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Olivia's P.O.V.

Ace and I came back from that cabin weeks ago and now, after a while, I started getting sick. I would feel stomach pains as I barfed in the bathroom. I have no Idea why.
I was walking with Ace today as we were walking around outside walking inside the rose maze that was located in a far part of the forest. Ace said it was really cool & that this was a garden his friend Mitsuda & his wife owned. I have yet to meet them but I allowed Ace to take me since he said it would be fun and that he has permission.
We walked around the maze for hours yet, we were lost still as we reached a dead end.
"Ace. You got us lost again."
"Nope. I know exactly where I'm going. Haha."
"Yea. Keep telling yourself that. Haha."
"Ace..." Just then, I started to feel nauseous and my stomach started to hurt. I then doubled over, clutching my stomach as groaned out in pain.
"Olivia? What's wrong?" Ace said with concern in his voice as he rubbed my back. I just groaned in response as I kept clutching my stomach.
Ace started walking, picking me up so we can find a exit and we somehow made it out with me still in Ace's arms. He put me down carefully & I threw up.
"Olivia? You sure you're ok. You have been vomiting so much lately and getting stomach pains." Ace said, still concern in his voice as he leaned against the tall rose bush, watching me as I rinsed out my mouth with a water bottle that he was carrying around.
I looked down, scared about what I was gone to tell him.
"Ace. Please don't be mad when I tell you this."
"You see. I'm really late and stuff so, I think I'm..." I paused as I kept looking down, fiddling with my fingers as Ace stayed where he was, silent still. Taking a deep breath, I told him.
"Ace, I'm pregnant!" I bursted out. I then heard Ace shift & I was suddenly in a embrace as Ace kissed me. I relaxed & kissed back.
"A baby. Wow. Olivia, why would I be mad at that? I'm so happy." Ace said with a smile as he pulled away.
"R-really? "
"Of course. That's amazing. Also, I expected this to happen sooner or later. Haha."
"Y-yea. Haha." Ace kept smiling as he held me close & buried his face my neck. I smiled and buried my face into his neck as I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, holding him close. I was so happy he wasn't upset. So happy that he is happy. We're going to have a baby and I'm so happy.
Happy to be the one Ace loves. The one he choose instead of Anntonia. Happy to be the one he married. Happy to be the one to carry his children. Because of Ace, I was able to escape from my past and find happiness. I love him much & I will always be here with him. I want to stay by his side. If I sound clingy, whatever. I don't care. I am just so happy right now.
I will fight to keep the ones I love and I will always cherish them. Especially now since things seem to be getting a bit more wild. Also, now that I have a baby on the way I have someone else dear to me now that I need to protect. I am a soon to be mother. How unreal it feels. I thought it would be impossible to have a kid since none of the men in town approached me. When they did it was to beat me.
But Ace was kind to me. He never hits me or does anything to hurt me. He really is a kind knight. My knight in shining red armor and I love him.

Grey's P.O.V.

I was watching my little brother have a bitch fit as he heard the news. His little obsession is pregnant. Haha. And she is carrying my favorite pawn's child. This infuriated him and he was trashing my home as he killed some of my servants and was breaking a bunch of my belongings. I didn't care since he will have to deal with repairs so I watched him make a mess as I chuckled being entertained my little brother's behavior as he keeps on screwing himself over as the bill he has to pay for repairs rises the more he destroys and rages.
Haha. Now, back to the main topic and interest; I never would of thought that my pawn would have a lover. Much less a kid. Well, not with my brother's obsession. I was so sure that Anntonia girl would be the one Ace would end up with. Haha. But no, it was Kawashima Olivia. She was a total mix up. A mistake even. Haha. But a fun mistake. Because of her, this game has gotten interesting.
She has added more players to the game. Which makes it more fun. The more the merrier is what they say. Also, since Olivia seems different from everyone else then, she would probably give birth to a child equally interesting. Since it is also Ace's child.
I have a feeling that this child will help me with my plan. Help me destroy this wretched earth and the pathetic humans that it holds. Also, with the humans gone it will crush the other gods. For they absolutely adore these pathetic creatures. And in their crushed state I shall also conquer the gods and rein supreme. Yes. My plan will succeed. I can just taste the victory.
I watched Suga's gang & everyone else through my crystal ball, ignoring my brother who kept on having a fit like a whiny human child. Chuckling to myself I went back to watching Ace and Olivia as they kept on hugging each other as they kissed. Their love for one another growing stronger each passing day. Making them more and more of a perfect pair.
With this kind of passion it means the way they think and move will be interesting. It still interests me to how Ace is able to have a heart when he doesn't have one. For it's right here in my hand as it's encased in this iceball.
Haha. Oh how I wonder; how does a heartless man have a heart when he lost his real one a long time ago. I am dying to solve that puzzle yet I will wait a bit more. This game has made another interesting turn.

To be continued.....

Thank you for reading this chapter. I'm sorry if it sucked. I sorta did the in a rush. Haha. Well, I hope you are enjoying this story. Feel free to vote and comment. I would love to hear your opinions. Until next time, Ja'ne.


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