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Olivia's P.O.V.

I had just come back from practice with Daisy and I just got out of the shower. Again, Ace was gone, but tonight he was with his friends, Tamashii and the others. So I didn't mind.
As I was walking out and drying my long red hair I saw Ace's rucksack on the floor. I picked it up placed it down on his desk and was about to head to bed when my curiosity got the better of me.
Sitting down in the chair I opened the bag and looked inside. There, I found 3 wooden dolls. A bad guy, knight, & princess. Smiling softly I placed them down on the desk as I positioned them in a certain order. I put the bad guy to the side while I put the knight with his princess, protecting her from the villain.
"Don't worry hime-sama(princess), your knight in shining armour will protect you. He won't let anyone hurt you." I whispered as I rested on the desk, smiling.
I stared at the dolls for a bit before I then sat up and went to go see what else there was. I then found a picture book. Opening it, it was filled with pictures of cute little creatures and beautiful settings.
As I was looking through it, some papers fell out. Picking them up, I that there was a birth certificate and a photo. Placing the photo and book down, I looked at the certificate and saw it was in German. Yet, I knew it was Ace's. I looked at it and smiled. This announced the day Ace entered this world. What a beautiful thing. Looking at the date I saw the date he was born. December 13. Hey, that is two days! I will plan something. Something fun for Ace. I must make his 25 birthday special. Haha. He is a year older than me. I will be turning 24 April 2nd when my birthday comes.
I was smiling, smiling because I am so happy that I finally found out Ace's birthday. I would ask him when is his birthday is but he would brush it off and change the subject. He always does that when he doesn't want to talk about something. Ace must not like his birthday because of what happened on his 10th birthday. With his parents.
Shaking my head, I wanted to get that thought out of my before it made me cry. It already broke my heart. Placing the certificate down on the desk, right next to the figures.
I then looked at the photo and then felt tears stream down my face. It was picture of Ace when he was a cute little toddler and in the picture he was with two people; a man and woman. His parents. I smiled as the tears kept on feeling. This was heart wrenching. Yet, I couldn't help but smile. Gaaaaaah, so many emotions. Why am I feeling this way? Am I too sentimental?
Yet, it is so sweet. The picture. At least it shows that at one point Ace and his family all loved each other. Yet, what happened I wonder. What made them turn against him. Could it be that....
My thoughts were disrupted when a hand slammed down on the desk and my name was said loudly. I quickly stood up, startled as the chair fell back. My heart was beating so fast as I was scared shitless.
There, stood Ace, looking down at the things, his bangs covering his eyes. His fingers were curled into that palm of his gloved hand as he leaned over the desk. He was trembling as his jaw was clenched, his teeth showing. Then, I saw tears stream down his face and onto his hand.
I felt my heart break and tears started to fall. I hate seeing Ace like this and I hate upsetting him. I shouldn't have done what I did. I brought up painful memories for Ace. It is my fault. I shouldn't have let my curiousity get the better of me.
I gripped the skirt of my night gown and bowed my head so my hair can cover my face.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Ace. It's my fault. I looked through your belongings without your permission and I brought up painful memories. I'm so..." I cut off when I felt Ace's gentle hand press against the back of my head and then pulled me close into a embrace. I gasped a bit but then relaxed.
"It's ok. It was my fault. I shouldn't have let myself get worked up about something that was in the past. That isn't like me. Just don't cry. You did nothing wrong Olivia. So don't cry. You know how I hate seeing people upset. Hehe." Chuckled into my hair as he kissed the top of my forehead.
I gripped his coat as my face was buried into his chest.
"Ok. As long as you are not mad."
"It takes a whole lot more than that to get me mad. Haha." Ace said with a laugh. I smiled and remembered. Yes. It does take a lot to make Ace mad. To be honest, I've never seen him mad. Which is another amazing characteristic that Ace has. He doesn't get mad. He is so kind. Now that I think about it, we never fought have we? No we haven't. Haha. He is passive and laid back too. Haaa. I love him so much.
"Are you thinking about me again?" Ace asked light heartedly. I looked up at him with a deep blush, shocked that he knew what I was thinking.
"H-how did you know?!" I stuttered. Ace laughed and then said,
"I didn't know. I was just joking. But I guess I guessed right. Haha."
I groaned and turned around, plopping down on the bed face first. I was embarrassed. So so embarrassed. Feeling a weight shift I peeked up and saw Ace smiling down at me.
"You are so funny. Did you know that?"
"Yea. Funny awkward. *groan*" I then buried my burning face back into the pillow. Ace then chuckled softly and then laid back down on the bed, kicking off his boots as he put his hands behind his head; closing his eyes.
"Ace?" I called his name as peeked up at him.
"Hm?" Ace opened one eye and looked at me, still in the same position.
"Why didn't you tell me your birthday is in two days?"
"Meh. My birthday isn't that big of deal. Also...I just don't like my birthday. It's anything but happy. So I see no importance to it." Ace said nonchalantly as he closed his eye.
"I see." I said and then started to think as I now laid on my back, looking up at the ceiling.
I then flipped over onto my side, facing him. Closing my eyes I waited until I heard him snore. That meant he was asleep.
Smiling, I gently rubbed the back of my hand down his soft cheek as my heart pounded. Then, I snuck out of bed and headed towards Suga's office. I had a plan and I wanted Suga to help me with it. This year Ace will have a happy birthday.

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