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Olivia's P.O.V.

   It was dark and I couldn't move. Then, while I was in the darkness I heard a male voice. A evil voice. I tried to look around but I could but all I can see is darkness. There wad someone one here.
 "Who are you?! What do you you want?!" I demanded as heard the voice again. This time, it spoke.
  "Expect many things Kawashima Olivia. The game is in motion and it's time for the fun to begin. I hope you are prepared for what you will witness. Witness the many things I can do and what another ally of mine can do. Especially to both you and Ace Heart."
   "Ace?! Who are you and what do you want?!"
   "Haha. Who I am doesn't matter to you. You don't need to know. But, enjoy what little time you have with Ace Heart."
   "Teeeeemeeeee(you). Who are you?! Show yourself!" I said enraged.
   "Hahaha. I don't take orders from a human."
  "Fine! At least tell me what Ace has to do in all this?!"
   "Hahaha. He is merely a minion of mine that I can easily ruin & dispose of anytime I like."
The voice said nonchalantly. Anger boiled inside me and I clenched my jaw as I balled up my fists.
   "Haha. You are surprisingly a feisty one nowadays huh? When it comes to Ace you get angry. How interesting. Haha. My brother sure picked a interesting one."
  "Huh? What do you mean by pick?"
   "Oh. I forgot. You have a spell on you. Your precious big cousin gave it to you. To protect you from the truth. Your fate. The fact that you are owned and to be married off to another man. A powerful one too."
   "Wh-what? How do you know about Romano?! What are you talking about? My fate? Truth? What is all this?!"
    "Hahaha. In time you will learn. I don't want to spoil the fun. So, I'll let everything unravel slowly in front of you. But I will give you a clue. A name. Aku. Does that ring a bell?" He asked amused.
   "Aku? Aku? Aku? No. Just tell me! What are you talking about?! Tell me!"
   "Hahaha. I already have explained too much to you. Now, you can figure out the rest on your own." The voice said with a chuckle and then he left.

  I was left there in darkness thinking, what does this mean? What is going to happen? More importantly, will this separate Ace and I? I don't want that. I want to wake up from this terrible nightmare. I want to wake up and see Ace. I want to protect him. I want Ace.

???'s P.O.V.

Sitting back in my throne I laughed to myself. This will be fun. I am interested in how Olivia Kawashima will act through all this. Haha. How will Aku make his moves also I wonder.
    Also, there is something about her that is weird. For up until now, Ace would always obey me. Now, he is starting to rebel and is becoming stubborn as he would sometimes refuse to kill who I order him to kill. Even when I punish him.
   And his stubbornness started right after he has spent some time with this woman. His mind was so easy to bend up until now. She has given him some sort of purpose.
   Hm. I could use this to my advantage. Now that he has found something dear to him, he will do anything to keep her, "safe". Haha. I am enjoying this. It will only speed up my plans.
    Also, as long as I have this boy's heart he is mine. How will she react when she finds out Ace is heartless man?
    I laughed as I looked to my left and saw the small heart of a young child's beating as it was encased in ice.
    Ace may be useless at his job sometimes but compared to all my other minions, he is different. So, that is why I keep him. But, I do have fun torturing him and making him do my bidding. Also, some how, even though he has lost his heart, he has kept his soul. Something all the others don't have.
    Hm. I wonder. Was their meeting fated and that is why he still kept his soul and that they ended up together? There must be some other force behind this that I'm unaware of. Which just means that I need to work quickly and carefully if there is.
    Hehe. How odd. I feel a bit worried. Well then, things have gotten a bit more interesting. Now I am excited to see how this game will turn out.  Now lets begin.

To be continued.....

Thank you for reading. Sorry for the short chapter. It was actually supposed to be longer but I decided to make this part it's own chapter. I hope you guys are liking this story. I am. Haha. Well, until next time, Ja'ne.


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