Ambushed & Betrayed

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Olivia's P.O.V.

Quiet. It's been quiet. For a few months now. Quiet. Yet I know stuff has been going on. I mean. Recently I have found newspaper articles of me. Then even have photos of me committing crimes yet, that wasn't me. Something is going on outside the mansion and I have no idea what. But somehow, someone is posing as me. A look alike. How?
Ace tells me I should ignore it but to be honest. I can't. I tell him I'm ok but I am still worried. For that means that people are now going to come after me. After Ace and Clementine.
I want to fight. I know how to fight. Yet I have to stay with Ace and Clenentine. Especially now. I will protect them.
Clementine is 10 months now and it is yet another Christmas month and everything is warm and family like. Yet Clementine has been spoiled by everyone. They're constantly giving her gifts or ect.
Ace seems happy too. Also, he has not been leaving as much lately. It just makes me wonder.
My lessons with Daisy has been decreasing for now. Since she knows I am busy with Clementine and understands the importance of mothering a child. Since she always wanted to have a mother herself.
"Ma!" Clementine called out to me. Which was her first word. Haha. Ace and I were so happy. Ever so happy. Just us, our friends, loved ones, & daughter. It felt as is time would stop as we were all together. Having people around you is the greatest thing. The love you feel towards them and the love they feel for you. It's what makes one strong. What holds us together.
Smiling, I picked up Clementine and bounced her a bit. Causing her to laugh as she was just saying random things that she saw and pointed out.
I was walking until I stopped suddenly as I heard Suga's voice.
"Akira. Do you have anything?"
"Not yet. But it seems that someone here is a spy for the enemy."
"Yea. That note that we received was pretty troublesome. How did it get on my desk like that? No one is able to do that unless they are there in person. Then what it said, they know everything now. Then they seem to have a army. And I know, my brother and his gang is with them. Haaa. What are we going to do? I know I am not giving up Olivia-san. For she is part of this gang and I give up on no one. Also, she is Ace's wife and then she is a mother. What would happen to that child if she looses her mom? Akira, I can't do that."
"I know. And I am well aware. We must be on out guard. They can attack anytime it seems."
"Gaaaah! At least they could've put a date on when they're attacking."
"Suga, then that'd defeat the purpose of, "attacking anytime". It's only natural that you want to get your enemy when they least expect it. You do." Akira pointed out.
"I knoooow. But when I do it it's different." Suga protested.
"In what way?" Akira asked in a calm voice.
"I make it so much cooler. Because I'm badass. But when they do it, it's just so laaaame." Suga whined, sounding like a child.
"Haaaa. You're so childish for a young man in his 20s." Akira said with exasperation.
"Love you too." Suga said with sarcasm.
"There you go again "leader". The blackhearted, merciless, stone cold leader. Haaa. I bet if you enemies knew how you really are they'd whittle away with shame."
"Hey! That isn't nice you know!"
"So childish."
"You started it!" Suga whined.
"Anyways." Akira said to change the topic.
"You're changing the subject. But the other one is of more importance." Suga said, giving up.
"Ye..." Akira started but was cut off.
"Suga-Sama! Suga-sama! We found someone! He has information!" Said a male voice.
"Hm? What is it Tomoya?"
"I found a spy! He is with that demon! The one who was working with one of rivals."
"Huh? Casper?!" Suga said in shock. Casper?! I thought. My heart aching. Not Casper. Anyone but Casper. Casper wouldn't betray us. Never ever.
Holding Clementine securely in my arms, I stayed hidden. Listening with suspense and hurt.
"Casper-san, why?" Suga asked. Yet Casper stayed limp in the black haired man's arms. Blood dripping from his bowed head. He was silent.
That then brought Suga to shake him, clearly hurt.
"You do realize that I should kill you right? But....but....but do you realise that you actually have people who care about you?! That you betrayed all of us.Casper. You do know the penalty for betrayal?" Suga said with hurt anger. Yet Casper was silent. Suga sighed and then said,
"Death." He said. Yet before they could do anything to him I stepped out,
"Yamete(stop it)!"
"Olivia?!" Casper said as he looked up.
"Olivia-san?" Akira and Suga exclaimed. Clementine looked startled and confused like the rest of them.
