life. And..." I stopped right there not wanting to say it out loud since it's bad enough thinking about it.
"Ok. Hey, tell me a bit about yourself. It'd be nice to get to know each other better." He said smiling again.
"Well. There isn't much to say I guess. I live on my own. I have a cat. I am 23. I like to to go out into the forest, read..."
"You like to read too?" Ace asked happily.
"Yes I do actually. I read alot actually. My apartment is full of books."
"Ah. What kind do you like to read?"
"I like to read all genres to be honest."
"Same." After that we started to just talk about books and simple things. Something that I never got the chance to do. And now that I am having this chance I haven't felt any happier.
When we reached my apartment I felt a bit sad. I wanted to talk some more with Ace.
"Well, I guess I have to go now. I'll see you later than."
"Yea. I am everywhere so we'll probably meet again."
"Haha. Yea. We will. Goodnight." I said as I climbed the stairs to my apartment building.
"See you! I guess I'll head home too!" He waved goodbye as he went off into a random direction and disappear. I laughed to myself again as I entered my apartment smiling.
Casper was already waiting by the door when I got and was confused to why I was smiling and just sitting at the entrance.
"Casper. I made my first friend and I am so happy." I then started to pet and hug Casper as I beamed happily as I felt my heart doing backflips. I was so happy for the first time in forever.

To be continued.....


Thank u for reading! XD

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