"Stop it! You guys don't know what really happened to him. Casper wouldn't betray us. Never ever. Casper. Say something. Explain yourself. Please." I begged. Then Clementine said,
"Please. Cappy." That made Casper wide eyed as he saw Clementine. She was teary eyed. She can tell. This is bad.
"Clem. Livia." Casper said, his voice croaking as his eyes watered.
"Gomen. But, I am a spy. I betrayed you. Gomen. Please, don't try to protect me."
"Casper. But if you admit that you were forced as I spy. I know I have no evidence but I trust you. I know you are a good person. Suga please. Believe me. Casper is a really good man. Casper. Just give us your story. Please. The truth."
"A..." Casper started when a door suddenly slammed open. There stood Tamashii and he had a giant grin on his face.
"Heeeey! How is everyone?! Guys you wo...woah! Casper! Bruh. What happened to you? Did you get caught spying on the ladies while they were in the bathroom again?"
"Hehe. Maybe."
"Duuude. You should've brought me with!"
"What was that?" A female voice asked coming up from behind Tamashii. In which he jumped, startled.
"Oh. Hi."He said with a smile.
"Mmmmhmmm. Yea. I know what you up to." Daisy said, pinching his cheeks, her lips puckered as she pouted.
"Meeeeh. Daaaaisy~ It's not what it sounds like. You know I love you~." Tamashii said in a funny voice, acting childish like how he always does. Which is a character trait that is admirable.
"Yea. I love too boo." Daisy said with a sweet smile, her wolf ears perking up and tail popping out as she wagged it.
"Z! Mi!" Clementine said in a cheerful voice. Just then Daisy and Tamashii looked my way at Clementine. The two then stumbled over towards Clementine and I, smiling as they wagged their tails. Daisy then took Clementine and started fawning over her with Tamashii. Acting like the adoring aunt and unlce that they are to Clementine.
"Are you two done here?" Suga said with a sigh. Pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Oh. Suga! Hi! Didn't see you there!" Tamashii bursted out, beaming as he waved.
"Hiiii!" Daisy said. Suga sighed and Akira got agitated.
"Is your only voice level loud?" Akira asked Tamashii with spite.
"Heh. Got a problem with that?" Tamashii said with a smirk, clearly mocking Akira. Then there was lightening between them as they looked at each other with challenging looks.
"Why you...I oughta teach you a few things."
"Wow. I'm really scared." Tamashii said with false fear before he then started giving Akira a mocking look again.
"Come at me bruh." Tamashii said, literally ready to have brawl with Akira. They growled at each other until Suga then said in a firm, authoritative voice that had that scary edge to it,
Everyone was startled. Suga rarely uses that tone of voice and according to Akira, he get lets like that when he is serious about a issue.
We were quite as we watched Suga staring at Casper, deep in thought. What were probably only mere minutes felt like hours as time passed by slowly.
"What happened?" Daisy whispered to Akira as she held Clementine. Akira took her a bit far off explaining to her what has been happening. Then, Suga finally spoke.
"I'll give you this one chance to explain yourself. If you are not honest with me I will kill you."
"Suga! But that is going to fa..."
"Olivia! This is how it works in this place understand that." Suga said in a deep dark tone.
"Hai." I said in a low weak voice. Backing down.
"Now. Answer me." Suga demanded. Just as Casper was about to speak there was a earsplitting sound.
"What the fuck?!" Tamashii yelled, confused. Daisy snarled as she gripped Tamashii's hand. Tamashii looked down, now knowing that something serious is gonna go down.
"Damn it. Tomoya! Take Casper and leave. Daisy. Tamashii, go help the others in the front door area. Akira, come with me. And Olivia, help others evacuate."
"Right." I said. Taking Clementine away from Daisy I rushed over to the nursery where maids were already getting kids out. Everything was chaos as people were running up and down the halls in a panic. People were barking out orders at each other and reporting what was happening.
We were being ambushed. This time not only by Ginta's gang or Aku's henchmen. There were also citizens fighting with them. Along with people who seem to be on Grey's side. They are in the entrance yet they're being held back for now.
Which should buy us time to get the children out, letting them escape through the secret underground passage ways.
"Olivia!" I heard Romano and Kylee call out to me. Turning I saw them. They both had that look of worry.
"Romano. Kylee. You two ok?!" I asked.
"Yea. We are. What about Clementine and you?" Romano asked.
"We're fine." I said. Trying to comfort Clem and tell her everything is going to be alright.
"Where's Ace?" Kylee asked.
"I don't...."
"Olivia! Clem!" I heard a familiar voice call out to us. Turning with Clementine in my arms I saw Ace running down the halls. He hugged us tightly and I hugged him back.
"Thank god you two are ok." Ace said with a sigh of relief.
"We are. Ace, who is attacking?"
"Ginta's gang. Towns people. Lizard man's troops. Even that bastard is in on it. We're greatly outnumbered but are able to hold them back. We have to get everyone out of here."
"Ace..." Before I could say anything, there was a blast and Ace held onto me tightly while I protected Clem. The blast having blown us all back a bit.
Everything was in a daze and my ears rung. I felt Clementine crying as she moved around in my arms. I had my eyes shut. When I opened them I saw Kylee. Or in this case, Eelyk. She was fighting. So was Romano, handy with guns as they too fought some strange people.
"Olivia! Olivia! Get up!" I heard a muffled voice. Ace.
He helped me up, grabbing my hand as he ran, leading me. The chaos everywhere until we ended up on the east side which was somewhat quiet. Ace led me into a dark room. There was a window yet it was draped.
"Olivia. Get away from her while you still can. Protect Clementine." Ace said, placing his sword down to hug me while also placing a hand against Clementine's cheek. Smiling.
Clementine looked up at Ace, calming down.
"Good girl." Ace said in a loving voice. Clementine then grabbed his finger, smiling too. Ace leaned down and kissed her forehead. He then kissed me before picking his sword up.
"Ace. Wait. Why don't you escape with us?"
"Because they'll be coming to look for you. That is why I have to buy you time to get away. Olivia, you need to get away from here. That is final and don't argue with me. Ok?" Ace asked. My heart skipped a beat and nodded. I was beyond worried though.
I kissed Ace once more and he kissed back before before running out.
I sat there for bit. Waiting as I held Clementine close to me. Even though she doesn't fully understand what is going on, she understood something big; this was dangerous and horrifying. She was scared and all I could do is comfort her. Which is all that she needed.
I finally made my move. Clementine was on my back in a tight sling that I had used by using a old blanket.
I climbed out the window and started to run off. When I was outside there was a large crowd by the main entrance. People were yelling and invading the Mansion in a animalistic manner. It made me sick with fear yet I turned and ran. Ran to get my daughter away from the gruesome sight that is most likely taking place.
I kept running and then I heard people yell,
"There she is! Get her!" I saw some men running towards me. I tried running even faster. Yet the terrain was uneven and I had Clementine with me. So I was in trouble. Yet I kept of going. I mustn't stop. I mustn't!
Then, the worst thing happened. I reached cliff. I tried to find another means of escape but I was too late. People have surrounded me. I looked around in horror, now clutching Clementine.
They were all closing in on me slowly, yelling out strings and strings of insults. Tears were in my eyes. Not because of the insults. But because of the fear. The fear of dying and then as I hold Clementine, she will die with me. I don't want that! I don't! I don't! I don't! I pulled out charm Asano had given me and clutched it, screaming out a plead.
"ACE! SOMEONE! SAVE US!" I screamed, clutching Clementine who was crying. Just then, he came. Ace was fighting the group of men, calling out to me. I smiled, feeling relieve yet it was short lived for the ground under me gave in and I was falling. It felt as if time went by slowly. My eyes were wide as tears were falling, being carried by the wind. My heart pounding and stomach wrenching with sickening fear.
Just then I saw Asano appear. She had bat wings, horns, and a arrow like tail. Her eyes were glowing gold. She saw me and tried diving down for me. There was no time. Stuffing the charm into the bundle with Clementine, I pushed her upwards. Asano caught her and I smiled. Relieved. My baby will live. She'll be ok. That is all that I want. What makes me be filled with happiness.
Just then, I felt the painful impact with the ocean. I was sinking. I looked up, my vision blurred by the water.
Yet, I can still tell how beautiful it was. The sunlight. I raised my hand to glow while I was slowly being swallowed my the dark blue.
My chest was burning. It was excruciatingly painful. I wanted to breath. Soon enough, water filled my lungs, even more pain was felt and I was losing consciousness. My body shutting down to protect me from anymore pain. But then, I saw it. Something was glowing, heading towards me. It grabbed my hand but I couldn't tell who or what it was to grab me. For soon, darkness surrounded me and I could feel no more.

To be continued......

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